This is a very interesting conversation I had with my "good" friend Jordan. Yo may find it arousing!
ImOkWithThat44: my point exactly
JohnnyDepp669: your period exactly
ImOkWithThat44: I'm not the one laying eggs
JohnnyDepp669: hehehehe
ImOkWithThat44: the truth hurts, dont it?
JohnnyDepp669: so but lies lick better
ImOkWithThat44: I'd rather not be licked, thank you very much (with the exception of Alli)
JohnnyDepp669: noi!!
JohnnyDepp669: i cant bretahe
ImOkWithThat44: ha!
ImOkWithThat44: I win
JohnnyDepp669: im over at allis house and she read that and she is grossed
out by your huge balls
ImOkWithThat44: ye
ImOkWithThat44: huge balls
ImOkWithThat44: and you've looked at these balls when?
JohnnyDepp669: hot dogs anyone
JohnnyDepp669: there all over the backyard hair and internet
ImOkWithThat44: what?
JohnnyDepp669: sorry
JohnnyDepp669: sorry
JohnnyDepp669: shes going insane
JohnnyDepp669: take the pill itlhelp you relaxivte
ImOkWithThat44: thats made as much sense as throwing rocks at a stationary
object yelling "I'm gonna kill you!"
JohnnyDepp669: f;sa
ImOkWithThat44: my point is proven yet again
JohnnyDepp669: hehe
JohnnyDepp669: are upir balls up your ass again and out your vagina
ImOkWithThat44: you are very crude for someone that lays eggs
JohnnyDepp669: sorry
JohnnyDepp669: so very sorry
JohnnyDepp669: nah i jyst crapple them out onto the dinner pltae at easter
ImOkWithThat44: so this is the hormonal insanity that comes with the female period
JohnnyDepp669: thats why they are funny colors
JohnnyDepp669: nah i just finished up with mine last week so im not due for
another month
ImOkWithThat44: this must be aftershock then
JohnnyDepp669: the s waves travel slowe than the p waves
ImOkWithThat44: P for period, S for stupid
JohnnyDepp669: hahahaha very funn period devil
ImOkWithThat44: point being?
JohnnyDepp669: like i sadi
JohnnyDepp669: i think alli's having an orgasm with ur screename
JohnnyDepp669: no
ImOkWithThat44: if I'm going to be around so many girls at one time (meaning
talking to them at school and hanging out with them mind you) I'm going to
diss the period till I die
ImOkWithThat44: and that just sounded funny
ImOkWithThat44: and I quote my screen name
JohnnyDepp669: yeah that did
ImOkWithThat44: "I'm ok with that"
JohnnyDepp669: sh
JohnnyDepp669: liesJohnnyDepp669: alli is mad at me
ImOkWithThat44: ok
ImOkWithThat44: thats not hard toi believe
ImOkWithThat44: to*
JohnnyDepp669: bad pichler=
JohnnyDepp669: we just got yelled at
ImOkWithThat44: yelled at by whom?
JohnnyDepp669: do you have any panti liners we could use
JohnnyDepp669: im feesh out
ImOkWithThat44: no
JohnnyDepp669: my sister
JohnnyDepp669: shes pmsing
ImOkWithThat44: wonderful
JohnnyDepp669: it really is
JohnnyDepp669: do you have any condoms that we =ou.ldImOkWithThat44: ok
JohnnyDepp669: nvm
ImOkWithThat44: your on the road to blockedness
JohnnyDepp669: we launched our rokets to day and the exploded and came all
over us
JohnnyDepp669: styrofaom dicks
ImOkWithThat44: yep, I'll give you too the count of three before
JohnnyDepp669: no!
JohnnyDepp669: you dare not!
ImOkWithThat44: 1
JohnnyDepp669: well stop
ImOkWithThat44: 2
JohnnyDepp669: how was you day
JohnnyDepp669: ?
ImOkWithThat44: meh
ImOkWithThat44: tired
ImOkWithThat44: and hungry
JohnnyDepp669: cool beans
ImOkWithThat44: no, not really
ImOkWithThat44: and then the stupid benchmarks
ImOkWithThat44: you>
ImOkWithThat44: ?*
JohnnyDepp669: spy kids in spanush
JohnnyDepp669: thats alli
ImOkWithThat44: ah
JohnnyDepp669: its was alrite i got to go chase after exploding rockets
ImOkWithThat44: fun
ImOkWithThat44: and now, I go back to reading comics
ImOkWithThat44: (have all you two been doing today is sending me crude
JohnnyDepp669: maybe
ImOkWithThat44: thought so
ImOkWithThat44: my feet itch
JohnnyDepp669: thats nice
ImOkWithThat44: no really
ImOkWithThat44: its rather uncomfortable
ImOkWithThat44: anything new?
Auto response from JohnnyDepp669: sdfvdfv
ImOkWithThat44: or have you run out of things to say with me restricing your
talking privledges and all?
