Saturday, February 28
Wednesday, February 25
wassup? I have so much going on rite now! Play is so hectic we managed to get 3 pages done in 2 hours. Show choir and contest has also got me tied down i've got to memorize 9 peices before april. But anyways enough about that damn stuff read this conversation I had with my friend tomamama. Amuse yourself and please ignore all the tyops... tpoys... ypotys... TYPOS!!!!
Sunday February 15th, 2003
tomamama29: are you going to practice monday?
ElectricOzzy7: yes i have to
ElectricOzzy7: u
tomamama29: same
ElectricOzzy7: i have to be there every day of practice
tomamama29: same here
ElectricOzzy7: what is the sat. gonna be like w/ 60 some odd people
tomamama29: i agree with the odd part
ElectricOzzy7: ha
tomamama29: it's going to be hectic
tomamama29: and sears will be very angry at the end of the day
tomamama29: and stressed
ElectricOzzy7: what about food and money
tomamama29: no idea
ElectricOzzy7: i think it will be every man woman for him her self
tomamama29: every man-woman?
tomamama29: scary thought.
ElectricOzzy7: we do chicken rite
tomamama29: scary thought again, but not as much
ElectricOzzy7: u put it all in our heads thomas
ElectricOzzy7: no offens
tomamama29: actually, that was jordan
ElectricOzzy7: oh
ElectricOzzy7: sry
tomamama29: i think I helped publicize it though, so I'm guilty on that count
ElectricOzzy7: all plays and mimes shows are very perverted on the under skin
ElectricOzzy7: what day will u die according to the death clock
ElectricOzzy7: ahh u spaced off again
tomamama29 signed off at 5:55:58 PM.
tomamama29 signed on at 5:56:00 PM.
ElectricOzzy7: what the
tomamama29: computer problem
tomamama29: it does that randomly
ElectricOzzy7: ahh
ElectricOzzy7: mine too
ElectricOzzy7: when will u die according to the death clock
tomamama29: some time in 2060
tomamama29: that was random
ElectricOzzy7: No not really im lookind at mine rite now i die sunday july 14 2069 i have 2,064,027, 809....908...807 ...second left
tomamama29: heh
ElectricOzzy7: 808*
tomamama29: you're older than you've ever been and now you're even older
ElectricOzzy7: i knwo its gerat heee
ElectricOzzy7: i shall prove it wrong and destroy the internet and all the minds it has taken power of
ElectricOzzy7: hahahaha
tomamama29: can one destroy the internet?
ElectricOzzy7: i dont know but i will try
ElectricOzzy7: you know my motto man u can always count on me ill always let u down
tomamama29: right then
ElectricOzzy7: ooooo mythbusters starts in an hour
ElectricOzzy7: *frolics off to the tv* stares blankly
tomamama29: hour!
ElectricOzzy7: ya well...
ElectricOzzy7: i can amuse myself with the distortyed reflection cof myself coming from the tv
ElectricOzzy7: of
tomamama29: and make funny faces, of course
ElectricOzzy7: well of course]
ElectricOzzy7: do u guys have to do a poetry unit in english
tomamama29: we might
tomamama29: i'm not sure
ElectricOzzy7: ohh
ElectricOzzy7: we started ours and it bites
ElectricOzzy7: i bet if a really mean person saw a porr old blind man on the street he or she would probably rob him blind
ElectricOzzy7: ha no pun intended
tomamama29: wow
tomamama29: that was kind of funny and sad
ElectricOzzy7: ya i know
ElectricOzzy7: my dad heard me laugh and is very scared
ElectricOzzy7: i cant see strait
tomamama29: i'd be afraid too
ElectricOzzy7: we should all be afraid of the mist powerful weapons inthe universe our minds
ElectricOzzy7: *scary music*
tomamama29: scary scary music
tomamama29: that's a good weapon
ElectricOzzy7: ya
ElectricOzzy7: dum da dum.. da ddum da dum da dum... daaaaaaaaa dum dddddaaaaaaaaa dummmmmmm dum
tomamama29: scary scary weapon
ElectricOzzy7: lol;
tomamama29: the children are fleeing in horror
tomamama29: it's almost as if a naked man has ran into the room with a knife
ElectricOzzy7: i just stand there and laugh
ElectricOzzy7: ha
ElectricOzzy7: aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
ElectricOzzy7: its the year 2028 presidental elctions r coming uo the canidayes are Jordan for the rep. side and Joanna for the dem. side who wins?
ElectricOzzy7: canidates*
ElectricOzzy7: ahh ur comp frozze
tomamama29: no, yours did
ElectricOzzy7: no
ElectricOzzy7: who wins
tomamama29: well, probably jordan, because he's a guy, and women can't be president.
