Sunday, December 31
~Until Then
Thursday, November 23
Tuesday, November 21
~Until Then
Sunday, November 5
I'm not going to do a whole big post on the Laramie Project, I'm worn out and I'm neck deep in a massive writing assignment. So here are the top 10 things I've learned/experienced by being a part of The Laramie Project
1. It's a lot of work to do a mowhawk
2. It's a lot of work to do a 4th show
3. Some guy recognized me as Buzzard Fishbeck...akward
4. I'm losing my hair...slowly
5. WBC is very unimpressive
6. Parents should never be on Tech...they ruin my words
7. Hauling all of your own costume pieces to school, means you have to haul them all back.
8. Freshmen.
9. Hearing the sound of a full house applause is orgasmic
10. Tech has its benifits
~Until Then
Thursday, October 12
On Tuesday, I went to go pick up my sister from 6th grade. I walked in about 5 minutes before the bell rang, so I sat down on a bench and just sorta looked around at what was familiar and what wasn't in that school. A few minutes later, a group of 1st graders came walking down the hall from Art Class. These small children wandering down the hall behind their teacher carrying their pencil boxes and sketchbooks. They're so small. I can't believe that at one point, we were that small as well. It's bizzare. And to think from that a 1st grader's point, they still have 11 years before they graduate. We have 1. One year! Where did our childhood go? What happened to nap time and staying out of the sweets jar before dinner? Where did they go? It just seems to me that this time has passed us by so fast, we're never going to get it back. Then yesterday I went on a college visit to ISU with Nick. The campus is gorgeous! We got a tour of some of the main halls and then went into one of the residence halls and had a pretty yummy lunch. When we got to ISU, we watched a Power Point about why you should come to ISU and all the benifits and acceptance things there are at ISU. I was blown away. I had always thought that I would never want to go to a State school, simply because they were too large. I didn't want to feel like a number. So I had my heart set on Simpson. More expensive = less crowded. But that power point pretty much convinced me that I wanted to go to ISU and what they had to offer me, was more than anything I could ever hope for in a University. I talked with two teachers there on campus, one in music and one in theater. From about 8th grade, I've always wanted to do something in music, but not major in it. Well music eduaction is only a major, but the lady told me that out of the 900+ students invloved in the music programs, only about 130 were music majors/minors. My passion for music will never die, but I need to persue my love of theater. Before I left the Music Hall, I listened to the State's Men's Choir. It was fantastic!! I've never heard a sound like that! And a guy that I was talking to before class, was a history major. It was very cool. After I left the hall I headed to Pearson Hall to talk with Jane Cox about theater. She then pretty much convinced me that I was definantly coming to ISU. The theater program there is fantastic. They do 9 shows a year and they have a family so you don't feel like a number there. Yay!! And they have exactlly the major I want with a few empahsis in Directing, Acting, and Technical Theater. Then a minor in Performing Arts. This is what I want to do for the rest of my life. Help others discover the joys of theater. Two years ago, I was sitting there as a freshmen thinking, "Pssht, I've got 4 years left of High School." Now I'm thinking "Man this is what I want to do with my life. This is who I wan't to be. Here's how I make that happen." So whether you're carring a penical box and crayons, 1000 Page text books and binders, or persuing your Major, it's all the same thing. Make the most of what you have, reach for your dreams, and don't let and moment be meaningless.
~Until Then
Saturday, September 23
Tuesday, September 19
Thursday, September 14
Twelve plus years we spend in school
Only to fall asleep in our texts books
And wake up in a puddle of our own drool.
“Open you books to chapter ten.”
And read through this material
Just so that we can forget it all over again.
“Your homework is to take notes over twenty-two.”
Then write a 70 page paper
On how salt reacts with glue.
But somehow they always seem to forget to mention
That if we don’t turn it in,
We should prepare ourselves for five hours of detention.
As weeks grow by our minds get weary
Staying up until dawn
To study for the killer test in Theory.
Slowly you seem to crash and burn
People seem to notice
But of course there is no where safe to turn.
Thoughts of terror run through your head
Wouldn’t the world be better
If one morning you turned up dead?
