Wednesday, November 30

Hello from the library. I don't feel like doing my research for my fundies paper. Thane says hello, well he will when I get him (he's sitting right next to me not doing his research paper either) he said hello finally. Okay these computers are frusterating me, they run way to slow for my ADD. So I am going to continue to surf the web at speeds ofthe great turtle. TATA
~Until Then

Monday, November 28

I am such a horrible person. I hate myself.
~Until Then

Sunday, November 27

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Any body willing to do the honors by pulling the trigger?

Wednesday, November 23

If I died right now, I would be happy. I have a WHOLE apple pie to MYSELF!!! I'm sitting in front of the fire downstairs and getting wasted off of Egg Nog right from the carton! Yay calories!!!
~Until Then

Sunday, November 20

I shall now attempt to get drunk off of Grape juice and then bury my sorrows in a bag of cinnimon bread.
~Until Then

Saturday, November 19

I don't even want to say anything anymore. I'm thinking of just cutting all my realtions off with everyone around me. I piss people off, I make them afraid, I make them anxious. I can't seem to hold a realtion with anyone at all now a-days. The only one who really gives a shit about me is my best friend Elena. I don't talk to Lauren anymore because she hangs with a different crowd. I don't see Alexa at all, she has no idea of what the hell goes on anymore. Hell I don't even know what goes on anymore. Maybe I should switch to Johnston and work full time. Maybe I should drop out at 16. Maybe I should just stop talking. Why can't we all just go back to 8th grade and keep relations likes those. I loved that year. What happened to the old Amanda. What happened to me?
~Until Then

Tuesday, November 15

What the hell is going to become of IHSSA this year? I mean the groups are way out of wack and people are just bitchin about it (me included). I just hope we all make it districts in one piece.

On another note, I heard this all day...
Random Person: Hey, did you know that your hair matches your sweater??
Me: Yea, I did actually.
Random Person: Did you plan it or was it coincident?
Me: Nah, I planned it. I'm not that lucky.

Thats what I said out loud, below is what I was thinking...

No you moronic freak. I got dressed in the dark this morning, because my father is too poor to pay our bills and I just happened to pull out this sweater and wear it. And I never actually died my hair with a product, my brain is bleeding because people like you cause it TREMENDOUS trauma by asking the stupid questions that you do.
~Until Then

Monday, November 14

Friday, November 11

Thursday, November 10

Rather Morbid, but humorus in my sick twisted sense of my mind.

500 feet of 3/4" rope;
-Car, with at least a 286-HP 6-banger, with good tires. Known for excellent reliability, pick-up.
-Case of beer, various tranquilizers.
1.Do up! Load up and party!
2.Tie one end of the rope securely to a huge tree.
3.Make a nice hangman's noose in the other end of the rope.
4.Get in the car, run the rope in, and buckle-up, because it's the law! Tighten down real tight on your straps now, boys and girls, for maximum effectiveness.
5.All buckled in nice and secure? Well, now just put that ol' hangman's noose around your little neck, and pull the damn thing up tight.
Tip: If you have a truck with a rear sliding window USE IT.

6. Ladies and gents start your motors! All set? GO LIKE HELL!!!!

Tuesday, November 8

Update from the insane surroundings

Okay so the play has FINALLY ended! Eight long and hectic weeks. But yea I'm sitting in math class (I HATE GEOMETRY) and am bored out of my mind. I have D lunch so I can't eat till 12:20...LINDSEY A. SAYS HELLO FROM THE LAND OF MYSPACE....yea I'm basically starving here. Send me some food please!!!! So yea, doo doo doo killin time, Thane's asleep listening to his music or whatever the heck it is. Thespian Festival this weekend, looking forward to that. Am I ready? Not even close, but oh well. It's the experience that counts, not the grade. Too bad that doesn't work with Highschool (my grades are actually really good, only 2 B's) HEY THANE WOKE UP NOW!! He's sitting next to me and still listening to his music. Well I'm off to kill the rest of my math class.
~Until Then