Tuesday, May 31

Rediscovery Of An Awesome Site

My Favs-
ULTIMATE SURVIVOR (Not thet crap show on cable)
LITTLE SUZIE (Damn evil piggies..MUST WORSHIP)
~Until Then

Saturday, May 28

You are a SEDF--Sober Emotional Destructive Follower. This makes you a Evil Genius.

Select Treble Clef

Yea I amde the 2005-2006 Select Treble Clef. It's made up of all Sophmore girls this year, no upper class men. Yea we may be the Valley Singers Rejects and yea I do haev to drop 2 classes and find time to put them in else where, but it will be fun. Can't wait for Concert choir to start because then we will actually sound good again cause we have the guys voices backing us up and the women will had the melody that the audience can actually hear. But overall next year will be a blast for more than just these reasons.
~Until Then

Thursday, May 26

I Never Ever Want To Draw The Stupid World AGAIN!

And I really don't want to study for finals.
~Until Then

Tuesday, May 24

Why can't everyone learn the english language? Cause it's hard.

1. We must polish the Polish furniture
2. He could lead if he would get the lead out.
3. The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.
4. Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.
5. A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.
6. When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
7. I did not object to the object.
8. The bandage was wound around the wound.
9. The farm was used to produce produce.
10. The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
11. The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
12. There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.
13. They were too close to the door to close it.
14. The buck does funny things when the does are present.
15. A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.
16. To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
17. The wind was too strong to wind the sail.
18. After a number of injections my jaw got number.
19. Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear.
20. I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
21. How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?
~Until Then

Monday, May 23

Sunday, May 22

Act Well Your Part, There All The Honor Lies.

Yes, I am a Thespian for troupe 2048!! WOO HOO!! The year's been very long and difficult but hey I had one HELL of a time! The banquet was pretty fun, sat at the Freshemen table. Beware to all incoming drama folk, Katelyn Buckton is our president. Kyle M. got the Alex induction tonight preceeding the banquet. It's now Kalex! Congrats to him! It's sad to see all the seniors go, but they left so much behind them for us to enjoy and to improve on. Also got my first Highschool letter. Now I just need to get a jacket. Oh well!
~Until Then

Random song lyrics

Get crazy with the cheese whiz!

Wow! I'm glad that's over with.

I'm not funny. I know that I'm not. Noy nearly as talented as Toma or Also Jordan. Can't do Famous Last Lines to save my life and how on earth are you suppost to work with French Cow?? But I still can't believe that you went to prom with Travers.
~Until Then

Friday, May 20

Whitest Kids Ever!

Yea..wow these will amuse for a really long time. Even Thomas will get a kick out of this. Just stupid, random, but very well structuraly plotted time wasting violence and activities! Enjoy!
Oh and here is the new thing. Everyone is doing it!!
~Until Then

Thursday, May 19


Come See The Improvibles
Friday May 20 and Saturday May 21
7:00 pm
Valley Auditorium
Yes Maybe, Rambling Toma, Lemonator, Kyle's Mom, and Pichler

Wednesday, May 18


The little metals are pretty nifty and shiny. OOooOOooOOooOOoo shiny!! Ouch they hurt too.
~Until Then

Monday, May 16

9th graders are baaaaad.

For one thing, there's me, who has a problem with school (namely, I can't make myself go--I had a panic attack last night over my painting for art b/c my sun doesn't look right--I spent about an hour sobbing)

Another: Cell phones are bad influences. I've gotten a call from Sheffy each time I've been out lately--at any time from 8:35 to 12:02. And then Lauren calls today from the office at lunch, and she keeps calling me 'mom'. "Hey, mom, we're going over to Jillian's today to finish the project. Wanna come? Ok, see ya, mom."

Saturday, May 14

Damn. And you think YOU have bad days.

Yea we all say it, "Damn. That was the worst day ever. I just want to die right about now." Well some of these people actually have died from the worst day ever.

Wednesday, May 11

Were so close, keep hanging on!

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Yes with only 18 days left of the school year, were all starting to sag a little bit in our studies. We long for that well deserved summer vacation, so close you can almost hear that ocean breeze! But with finals drawing near, teachers are piling up on the homework and end of year projects and tests. For some of us it's just annoying, for others it's almost to much to handle. Keep on going up till the end!!! Were so close to the end!
~Until Then

Saturday, May 7


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Everything around me in all areas of my life is total mayhem. I swear I'm gonna lose it one these days and just totally snap on someone or something. So just beware.
~Until Then

Thursday, May 5

My Morning

Wake up, put off finishing homework, take shower, try on 5 different pairs of pants that don't fit right, try on mom's pants--4 sizes smaller, but fit better than mine--condemn jeans as insufferable and decide today would not be a good day to go to school.

"Mommy, who I love oh so verily much... Idon'twannagotoschooltoday."
"What?! No!"
"Yes. Please?"
"Pretty please with sugar and a cherry on top?"
"I dunno. Oh! Oh! I'm sick. *hack, cough* I have measles, mumps, chicken pox, etc. See? I'm buring up. Oh! No! Don't touch my head, it's too hot! You'll get burned! You'll just have to trust me."
...5 minutes later...
...cut to me helping mom pick out clothes for interview...
"Here, Amanda, you try these on."
"They're a bit big--they feel like they're going to drop off."
...cut to me getting Collin breakfast while mom walks out the door, ready to call southwoods to tell them I'm sick today.
The end.

Hello Again From Red Down

Yes, it's a red down study hall day today, and I have absolutley nothing to do. No homework to do and I am desperatley trying to avoid reading Romeo and Juliet. That book is so pointless and very boring and Green Down is only about 1/2 way done with the blasted text. Gah!! For all of you who have no lives at all, come to the chorus concert tonight at Valley at 7 p.m. LONGEST CONCERT OF YOUR YOUNG LIVES!!! Yea it's the 14 hour long concert so bring your pillow or sleeping bag!
~Until Then

Tuesday, May 3

Yeah....just yeah

My stomach is making funny gurgling sounds in five-second intervals. Is that normal?

You just better hope I don't do this to your car!

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In other words: I'M PISSED!

Monday, May 2


YES! I am 15 years old!!! Had a pretty good day, but I swear like only 5 people even knew it was my birthday. Oh well. Got some pretty neat shizit and stuff. Joanna's sign is so cool and Elena's card is totally KICK ASS!!! Sheffy got me some cool bath stuff, you rock so much thanks!!! And yea now I am on a EXTREME SUGAR HIGH!!!
~Until Then