Your parents stopped giving you kisses and hugs
So now you must begin
To rely on alcohol and drugs.
One day your teacher wishes to see you ‘after class’
“Oh great”, you think
“God I hate this teacher, he’s such an ass.”
“Something is wrong, what can I do?”
You stand there glaring and thinking
“Shut the hell up, I’ve got no dealings with you.”
But instead you smile say
“It’s just stress, that’s all.”
And then continue on your way.
You reach deep inside and pull out a smile somehow
Your teacher seems satisfied
But perhaps just for now.
You walk a bit drudgingly slow
Far from behind you hear
“I’m always here for you, you know.”
Thinking now how you hate him so
And in the single instant
Hatred in your heart begins to grow.
Home is where the heart is, or so they say
If that saying is true
Then why do you push everyone there, away?
Finally you just can’t seem to take it anymore
So one night you take a rope
And hang it high above the family room floor.
You slip it on and tighten the noose
Breathing very fast
Praying that it doesn’t come loose.
Your heart begins to beat unbearably fast
You stand on a chair
Hoping that the pain doesn’t last.
But as you do so you glance to your right
To notice the family portrait
Sitting so peacefully in the fluorescent light.
Thinking of all the people you’ll hurt
You loosen the rope
And wipe your tears on your shirt.
You sleep hard that evening
And head off to school that next morning
You’re glad to see that for you, there is no grieving.
All through the day you’re undeniably joyful
With friends all around you seem to find
That you’re no longer depressed or doubtful
While sitting in down in period five
You look around you
Thankful to be alive
Once again after class your teacher pulls you aside
Before he says anything
He notices that you’ve already cried.
“Is there anything you must say or do?”
You’ve got one thing to say
“Thank you.”
Monday, September 11
~Until Then
Monday, September 4
Saturday, September 2
~Until Then
Tuesday, August 22
..dyed my hair 14 times
..spent 16 hours flying
..spent 57.2 hours road tripping
..consumed 71 bowls of cereal
..spent 25 days on vacation
..purchased 4 new pairs of shoes
..put 2,314 miles on the jeep
..spent 4 hours lost in the woods
..been sick for 17 days combined
..washed 946 dishes at Panera
~Until then
..that's kind of hard to believe. I mean about 96 or so days ago we were just finishing up our last day of sophomore fun, (yea right). We're all going to be juniors next year, and for me it looks to be the hardest year ever. This is where is counts. We pretty much have to start getting on the track of what we want to do with the rest of our lives!! We all rigth now might have some idea that we've been tossing around in our heads, but it's time to start finalizing all of the minor details. I'm looking forward to school, I really am. I love being busy with all of the drama activities. Able to wander back into the auditorium (which is still a cancer threat). I love filling my time with things like that. It's who I am. No, I don't know what next year holds for me, but I do know that I'm going to make the most of it. Doesn't that make sense? I mean I watch those people who have like 4 classes and just breeze through the day! How can one do that? I mean why not accept the free education that we have now and make the most of it, as where in 2 years we/our parents will have to chuck out an arm and a leg just so we can make a future for our selves. That's just stupid for people to pass up so many amazing chances for them to discover what they love. I just don't understand people some times. On a slightly different school note, my boyfriend Nick for those of you who know him, he's going tobe a senior. My best friend Elena is in the same boat with McDevitt. All of us find it rather weird that it's their last year at school. I mean you never really think that you'll make it that far. Think about it in 2nd grade, we still had 10 years of school left. 10 years!! That's a a really long time when you're like 8 or 7. It's weird to think about. I know that when he goes off to college next year, I'll still be able to see him and everything, but I won't be able to see him around school during the day. But it's his last year, I want to make everything perfect for him. Just so he look back and say that he had one hell of an amazing senior year. That's why this summer we hung out a lot. I knew that once next summer hits, it'll be a different story. Another reason why I loved this summer better than any other summer. It went by faster but not too fast. But it's almost over with and we've got less than 24 hours to get all of our summer plans done.