JohnnyDepp669: we are playing addiction soliatutrrewte
ImOkWithThat44: ah
JohnnyDepp669: ah
ImOkWithThat44: I need to stop reading comics
JohnnyDepp669: ah
ImOkWithThat44: or else I wont be talking for awhile
JohnnyDepp669: ah
ImOkWithThat44: wow
JohnnyDepp669: ah
ImOkWithThat44: that was the most retarded comic ever
JohnnyDepp669: ah
ImOkWithThat44: but I couldnt stop readinf
ImOkWithThat44: reading*
JohnnyDepp669: ah
JohnnyDepp669: how do you readinf
ImOkWithThat44: what?
JohnnyDepp669: readinf
JohnnyDepp669: how do you readinf
ImOkWithThat44: no idea
JohnnyDepp669: it came from her throat
ImOkWithThat44: who's?
JohnnyDepp669: her throat
ImOkWithThat44: ok
JohnnyDepp669: what came from her throat?
ImOkWithThat44: no idea
JohnnyDepp669: guess?
ImOkWithThat44: I dont want to know
ImOkWithThat44: but tell me anyway
JohnnyDepp669: a frog and two lizards and a cock
JohnnyDepp669: a rooster
ImOkWithThat44: oooook
JohnnyDepp669: a.b. wants to eat yopur roos er
JohnnyDepp669: liar
JohnnyDepp669: soorrrry
ImOkWithThat44: I believe the liar comment
JohnnyDepp669: i am having way to much fun
ImOkWithThat44: no
ImOkWithThat44: no your not
JohnnyDepp669: good
JohnnyDepp669: ouch
JohnnyDepp669: yes
ImOkWithThat44: what?
JohnnyDepp669: i snapped my elf with not on but 2 blubry bands from ab
JohnnyDepp669: a.b.
JohnnyDepp669: george!
JohnnyDepp669: no!
ImOkWithThat44: what is happening here
ImOkWithThat44: I'm so very confused
JohnnyDepp669: we needed to move t fat from her aabe to her lower region
JohnnyDepp669: no
ImOkWithThat44: what?
ImOkWithThat44: try sentences and sylablies
JohnnyDepp669: read it carefully and yummaliy
ImOkWithThat44: I did
ImOkWithThat44: so you transfered Alli's fat to her butt, or so you claim?
JohnnyDepp669: uyou noooo u want to lick h'[]
JohnnyDepp669: she alreadu has fat ther
ImOkWithThat44: you have got a problem
JohnnyDepp669: yes pihcler does
JohnnyDepp669: yes but you have problems that u r not in bed with her doi
JohnnyDepp669: so so
JohnnyDepp669: sorry
ImOkWithThat44: ok, should I start trashing talking about you and DOug?
JohnnyDepp669: shes going insane
JohnnyDepp669: yes yes
JohnnyDepp669: do dododododod
ImOkWithThat44: want to talk about problems in bed, you couldnt Doug to
consider it
ImOkWithThat44: not a double take
JohnnyDepp669: yeah well you and alli couldnt find the holes if you were on
a golf course
ImOkWithThat44: Doug couldnt get into the holes with your eggs coming out!
JohnnyDepp669: you couldnt come if you wanted 2 because yo already ame with
tha canadian chick lazst week
JohnnyDepp669: hehe
ImOkWithThat44: you couldnt PAY Doug to come(or cum for the crude spelling)
for you
JohnnyDepp669: yeah well your mom had to PAY alli to get in bed with you
because of your penis disfunctions (we all know about you little probems
staying happy)
JohnnyDepp669: they circumsized you a little bit 2 much
ImOkWithThat44: your tubes were tied before you were born!
JohnnyDepp669: yeah well you were born a girl and they still manageed to
circum size you
ImOkWithThat44: you were dressed as a boy for years because people were
embaressed that you were a girl
JohnnyDepp669: they filled up a condom with your own fat and shoved up your
vagina and prayed that it would turn into a penis and you were a fat baby
they said dam look at that fat baby
ImOkWithThat44: dont you mean that was your life story?
JohnnyDepp669: no sorry you must have your self confused after all the
mastubating youve done with your dog and yoru mom
ImOkWithThat44: yes well, atleast I dont fantasize about my dad with my mom
ImOkWithThat44: while "playing" with your bird
JohnnyDepp669: i dont fanatzize about myslef with my mom and dad
JohnnyDepp669: you said hole in one and missed you shot it up her ass
ImOkWithThat44: actually, that would considered a fetish to some
JohnnyDepp669: shut up
ImOkWithThat44: but thats a fantasy of yours, isnt it
JohnnyDepp669: you only use big words to cover for ur tiny penis and you
trouble in bed
ImOkWithThat44: you only use weak insults to cover your penis and sad
JohnnyDepp669: well atleast i am not out on the streets holding a sign that
says will stop trying to have sex if i can cum back to work
ImOkWithThat44: no, your just a 3 cent crack whore
JohnnyDepp669: please email me this entire conversation and your credit card
ImOkWithThat44: not a chance
JohnnyDepp669: why not
ImOkWithThat44: A.) dont have a credit card
ImOkWithThat44: B.) I'll sned the conversation since you dont know how to
copy and paste
ImOkWithThat44: send*
JohnnyDepp669: i swear just please email me the conversation you could
probably find it arousing
ImOkWithThat44: arousing....not a chance
ImOkWithThat44: but I'll send it anyway
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