Thursday, March 29

Favorite Noun

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This is the photo that I took for my intro class. It's not the final version but it's what I had time to post. My class really liked my photo.

~Until Then

Wednesday, March 21

Ahh the wonderful world of cell phones.

It's true, most people now a days can't be spotted in public without their cell phone somewhere on their person. These great tiny devices allow for us, at the push of a single button, to send information and communication to people all over the world via text, image, or sound. As with every piece of technology, there are bound to be glitches or just people misusing it. You have to love the 3 am phone calls from the number you've never heard of, or even better, rare, but better, the text messages from people you've never heard off mistaking your number for a friend of their's. Here's a conversation I took part in today. Complete with mispellsing.

#- Dont send me thosee cheese snakcs anyuore, they're groooss. They give me bad gas.

(I receive this message and ponder for a moment. Normally I would just delete it or send a message back saying wrong number, but I decided to reply otherwise.)

Me- I'm sorry, I thought you really liked them, I didn't realize you were just trying to be nice.
#- Itsokay. You dont haev too get me anything. PS whats with the pickle?

(For those of you who've been so lucky as to get a text from me, I sign my name as 'The Pickle' by default.)

Me- ...?
#- Wait waht the FUCK!! WHO ARE YOU!! Fuck fuck fyck fyck fuck!
#- This convistaion nevar happnd.

I laughed and then proceeded with the rest of my day.
~Until Then

Tuesday, March 20

Holy Shitters

This blog is over 3 years old. Wow.
~Until Then

A good use of time

Whenever you have a spare 10 hours, why not spend it dyeing your hair?? It's loads of fun and you get to watch your sink and or tub turn bizzare colors!!

~Until Then

Saturday, March 10

We Call Them Pirates Out Here

Probably the best freakin YouTube video EVER!!!

Saturday, March 3

" Yea sure, I'll break him out jail, I guess, just as long as I get extra credit."