~Until Then
Friday, August 18
Last night, or early this morning, whatever you prefer, I had a multitude of dreams. It started out as a nice day where I was headed to the beach with Elena and Theresa. Not too bad, they're some of my good friends so what the hell why not?? Well anyways we were just chilling when this rather large and rather ugly girl comes up to me and we start to exchange insults. Things then progressivly worse from there. Enter Mary, Thomas, Drew, Kyle M., Jordan, and Thane. All of whom are wearing some rather thick teal green coat that goes down to their knees. They were talking to some one who looked rather important, while this chick named El and I began to fight. They dissapeared. Well what dream wouldn't be complete with out a secret lair?? I some how ended uyp in this large dome shaped room and I was now on a mission, all though I can't remember what happened. I next found out what the 6 of my friends were doing. They had signed up to ride underwater in this large blue nylon thing that looks like one of those childrens play tubes, although about 200 ft long. There was a second shorter are protruding from the right to let air out but not let water back in. They were off and they sunk lower into the water. Well somehow I ended up in the tube next to the mean girl who was also on the journey. I broke her nose in some sort of a slow-mo fight scene. She called me a bitch and so forth. Jordan and Thomas showed up and Thomas began to lecture us on how the color purple doesn't really exist and that we should all stop using our opposable thumbs. (somehow those 2 subject went together) Jordan was just standing there and mimed what Thomas would talk about. Needless to say, it didn't work too well. *Pichler wakes up due to annoying beeping from phone and reads text message* Dream part 2. I am no longer at the beach or in the blue tube, I am now on a giant board of Risk. Ever play the game? Neither had I until yesterday when Nick made me play it. Well if you haven't played it, the objective is simple, invade other countries while protecting your own, and try to gain the most. Normally one plays with small plastic soilders but of course my friends and I had replaced these playing pieces with ourselves. Mary, Thomas, Jordan, Thane, Kyle M., Drew, Amanda, Elena, Theresa, Nick, McDevitt, Big Kyle, Marti and Myself, were now on this giant Risk board in the middle of Downtown Chicago near a subway station. After the 1st roll of the die, all hell breaks loose! Thomas, Nick, and Big Kyle start to duke it out over Russia. Elena and Theresa wrestle of Australia. Drew, Thane, and McDevitt fight to the death in Brazil. Mary, Jordan, Kyle M., and Amanda are blowing the brains out of eachother down in South Africa. But Marti and I just stand on Alaska watching everything, people are loosing limbs and sanity. I roll the die again, but this time everything stops, and once again in slow-mo everyone watched as both die bounce down into the hobo-infested subway/sewer system of Chicago. Everyone stares around in horror. We can't play on with out the die. So we split up into 2 teams. Nick, McDevitt, Marti, Amanda, Thane, Thomas, and Jordan on one team. Elena, Mary, Big Kyle, Kyle M, Drew, Theresa, and Myself on another. Jordan whips out an old school style beat box and breaks it down. We all then head down ths stairs after the die. My team hears the beat box as it slowly fades away into the distance after the other die. But then we hear a large beeping sound and it gets lounder and louder before I realize that's my phone and I wake up only to learn that Nick's train is running late. After that I couldn't fall back asleep. Sorry guys. Maybe someone could write a story or a decent ending.
~Until Then
Saturday, August 12
Complicated Days
Well the day after the state fair, Nick took me with his parents to go look for a car for him. He ended up getting a 1994 red corsica. I don't like much except for the fact that the car is inside and out some shade of red. Yay!! But if it just gets him around this year, and to school, well then it's a car. He'll get a new one before he goes to college. So he suppost to pick it up sometime today. Well later that night we decided to go make s'mores at Gray's Lake in Des Moines. It's our favorite spot at night. If you ever been down there past sunset, do you know the lights on the bridge? Their different colors and it's just entrancing to look at them as the reflect off the water. Well we brought out bag of coals, s'more sticks, marshmellows, chocolate, grahms, and a lighter. After messing with the grill to get it open we put a hand full of coals in it and try to light it. But the damn lighter took 4 min. just to get a spark out of it. Then the coals woudln't light, so we tryed lighting the bag on fire. Obviously a bag of coals comes in a fire resistant bag. Duh! We then tried to light the coals in the bag see if they would catch. Apparently quick starting coals have an experation date. Who'd a thunk it?? So we decided to eat the smores cold. And of course the humid evening air had practically melted our chocolate. And of course to make matters worse, we chose the one night that an extremly obnoxious guy with an air horn decided to show up drunk with his buddies and he blew the damn thing every 5 minutes. Then surprise surprise, I got sick. What a wonderful day.
