pichler is a creative type with a good nose for trends and a fine eye for detail
pichler is openly gay
amanda is totally usless
pichler is here
mary is unbelieving; makes aquaintance with the fairy
sears is kicking butt
amanda is the most academically successful of her friends
sears is an american institution
sears is a funny animal
sears is ethically wrong
amanda is the only person in the room
thomas is on the bus
amanda is a recently deceased teenager who will come back to haunt you if you don't send her message out to as many people as you can
amanda is hiding at the pirate shop
jordan is not pregnant
mary is arrested for giving brownies to suffering
thomas is jordan
thomas is fully aware of his condition
thomas is "wrong"
amanda is a pimp choose another photo album
amanda is a retard
amanda is going bye bye for a little while
amanda is an outdated version & should be removed
amanda is eating super blue green algae
amanda is still in a coma
pichler is convinced it's working
pichler is the current president
amanda is a film about an extraordinary horse and a boy named biddle
lavine is a master
amanda is optimized to take advantage of tape drives
lavine is quick to recognize that the cartoons' actors don't say what is typed in the email
lavine is a founding member of lavine
lavine is the result of 16 years of catholic education
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