ElectricOzzy7: ah thats not true
tomamama29: i know
ElectricOzzy7: it could scratch that will happen
tomamama29: i was just joking
ElectricOzzy7: hmmmmm
ElectricOzzy7: no seriouly who'd win
tomamama29: it'd get ugly, that's for sure
ElectricOzzy7: no kidding
ElectricOzzy7: if a piano player is called a pianist why isnt a race car driver called a racist
tomamama29: woah
tomamama29: that's good
ElectricOzzy7: english language is wierd
tomamama29: very
ElectricOzzy7: did ur comp frez
tomamama29: today is boring compared to yesterday
tomamama29: not yet
ElectricOzzy7: y
ElectricOzzy7: i am going to ask u a question and i want u to answer very truthfully ok
tomamama29: sure
ElectricOzzy7: Do you Thomas Francis Matysik work for or in any form of the government?
tomamama29: heh
ElectricOzzy7: well///
tomamama29: i refuse to answer
ElectricOzzy7: fine
ElectricOzzy7: *stomps off in a huffy*
tomamama29: huffy indeed
ElectricOzzy7: brb
tomamama29: right
ElectricOzzy7: kcab
tomamama29: cab?
tomamama29: where?
ElectricOzzy7: outside ur house
tomamama29: never!
ElectricOzzy7: did u know that sharpies are permanent on most serfaces
ElectricOzzy7: and there nontoxic
tomamama29: what about hamsters?
tomamama29: yes, hamsters are non-toxic, but are they permanent on hamsters?
ElectricOzzy7: i
ElectricOzzy7: dontlike
ElectricOzzy7: i dont no lets find out
tomamama29: my sister's hamster would be your perfect friend
tomamama29: it enjoys escaping from cages.
ElectricOzzy7: shutup
ElectricOzzy7: nnnnnnoooooooooooo
ElectricOzzy7: me and hamsters just don get alon *movie falsh back over exagerated*
tomamama29: wow
tomamama29: the hamsterdance I assume?
ElectricOzzy7: sorta like that
ElectricOzzy7: remember the movie me,britt, and margerate did
ElectricOzzy7: in cosmure ed
tomamama29: ah
tomamama29: we only saw a bit of it
tomamama29: the bell saved you guys
ElectricOzzy7: we had dancing hamsters do the intro and credits
ElectricOzzy7: but lucily the class did not see the whole thing
tomamama29: yep
ElectricOzzy7: i think mr pond kept it or copy
ElectricOzzy7: i shall steal it and fedd it to my hungy midget henchmen
tomamama29: is his name peter?
ElectricOzzy7: yes surprisingly
tomamama29: peter is just a good midget name.
ElectricOzzy7: ya i ate his sister fred
tomamama29: wow
ElectricOzzy7: i was hungry and all the food in the house was either nasty, rotten or required an oven to cook
tomamama29: ah
ElectricOzzy7: she tasted like beef jery
ElectricOzzy7: jerky
tomamama29: beef jery
tomamama29: how does jerry taste?
ElectricOzzy7: ya thats there twin brother bob
ElectricOzzy7: like chicken
tomamama29: wow
ElectricOzzy7: i amuse my self
tomamama29: you're amusing me, too.
ElectricOzzy7: here read my away message when it on
tomamama29: sure
ElectricOzzy7: type something
ElectricOzzy7: after i turn it on
ElectricOzzy7: ur hopless u didn't even read it
tomamama29: sorry
tomamama29: put it up again
tomamama29: please
ElectricOzzy7: will u read it
tomamama29: yes
ElectricOzzy7: type something when it on so u will see it
tomamama29: just tell me when it's going up
tomamama29: right
tomamama29: typeing
tomamama29: typing.
ElectricOzzy7: try in like 10 sec
tomamama29: sorry, that was a typo
tomamama29: right
tomamama29: 1.
Auto response from ElectricOzzy7: I am probably off watching mythbusters or Pirates of the Carribean oooooo Johny Depp *drool*!!
tomamama29: scary
tomamama29: very scary
ElectricOzzy7: i like it
tomamama29: and that was only one.
ElectricOzzy7: i have others in progress
tomamama29: in progress?
tomamama29: how long's it take you to make one of those?
ElectricOzzy7: a while my mind is out of order i am waiting for the plumber
tomamama29: the toilet is not working?
ElectricOzzy7: ya
ElectricOzzy7: i mean no... what?
tomamama29: you're waiting for the plumber
ElectricOzzy7: yes
tomamama29: did you know mc hammer became a pastor?