~Until Then
Thursday, August 10
EB- U.S. History w/ Broderick
Uhm don't know anything about this teacher so yea...
1st- Alg. 2 Trig B w/ Cooley
Heard that I'll love him, so we'll have to see on that
2nd- Chemistry w/ Christansen
Once again, I don't know anything about this teacher
3rd- A Capella w/ Vanderpool
I love Mrs. Vanderpool. She's a wicked sweet teacher!
4th- Radio I w/ Mikels
Hrmm, I also love Mikels! But I can't take Radio II due to crappy schedule issues
B Lunch According to my schdule
5th- Early Brit Lit w/ Schebel
6th- Creative Writing w/ Schebel
See previous statement
7th- German II w/ Marasco
Sadly this is her last year, bummer. She's a really nice German teacher.
8th- OFF PERIOD!!!
~Until Then
Thursday, August 3
In other news, for those of you who ever knew my dad's girl friend Dr. Haver, or more commonly known as Meat Loaf Lady, on account of she smells like overly-ripe meat loaf, well they are no longer together as a couple. Strange isn't it? My dad was with her for almost 6+ years. Since my parents have been divorced, I've just had to accept her as a part of my life. Granted yes I didn't like much and would voice my opinion often, I dealt with her and just stayed out of the way as much as possible when we were around each other. My dad knew I didn't like her, but that didn't stop him from dating her, although it did hinder what we did with her. So some of you might be thinking, "Shouldn't you be happy that they broke up? I mean you hated her!" Point taken, I'm am happyish that she's no longer around, but I'm also a bit sadish. "What? You're weird." She made my dad happy, so he was a lot less stressed when it came to work and teaching. He was happy. So it made me happy. And now that my dad isn't the person he used to be, it's a bit on the depressing side. His work is starting to pile up on him so he calls on me to do some of his paper work to lighten the load. So when he's stressed, I'm stressed. Are you starting to see a pattern? Love is a powerful thing.
I recently went to my older sister's wedding. (Yes I have older siblings from my dad's 1st marriage). My sister was married before to a jerk who treated her like crap and was just a miserable person to be around. I hated him when I stayed with my sister for a few days a couple of summers ago. I'd avoid him as long as possible. But she did have two wonderful kids which I love to death. So not even a year after she was divorced, she met Dave. I don't know much about him, except that he does something with computers. But my dad really likes him and obviously so does my sister. Well the wedding was held upstairs in an old Irish bar, but it was really nice and had that old fashion charm. It was a small wedding with just family and really close friends. Courtney and my new niece Monica were the flower girls and hunter was the ring bearer (sp?). My sister looked absolutely radiant! Her dress was very flattering and she looked happy. I've never seen my sister happy. I didn't recognize her when I ran into her at the hotel earlier. I was so happy for her! Just seeing the two of them together made my day. She was crying a little bit when Dave was saying his vows. I wish them the best of life and hope that each day is better than the last. They deserve each other. Love is a powerful thing.
Now as most of you know by now, I have my own significant other. His name is Nick and I met him at drivers ed last summer. We dated for a little bit in the beginning of last year, but then things went a little bit hay-wire on both our parts so we split and didn't talk for 6 months. Those 6 months damn neared killed me. But then in March we spoke again and started dating. And now I wouldn't go back for anything. We've been through so much together, the good and the bad. I've discovered new things about him and me. Just thinking about him makes me feel better. He's the sweetest guy and would do anything for me, and vice versa. And despite what other say, I love him. I truly, deeply, madly, passionately, and honestly love him. He's the single most amazing and wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. We've been dating for almost 5 months. They've been the most amazing 5 months of my life. Nick brings something out in me, something I can't write in words, something that no one that I've ever known or been with has ever brought out in me. It's the most beautiful thing on Earth. A few times with past boyfriends, I've swapped the ever lasting " I love you." I thought I loved them at that time. But it wasn't real now that I look back at it. I didn't know what love was until a few months ago in May. I was suddenly starting to realize how much I did love Nick. And now I do know what love truly is, but I can't explain it. No one can explain what love is to another person, they have to discover it for themselves. Love is a powerful thing.
