That was the worst thing I have EVER seen in my life!
Any ways, for a long time I have been looking forward to see the IH mime show, getting to see what they've done with out Sear's, who was a mime, (only one possible mime left over from the insane mime troup that existed last year), and were they any good. Well there are 10 things in which I would like to say.
1) The audience and VERY POOR respect for the actors, yelling out when the end of the show came, screming during the middle of skits, (yes laughing is appropriate) it made me so mad! Last year, we had so much respect from the audience.
2) The used songs with LYRICS!!! YOU DON'T USE LYRICS! It takes away from the entire mood of the scene. Not to mention during at least 3 skits, they had song changes which really distracted the audience, and was lost to all hope and oblivion.
3) 1 BOX!!! I REPEAT! 1 BOX! The used chairs and desks!! Only one box, and it wasn't even BLACK!!! There was also no back drop. Yes
CLOWNS were allowed to use trash cans, but they are clowns. Not too mention there wasnt a single clown in the entire show!! But that's the job of a mime. You are given boxes in which you use for desks or chairs or beds.
4) They didn't wear pants. "I have seen things tonight, which I never want to see again." Jordan Lavine. Or gloves for that matter.
5)They walked through walls, and doors, and they moved things to wrong places, PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!
6) There was speaking in one of the skits, you don't get that honor until you become a Baker's Dozen at Valley. Not to mention this skit took the name from Jordan's solo last year.
7) The same girl did all the sign changes and maybe there was a bit of character walk but no, it was just bad. All though we do give her credit for knocking over the stand.
8) Scene changes! IT TOOK FOREVER! And if it takes longer than 5 seconds, you loose the audiences intrest. We had it down pack last year, Sear's worked us hard and in the end we were great. THEY ALSO HAD TECHIES DOING SCENE CHANGES! There were at least 20 mimes, which is way too much because that's a lot of people to encorperate into skits, they had MAKE UP PEOPLE!! We did our own make up and box moving. About 30 peole total were involved with this show, we had 17. 11 mimes, 2 clowns, 2 light booth people, 1, asst. director, and 1 director. 2 people can't direct a show, it's not possible. They should of called in us, we could of had down. We shall conqure!!!! (well for the most part)
10) This is always a problem in every mime show, they don't start on time.
*Despite all you people who think I am skipping school, I am sick! My temp is well over 102 and I'm shaking all over, I went outside when I shouldn't of been, and now I am paying the price. But if I am sick tomarrow, tought luck on me, my butt is at school. This is my last day off till the next semester.