ElectricOzzy7: what
tomamama29: he did
tomamama29: he wrote "can't touch this"
ElectricOzzy7: weird
ElectricOzzy7: ha
tomamama29: i've got to eat
tomamama29: goodbye
ElectricOzzy7: bye
i know that made absoulutly no sense!!! but that's what makes it fun!!!
Sunday February 15th, 2003
tomamama29: are you going to practice monday?
ElectricOzzy7: yes i have to
ElectricOzzy7: u
tomamama29: same
ElectricOzzy7: i have to be there every day of practice
tomamama29: same here
ElectricOzzy7: what is the sat. gonna be like w/ 60 some odd people
tomamama29: i agree with the odd part
ElectricOzzy7: ha
tomamama29: it's going to be hectic
tomamama29: and sears will be very angry at the end of the day
tomamama29: and stressed
ElectricOzzy7: what about food and money
tomamama29: no idea
ElectricOzzy7: i think it will be every man woman for him her self
tomamama29: every man-woman?
tomamama29: scary thought.
ElectricOzzy7: we do chicken rite
tomamama29: scary thought again, but not as much
ElectricOzzy7: u put it all in our heads thomas
ElectricOzzy7: no offens
tomamama29: actually, that was jordan
ElectricOzzy7: oh
ElectricOzzy7: sry
tomamama29: i think I helped publicize it though, so I'm guilty on that count
ElectricOzzy7: all plays and mimes shows are very perverted on the under skin
ElectricOzzy7: what day will u die according to the death clock
ElectricOzzy7: ahh u spaced off again
tomamama29 signed off at 5:55:58 PM.
tomamama29 signed on at 5:56:00 PM.
ElectricOzzy7: what the
tomamama29: computer problem
tomamama29: it does that randomly
ElectricOzzy7: ahh
ElectricOzzy7: mine too
ElectricOzzy7: when will u die according to the death clock
tomamama29: some time in 2060
tomamama29: that was random
ElectricOzzy7: No not really im lookind at mine rite now i die sunday july 14 2069 i have 2,064,027, 809....908...807 ...second left
tomamama29: heh
ElectricOzzy7: 808*
tomamama29: you're older than you've ever been and now you're even older
ElectricOzzy7: i knwo its gerat heee
ElectricOzzy7: i shall prove it wrong and destroy the internet and all the minds it has taken power of
ElectricOzzy7: hahahaha
tomamama29: can one destroy the internet?
ElectricOzzy7: i dont know but i will try
ElectricOzzy7: you know my motto man u can always count on me ill always let u down
tomamama29: right then
ElectricOzzy7: ooooo mythbusters starts in an hour
ElectricOzzy7: *frolics off to the tv* stares blankly
tomamama29: hour!
ElectricOzzy7: ya well...
ElectricOzzy7: i can amuse myself with the distortyed reflection cof myself coming from the tv
ElectricOzzy7: of
tomamama29: and make funny faces, of course
ElectricOzzy7: well of course]
ElectricOzzy7: do u guys have to do a poetry unit in english
tomamama29: we might
tomamama29: i'm not sure
ElectricOzzy7: ohh
ElectricOzzy7: we started ours and it bites
ElectricOzzy7: i bet if a really mean person saw a porr old blind man on the street he or she would probably rob him blind
ElectricOzzy7: ha no pun intended
tomamama29: wow
tomamama29: that was kind of funny and sad
ElectricOzzy7: ya i know
ElectricOzzy7: my dad heard me laugh and is very scared
ElectricOzzy7: i cant see strait
tomamama29: i'd be afraid too
ElectricOzzy7: we should all be afraid of the mist powerful weapons inthe universe our minds
ElectricOzzy7: *scary music*
tomamama29: scary scary music
tomamama29: that's a good weapon
ElectricOzzy7: ya
ElectricOzzy7: dum da dum.. da ddum da dum da dum... daaaaaaaaa dum dddddaaaaaaaaa dummmmmmm dum
tomamama29: scary scary weapon
ElectricOzzy7: lol;
tomamama29: the children are fleeing in horror
tomamama29: it's almost as if a naked man has ran into the room with a knife
ElectricOzzy7: i just stand there and laugh
ElectricOzzy7: ha
ElectricOzzy7: aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
ElectricOzzy7: its the year 2028 presidental elctions r coming uo the canidayes are Jordan for the rep. side and Joanna for the dem. side who wins?
ElectricOzzy7: canidates*
ElectricOzzy7: ahh ur comp frozze
tomamama29: no, yours did
ElectricOzzy7: no
ElectricOzzy7: who wins
tomamama29: well, probably jordan, because he's a guy, and women can't be president.