~Until Then
Tuesday, July 25
Some Photo Love!
Every Pirate Is Caught Eventually
My Bestest Friend In The Whole World And My Amazingly Faded Hair
Screw Knights In Shining Armour
What Are You Looking At?
Ah The Womders Of The 16 Age Drinking Law
4th Time
~Until Then
Wednesday, July 19
Monday, July 10
~Until Then
Thursday, July 6
~Until Then
Wednesday, July 5
Incase you've been living under a rock your entire life, yesterday was the glorious 4th of July. A day filled with the smell of BBQ and beer. A wonderful time for families to sit down with their children and remember why this great nation was established in the year of 1776. Freedom and liberty, justice and peace, for all. Well peace surely isn't one of those things that comes to mind for the Now 4th of July. You can't even go down to the corner drug store without hearing some sort of loud bang from a priavate pyro. But seeing the great lights right after dusk in some seculded spot out by Racoon River Park really then does give you some sense of peace as you lie back and let the colors entertain you for 30min or so. Then of course reality hits you when you try to get out of the parking lot at the exact same time as 500 other cars and some of the people are a bit "tipsy" and are being incredibly rude. But then it's off to some other parking lot down around 6th street to blow up random crap with M80's and 150's. Lighting the fuse quickly and then running as fast as you can so the metal shrapnel from the energy drink doesn't slice your ear off. This post is in memory of: 1 piggy bank, 4 element drink cans, 1 stuffed pig, 3 hot wheels cars, and 1 weird zipper keychain pet thingy. Oh and I would have added the Playdough on there, but, after 3 rounds of Bootleggers, 10 M 150's and 7 M 80's , 23 Bottle Rockets, and 4 Whistlers, the only change my green Playdough from Chuck E. Cheeses underwent was a smoky purple color, but other than that, it's perfectly fine. The only way to destroy playdough, is simply by eating. What good is this nation if you can't blow a piece of it up once a year?
~Until Then
Wednesday, June 28
~Until Then
Wednesday, June 7
~Until Then
Sunday, June 4
Thursday, May 25
Hahah I found away around the schools stupid internet cookies thing. GO ME! *takes time to dance* yea so okay I'm not in 3D art right now, there's nothing to do now that I'm done with all of my projects. But yea, I've practically lived in this library for the week working on projects. My bio desert project, my choir sight reading project, my german Auschwitz project, and then my STC women of music project. Ugh it sucks. I've never had this many projects, it's sad. No really, it is. You should cry for me. Oh well. Hmmm. I've checked out of all of my classes, I mean we're not doing anything right? Right! I mean today in math, I've heard that we're gonna color, and I have to take that final, but I'm just gonna B.S. the thing and take a C in the class. Oh well, I'll just take an A.P. class. Hrrrmmm. Choir is retarded now that all the auditions are over with and the only choir left to be posted is Show Choir, I didn't even try out so yea I'm done. Drama is done with basically and German is to. Yeeeaaack. So where was I, sorry I spaced off. Working is pretty fun. I hate the cash register, it's sooo confusing and hectic. Soo many buttons and screens. But I like making drinks, you should come in and I'll make you a Carmel Latte or an I.C. mocha. Yummy! Okay so this is the end of my rant, blah blah blah back to boredom.
~Until Then
Tuesday, May 16
Yea totally just got back from dyeing my hair. It's Pimpin Purple (thank you pink haired lady) Candy Pink, Blue Haired Freak and some random red color. I love it. She bleached it and part of my red hair wouldn't come out, sad I know. The world weeped silently for a moment. My hair is totally kick ass and I want to marry it (well no not really). Hahaha I totally rule. Totally.
