Thursday, September 30

I am soo tired, I fell asleep (for the most part) in one of the auditorium chairs at Valley..and I swear to god if i would of been asleep for another 10 minutse you would not of been able to wake me up and I would of slept there till morning and the upperclass men would of walked in and would of been like "Fuck its a freshmen, what the hell is it doing here? Lets eat it for breakfast!!!
I need to get more sleep, I am starting to ramble on and on about random things, and not just at night anymore.
Yea I really can't think of anything to say today really, nothing that interesting has happened much lately. But come back tomarrow or Saturday and I should have some interesting things posted by then.....I need a new word, I had one yesterday but I forgot it. Oh well damn the society.

Tuesday, September 28

I went back to ih today *hooray*..talked to Mrs. Woodburn and I think I will go on the Europe trip this year which is awesome just have to come up with 2. 660 dollars ugh. Watched some of the ih mimes tryouts, wow what a sad sight for my eyes. They need help desperatly, there were a few good mimes but not many, a couple even talked during the skit. Or maybe its just me sitting in the back of the auditorium and seeing others in our places. Oh well and it's just not the auditorium w/e sears yeling SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!!

Monday, September 27

I think all these years of learning things has finally taken its toll on me, my brain is full to capacity, I can't possibly learn any more, I need a bigger brain or maybe I could clean out the old one so it runs faster. One can only dream.

Sunday, September 26

Here is an inteesting peice of tid bit-

The Paomnnehal Pweor of the Hmuan Mnid

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdgnieg. Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are. The olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig, huh?

Saturday, September 25

Ctrl+Alt+Delete has taught me many many things, such as the meaning of life!

Is it strange that I know the song lyrics to a Frank Sinatra song?

~Amanda M.
This is my favorite song of all time, becasue I can relate to it in ways, and from different aspects. And it also kinda goes with the theme of my blog.

Boulecard of Broken Dreams-American Idiot-Green Day

I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know were it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone
I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of broken dreams
Were the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk alone
I walk alone I walk aloneI walk alone and I walk alone

My shadows the only one that walks beside me
My shallow hearts the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Till then I'll walk alone


I'm walking down the line
That divides me somewhere in my mind
On the border line of the edge
And where I walk alone
Read between the lines
What's fucked up and everything's alright
Check my vital signs to know I'm still alive
And I walk aloneI walk alone I walk aloneI walk alone and I walk alone

My shadows the only one that walks beside me
My shallow hearts the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Till then I'll walk alone


(repeats 1st verse and chorus/refrain)

Friday, September 24

Hello Everybody!!!
I feel loved!!!! Pichler invited me to join her blog so here I am!!!!
Well- that's all for now!

I have found a new sport, it invloves very little movment, 2 people or more, a bus with and open window, and accuracy. It is called TIM SPITTING. It is a very fun and interesting game and very humorus, Tim is rather slow from both aspects of that word. Championships are to be held next year some time but the date is T.B.A.

It's also rather startled on how my mather teacher and I have a lot in common, he understands every Latin word I say, cause he was a Latin student himself and his buddies and him were rather abusive of their new language skills. As you all know I said our favorite little Latin saying over the annoucments today, and after I came out of Mr. Bittciks office, Mr. Bigelow popped in and said "Hey great Latin Pichler." Scared the freaking crap out of me, I'm telling you.

*For those of you who went to Westridge Mr. Bittick kind of reminds of Mr. Whitehead except a little deeper voice.

Thursday, September 23

Silent but deadly!~ A Progressive Mime
Heya, Pichler, thanks 4 the invite. :)
Stupid Quote of the Week
"It tends to get dark after sun set." Weather man on The Weather Channel
Mr. Bigelow must be related to Mr. Newendorp some how because he likes t o poke fun at me just like Newey did, because today he came oevr while we were doing some test problems and said "Hey Pichler you have a blue mark on you left hand." I imideatly look over to my left hand because I am stuff written all over that hand and assumed he meant my left. Then he said it again and I start looking at my rigth hand this time and am confused cause I don't see anything. He then takes the dry erase marker and makes a blue mark on my hand. The classmates around me just snickered. A little while later in class I asked him why he had done this, his reply was simply this "Oh just because it's fun to make fun of you." ...yes this post is rather pointless and isnt really that funny you just had to be there oh well back to my sad non existant life...

Wednesday, September 22

According to the Best Buy audio teller machine, pressing buttons is more fun then sitting and waiting for some one to take your call.

Tuesday, September 21

hey this is Shefali Aurora's blog so check it out its new nothing to exciting
I was at the dentists to day
1) Laughing Gas is awesome
2) I have a lisp
3) Novicane sucks
5) I can't feel my face

My horriscope:
In addition, you will have an overwhelming passion for the person you love. You will be feeling as though you had wings at the moment! It's true that you overcome obstacles easily but a little humility and serenity would help you in your initiatives. As for your budget, it will be growing in leaps and bounds! Finally, those you collaborate with will take your advice and recommendations into account... or maybe it's just the laughing gas.

