Tuesday, August 31

As I was sitting and typing up my Latin project I hear this strange noise like a very strabge car crash happening repeatedly outside of my house...I turn down my music and listen closely to see if there are any voices, and well the sound stopped so I just went back to my project and music. A little while later, I hear the same strange noise, and again I turn down my music and listen closely. A few seconds later it hit me, this is no car crash, it was my sister playing the violin.

Monday, August 30

As qouted br Mrs. Harness "Let's posses that donkey!"

Sunday, August 29

Tonight's the night, I'ma do what I gotta do to get outta here
Tonight's the night, I'ma feel alright feel alright again
I hope I don't end up in jail
But then again I don't really care
Tonight's the night, I'ma feel alright
I'm gonna hit the scene with my friends
Tonight's the night, I'ma feel alright
Feel alright again
Tonight's the night, I'ma do what I gotta go do to get outta here
Tonight's the night, I'ma feel alright
Feel alright again
I hope I don't end up in jail
But then again I don't really care.

Saturday, August 28

I've learned two things today...
1) I am quite a good bowler when I get into it
2) Dancing is rather fun

Thursday, August 26

There's something there... you just have to find it.
I'm all messed up again, I don't know what to do.
I can't even call my friends, to say help me save my life.

Wednesday, August 25

Screw Highschool...I'm going back to Indian Hills.
First day as an offical High Schooler

Ok so today wasn't that bad...
Bus route is totally fucked up, we back track so much.
1st. hr. Study Hall: Ended up in a heart brake
2nd. hr. English: Teacher is really nice but the class is meh not the greatest bunch of people to be with.
3rd. Soc. Studies: Not to fond of the teacher but the my class mates seem ok.
4th. T. Clef: LOVE IT!!!! Mr. Buhr is so funny and the class is really relaxing and Mr. Buhr really hit it off with the alros and sopranos.
5th. Science: 2nd Lunch pretty nice..get a break from class...Teacher seems really nice and class mates are really nice as well.
6th Orchestra: Not much to say here...this is my last year with the violin,,,but hey I am ending with the teacher I started with and hopefully will end my violin career on a good "note".
7th Math: Wow!! This class is awesome..much like last year with Mr. Newendorp...althoug Mr. Biegalow isn't as funny he's still really great and the class is wonderful.
8th Latin: So far so good...I no longer care for my first name...in Latin it means "To be loved" You should of seen my face when I learned that's what it ment...the class started laughing. And sadly Jordan can't have the best window seat there is for now.

Teachers seem to have a hard time with calling me Pichler for some reason..Oh well.

Friday, August 20

Today before going to work...I had a thought about writing a book or a story about a girl with amnesia. Well anyways, when I got home, I remembered that I wanted to write a story, but I couldnt remember what the story was about.

Thursday, August 19

We are no longer an army of one, we are THE ARMY OF FRESHMEN!
"For as long as I can remember, I've had memories," ~Colin Mockerie
Life Cereal is best eaten when crisp and crunchy..preferably out of the box...not soggy when in a bowl of milk with bananas.

Sunday, August 15


Friday, August 13


Thursday, August 12

Jordan's Story

I think they'll take me away to some government building, and then I'll be confronted by a general dude, and he'll be all like "Join the army" and I'll be all like "You join the army." and he'll be like "That's a good idea, maybe I will" and then he'll be all like "If you join the army, I'll be your best friend" and I'll be all like "Nu-uh" and then he'll be all like "Join the army and I'll give you candy" and I'll be all like "Ok!" and he'll be all like "Ok, heres some candy" and then I'll wake up three months later in some cottage in the middle of the woods and then I'll be all like "I thought we were best friends...oh well, I'll just eat some more candy"
yeah that's my story
It's all about the candy when you join the army.

Wednesday, August 11

this is an audio post - click to play
I very much hate my sister Tasha. Often she is a little dumb, and then last week she just uninterested me... I begged her support talking to someone about standards of beauty on the African subcontinent, but she began yelling:
"Whoa! Don't tell me you're into the African subcontinent too!"
At first I started bitching "OH MAN!" then the next day I just ran away all of a sudden. After all, she *is* my sister and I need to make this work...

Monday, August 9

I'm Bored - Annoy some guy
You know its sad...no one truly knows my eye color...not that I payattention to yours but hey whatever...and my hair color is a different story.
Its monster vrs. another scary creature...woman.......~monster games

Saturday, August 7

Hey...wow today was pretty cool.... Bittany was suspecting something but didn't have the whole thing fugured out....and yea every one in on this is too blame for letting a few things slip...the baked potato was pretty funny looking we got a few looks in the machine shed ...but no one said any thing...oh by the way, I now know the correct way to sharade cocktail dress

Friday, August 6

Hey I was just at the Jordan creek mall...and its not all that its cracked up to be...its too much Preppy-American-Eagle-long-lines-no-correct-sizes-jeans-that-are-70-dollars type of stores.

Thursday, August 5

I want to go here some day...and I will before I die!

Tuesday, August 3

Another Mimeish Conversation

ImOkWithThat44: duh
ImOkWithThat44: they won't ever show the real mime
JohnnyDepp669: I KNOW
ImOkWithThat44: they're scared will use our mimeish powers to brainwash them and then use them for strange, kinky sexual acts
ImOkWithThat44: we'll*
JohnnyDepp669: that is so true
ImOkWithThat44: isn't it though?
JohnnyDepp669: words cant describe my anger
ImOkWithThat44: guess we can't reveil to the audience of the mime show what we really did to them
ImOkWithThat44: well that's a shame
JohnnyDepp669: i know its all so depressing and its a weight that all mimes must take on
ImOkWithThat44: but we can still brainwash their asses
JohnnyDepp669: yes yes there asses
Hey, I'm updating blog again. Guess what happened two days ago? Yep, that's right, a blue moon! Woohoo! Blue moon! Yeah! W00t! Yee-haw! Can I hear you say "hoot!"? I can't? damn.

Monday, August 2

In July...it was the roofers that woke me up at such a horribly early hour....now its the dam March Masters!!!