4th of July Uproar!Incase you've been living under a rock your entire life, yesterday was the glorious 4th of July. A day filled with the smell of BBQ and beer. A wonderful time for families to sit down with their children and remember why this great nation was established in the year of 1776. Freedom and liberty, justice and peace, for all. Well peace surely isn't one of those things that comes to mind for the Now 4th of July. You can't even go down to the corner drug store without hearing some sort of loud bang from a priavate pyro. But seeing the great lights right after dusk in some seculded spot out by Racoon River Park really then does give you some sense of peace as you lie back and let the colors entertain you for 30min or so. Then of course reality hits you when you try to get out of the parking lot at the exact same time as 500 other cars and some of the people are a bit "tipsy" and are being incredibly rude. But then it's off to some other parking lot down around 6th street to blow up random crap with M80's and 150's. Lighting the fuse quickly and then running as fast as you can so the metal shrapnel from the energy drink doesn't slice your ear off. This post is in memory of: 1 piggy bank, 4 element drink cans, 1 stuffed pig, 3 hot wheels cars, and 1 weird zipper keychain pet thingy. Oh and I would have added the Playdough on there, but, after 3 rounds of Bootleggers, 10 M 150's and 7 M 80's , 23 Bottle Rockets, and 4 Whistlers, the only change my green Playdough from Chuck E. Cheeses underwent was a smoky purple color, but other than that, it's perfectly fine. The only way to destroy playdough, is simply by eating. What good is this nation if you can't blow a piece of it up once a year?
~Until Then