Monday, September 20

My employer is a.k.a a can.
NOT HITLER...I need a dinner roll for that.

Sunday, September 19

Why does the school have to mess up my name so freaking much 3 TIMES IN ONE DAY 3 TIMES I TELL YOU 3!!!!

Saturday, September 18

Ah reliving my mimeish monets by listening to music!!! I PROTEST THIS PRETEST AND WHY IS HE NOT IN THE BOX????

Thursday, September 16

As I was walking home this fine afternoon, I noticed a lightbuld in the grass. I looked at it for a second and the walked passed it. I then looked back at and it exploded, not lying it truly just shattered into peices nothing had touched it to my knowledge and no one was around. I was very disturbed by the incident. Thomas says I shoud stay away from windows and mirrors.

Wednesday, September 15

Really Frusterating Game
In the dark a peice of card board looks like a chocolate chip cookie, but sadly it does not taste like one not even with the lights on.

Tuesday, September 14

Toast is like a really bad dream.

Monday, September 13

I have realized why I had a tooth ache all weekend, a huge chunk from the very back bottom tooth on the left hand side is gone arg..but I made an understudy part for the Fair Witch, witch is a rather large part from what I have heard, great more stress. BUT BRITTANY GOT UNDERSTUDY FOR BARBARA ALLEN!

Sunday, September 12

----->TO BE CONCLUDED....----->
HAHAHA THIS IS THE EARLIEST POST!!!! yes i do have a sad and pitiful life but hey what the hell why not make life interesting along the way!!!! ........Im going to bed now.

Saturday, September 11

Well this is the latest post i've ever posted.

Thursday, September 9

I think I'm finally over him (you guys are probably very glad that I am) I'm never gonna do anything and I highly doubt that he will either, and that's my hugest fear, is asking a guy out. I just can't do it. I can do just about anything else but that one damn thing. But then again, I LOVE BEING SINGLE!!! (for the most part)

Wednesday, September 8

"Death Bad", so says the chalkboard.

Tuesday, September 7

I got a lot of greif from people for running into the wall...I also went back to Indian Hills today and Mr. Newndorp asked if the wall was O.K.
I can't smell the chicken.

Monday, September 6

Sunday, September 5

I have now officially succedded in figuring out how to make a scrolling post. And I was wondering if you could make a really long scrolling post and make people sit there for ever and watch is keep right on going and going, kinda like when you sitting in your car to wait for the train to pass and you know that your gonna be late for you appointment or meeting or whatever, or its also like sitting and listening to some one talk and talk about something that is totally pointless and your sitting there wondering "Why the hell would someone take so much time to make something so stupid for something that is so pointless that all of us already know the answer too, I mean this person must be a complete moron or just extremely bored." It just keeps going and going and going and going....
I feel very refreshed for some strange odd reason.

Saturday, September 4

I just remebered that I have a really bad memory.
I ran into a wall today and of course it hurt some what, and I have the scrape to prove it...but in other news I got my hair dyed. It's chestnut and looks very good, although my blond streaks are gone, I am very pleased with the way it turned out.

Friday, September 3 and
I am so unbelievably stressed right now, it's not even funny...I got things flying at me from all directions it's crazy! I can't take this anymore. And on top of that, I can't dye my hair blue like I wanted to because to be in debate, you have to have a natural hair color. Blue is natural its part of the primary colors.

Thursday, September 2

pichler is a creative type with a good nose for trends and a fine eye for detail
pichler is openly gay
amanda is totally usless
pichler is here
mary is unbelieving; makes aquaintance with the fairy
sears is kicking butt
amanda is the most academically successful of her friends
sears is an american institution
sears is a funny animal
sears is ethically wrong
amanda is the only person in the room
thomas is on the bus
amanda is a recently deceased teenager who will come back to haunt you if you don't send her message out to as many people as you can
amanda is hiding at the pirate shop
jordan is not pregnant
mary is arrested for giving brownies to suffering
thomas is jordan
thomas is fully aware of his condition
thomas is "wrong"
amanda is a pimp choose another photo album
amanda is a retard
amanda is going bye bye for a little while
amanda is an outdated version & should be removed
amanda is eating super blue green algae
amanda is still in a coma
pichler is convinced it's working
pichler is the current president
amanda is a film about an extraordinary horse and a boy named biddle
lavine is a master
amanda is optimized to take advantage of tape drives
lavine is quick to recognize that the cartoons' actors don't say what is typed in the email
lavine is a founding member of lavine
lavine is the result of 16 years of catholic education

Wednesday, September 1

There is a chatterbox on the side bar, you just have to wait or click the small little side arrowfor it to show up or just click randomly at things that always works too I guess...
Ground beef feels like brains.
Mysterious peices of paper seem to be floating around the school on the look out for one.