ElectricOzzy7: ah thats not true
tomamama29: i know
ElectricOzzy7: it could scratch that will happen
tomamama29: i was just joking
ElectricOzzy7: hmmmmm
ElectricOzzy7: no seriouly who'd win
tomamama29: it'd get ugly, that's for sure
ElectricOzzy7: no kidding
ElectricOzzy7: if a piano player is called a pianist why isnt a race car driver called a racist
tomamama29: woah
tomamama29: that's good
ElectricOzzy7: english language is wierd
tomamama29: very
ElectricOzzy7: did ur comp frez
tomamama29: today is boring compared to yesterday
tomamama29: not yet
ElectricOzzy7: y
ElectricOzzy7: i am going to ask u a question and i want u to answer very truthfully ok
tomamama29: sure
ElectricOzzy7: Do you Thomas Francis Matysik work for or in any form of the government?
tomamama29: heh
ElectricOzzy7: well///
tomamama29: i refuse to answer
ElectricOzzy7: fine
ElectricOzzy7: *stomps off in a huffy*
tomamama29: huffy indeed
ElectricOzzy7: brb
tomamama29: right
ElectricOzzy7: kcab
tomamama29: cab?
tomamama29: where?
ElectricOzzy7: outside ur house
tomamama29: never!
ElectricOzzy7: did u know that sharpies are permanent on most serfaces
ElectricOzzy7: and there nontoxic
tomamama29: what about hamsters?
tomamama29: yes, hamsters are non-toxic, but are they permanent on hamsters?
ElectricOzzy7: i
ElectricOzzy7: dontlike
ElectricOzzy7: i dont no lets find out
tomamama29: my sister's hamster would be your perfect friend
tomamama29: it enjoys escaping from cages.
ElectricOzzy7: shutup
ElectricOzzy7: nnnnnnoooooooooooo
ElectricOzzy7: me and hamsters just don get alon *movie falsh back over exagerated*
tomamama29: wow
tomamama29: the hamsterdance I assume?
ElectricOzzy7: sorta like that
ElectricOzzy7: remember the movie me,britt, and margerate did
ElectricOzzy7: in cosmure ed
tomamama29: ah
tomamama29: we only saw a bit of it
tomamama29: the bell saved you guys
ElectricOzzy7: we had dancing hamsters do the intro and credits
ElectricOzzy7: but lucily the class did not see the whole thing
tomamama29: yep
ElectricOzzy7: i think mr pond kept it or copy
ElectricOzzy7: i shall steal it and fedd it to my hungy midget henchmen
tomamama29: is his name peter?
ElectricOzzy7: yes surprisingly
tomamama29: peter is just a good midget name.
ElectricOzzy7: ya i ate his sister fred
tomamama29: wow
ElectricOzzy7: i was hungry and all the food in the house was either nasty, rotten or required an oven to cook
tomamama29: ah
ElectricOzzy7: she tasted like beef jery
ElectricOzzy7: jerky
tomamama29: beef jery
tomamama29: how does jerry taste?
ElectricOzzy7: ya thats there twin brother bob
ElectricOzzy7: like chicken
tomamama29: wow
ElectricOzzy7: i amuse my self
tomamama29: you're amusing me, too.
ElectricOzzy7: here read my away message when it on
tomamama29: sure
ElectricOzzy7: type something
ElectricOzzy7: after i turn it on
ElectricOzzy7: ur hopless u didn't even read it
tomamama29: sorry
tomamama29: put it up again
tomamama29: please
ElectricOzzy7: will u read it
tomamama29: yes
ElectricOzzy7: type something when it on so u will see it
tomamama29: just tell me when it's going up
tomamama29: right
tomamama29: typeing
tomamama29: typing.
ElectricOzzy7: try in like 10 sec
tomamama29: sorry, that was a typo
tomamama29: right
tomamama29: 1.
Auto response from ElectricOzzy7: I am probably off watching mythbusters or Pirates of the Carribean oooooo Johny Depp *drool*!!
tomamama29: scary
tomamama29: very scary
ElectricOzzy7: i like it
tomamama29: and that was only one.
ElectricOzzy7: i have others in progress
tomamama29: in progress?
tomamama29: how long's it take you to make one of those?
ElectricOzzy7: a while my mind is out of order i am waiting for the plumber
tomamama29: the toilet is not working?
ElectricOzzy7: ya
ElectricOzzy7: i mean no... what?
tomamama29: you're waiting for the plumber
ElectricOzzy7: yes
tomamama29: did you know mc hammer became a pastor?
ElectricOzzy7: what
tomamama29: he did
tomamama29: he wrote "can't touch this"
ElectricOzzy7: weird
ElectricOzzy7: ha
tomamama29: i've got to eat
tomamama29: goodbye
ElectricOzzy7: bye
i know that made absoulutly no sense!!! but that's what makes it fun!!!
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