~Until Then
I'm sooo confused! Which one is Espresso?
Saturday, May 6
Okay so this is my first post after my birthday. Yea it's pretty sweet being 16, pretty kick ass birthday (no I don't have a car *tear*) but I mean I wasn't expecting one anyways so it doesn't matter. Yea, I mean I have an ass load of responsibilites now that I have a job at Panera's - You should all buy bagels and have yummy soup and stop in when I'm working so that you can laugh at me in my funny hat and apron- but I like it. It gives me a sense of firm placing on the ground and that I'm actually doing something with my life. I like it. School is alright, starting to slow down because I'm losing interest in most of my classes. I mean choir is only left with auditions and 6 out of the 15 STC girls didn't make it into A Capella and they all kick ass at what they do and STC'ers are usually shoe-ins for A Cap. It's ridiculous. The big thing left for me is Valley Singers and then Show Choir. For those of you who have heard and listened to me as I bitch about my mother, I went and visited her on my birthday. It wasn't a pleasent visit and I now refuse to call her mom or w.e. because I feel like she hasn't been a mother type figure to me in the past 6 years ever since my parents divorced. Wow it has almost been 6 years, geez. Sorry. But sadly I've stopped knowing what I want in life and in myself lately. I just kind of exist at school and busy my mind with my projects and technical settings. When I'm at home, I space off and just do what ever until I have to fall asleep and start it all over again the next day. My cats are basically the only campanions I have at home. Oh well, I like my dad, but I like it when he's out of the house. I think I just need something new, yea I have a job and I'm 16, sweet and all, don't get me wrong, but it's not exactly what I was looking for. Maybe something will happen soon, I hope. My relation with Nick, well to be frank, isn't that great. (Yay for bitching about my relations) I mean it's the second time that we've dated and I guess I don't feel anything for him like I used to. Sure I play the girl friend and yea it's hard to ignore the fact that this guy would get me the moon if I asked for it. He's sweet and funny, but I just don't have the "fascination" that I did 8 months ago when I first started really liking him. I think I just need to take some time and sort that out, but not be around him. Ugh. I don't know anymore. I just can't wait for my trip with Elena in July. She's my best friend and I love her to death and it's just gonna be the 2 of us for 2 weeks basically by ourselves our in Germany. Both of us have no idea what we're gonna find out there, but we can't wait. The only thing I really have right now is my art. But I get so frusterated that I just don't have the time to devote my full attention to it so that it can turn out amazing, they keep breaking or lose their meaning. If you ever got a hold of my sketch book, you'd see what the meaning behind my pieces really are. That sketch book is like my journal, but with pictures to go with it. Yay for picture books. Maybe I should write more poetry, I haven't done that in a while, hmmm.
~Until Then
Sunday, April 30
Rain Rain Go Away Come Again Another Day
~Until Then
Saturday, April 29
Friday, April 21
hey everybody!
life has been crazy...
most of us are in the play & know what i mean-
my knees are in pain...
Sunday, April 16
~Until Then
Monday, April 3
Okay this is my poster design for Technical Theatre. I worked for about 2 hours on this things and I'm really proud of it. I took the picture my self! It's not a googled thing. You can even ask Amanda. It's her doll that I had to borrow and it looks great!! I'm so flippin happy with it!!!
~Until Then
Friday, March 31
~Until Then
Sunday, March 26
~Until Then
Saturday, March 18
Wednesday, March 15
(yes this is a rant post so skip if ya don't want to hear me bitch)
Bad week run down:
- Monday-Failed Bio Test with a 52%
- Monday-Someone ruined my slab construction which I spent 4 weeks pouring my heart and soul into
- Tuesday-Mime tech is behind schedule and we (by tech standards) only have a week to make it happen
- Tuesday-Play tech is dissolving, there were 5 us (including Borstad) at tech on Tuesday
- Tuesday-I don't have a solo ready for solo and ensemble and I have to do it April 8
- Wednesday-My dad is leaving for about 3 days and I have to stay with
my motherthe devil - Wednesday-I woke up at 4:15 a.m. due to some dysfunctioning body part....YAY VIKODIN!!
- Wednesday-The people that hate me/have issues with me are higher up on the ladder so they automaticaly rule that part of the school system and I can't do shit about it, oh well.
- Wednesday/Tuesday-I have to spend my spring break at school
- Thursday- Physicaly worse than Wed. More malfunctioning body parts. Ugh and now I'm sick.
Well atleast you didn't hear me bitch about my personal life....
~Until Then
Sunday, March 12
"So the bottom line is: To our WPHA residents with pets, thank you for cleaning up after your pets, keep up the good work; To the scoundrels from outside our little world, who leave there dog poop on our lawn- shame on them; To the rest of us- it will be gone in the spring, so be patient."
I hope this has made you smile.
~Until Then
Friday, March 10
~Until Then
Sunday, March 5
Thursday, March 2
1. Round things roll
2. Glass things break
3. When you heat things, they get hot.
Well I have forgotten the concept of rule #3. I have burned my self no less than 12 times in the past 24 hours. I really don't have much common sense do I?
~Until Then
Saturday, February 25
Friday, February 24
That's My Dad Outside The Car!!
~Until Then
Sunday, February 19
Friday, February 17
Bump Up In Status
~Until Then
Wednesday, February 15
Sweetheart Show!
~Until Then
Sunday, February 12
Valentines Dance!!! Woo Hoo!
Probably two of the hottest people I've ever seen in my whole life! Yea so the dance was last nite, obviously. I went with Elena and Alex. Yea had a pretty rockin time. Actually found a date at the dance so it made it even better. For those of you who didn't go, it was 100 times better than Homecoming. It didn't feel like a gym in pretty clothes. You could actually enjoy yourself and have fun with your date. Ran into Liz Bloomburg at the dance and hung out with her most of the nite. I LOVE LIZ!!! Yea all three of us (Liz, Elena, and Myself) all had blue dresses. That is the random fact of the day. Thank you and goodnite.
~Until Then
Friday, February 10
Thursday, February 9
I'm Psyched About My Psych Appointment.
1) How meatloaf lady got her name
2) How the show choir people take techies for granted
3) That I hate Mikels for the fact that she pointed out that my mother and I are very much alike
4) Stating the fact that I am colorblind
5) Really dumb stories from my childhood like how I stuck toothpaste up my nose when I was 5.
She said that I might only have to come back for like 2 or 3 more. But the final word is up to my dad and the school. So they'll probably keep me there for like 3 years. Oh well, Carla is a nice lady to talk to so, meh whatever. If it gets me out of STC, I'm game.
On another note, out of the 8 classes that I have, 5 of them had subs. German was Mr. Evil Man Krechner- something or other. Choir and STC was Vanderpoole, Ihnen and Mr. Smith who is as tall as a sack of potatoes, and the finally for Drama and Tech Teathre was Mrs. Mitchell. A very nice old lady who doesn't know anything about Mime. Haha, it was funny.
~Until Then
Wednesday, February 8
Yea, Okay.
~Until Then
Saturday, February 4
~Until Then
Tuesday, January 31
~Until Then
Sunday, January 29
Friday, January 27
Serves Me Right
~Until Then
Wednesday, January 25
Tuesday, January 24
~Until Then
~Until Then
Sunday, January 22
Tuesday, January 17
~Until Then
Monday, January 16
Sunday, January 15
Saturday, January 14
~Until Then
Friday, January 13
Tuesday, January 10
I love my 2nd semester schedule!!
1st. German 1- Frau Marasco
2nd. Concert Choir- Hickling
3rd. Drama- Hansen
4th. Bio- Pond
5th. 3D Applications- Dinnsdale
6th. Tech Theater- Hansen
7th. Geometry B- Bakker
8. STC- Hickling
I don't have to travel very far at all, if you ever need me (which I doubt it) I'll probably be in the fine arts wing seeing as 5 of my classes are located there. Look at my (poorly drawn) map above. It's an amazing schedule!
~Until Then
Friday, January 6
Really cool rooms like Gales
Ten till 7
Special pirate brownies.
Hey any idea on what I should do to keep pirate club alive? It's sorta dying on me.
~Until Then