We have to do this story for theatrics class and we can either do a well known fairy tale or create our own based on a fairy tale. Enjoy!
So one day at Sonishmusfernaggin High, there were these 3 Nerds. And they were on their way to Calculus Class. They were so nerdy, they didn’t have names to call their own. Everyone just called them "Nerd."
On the way to Calculus Class, they had to go through a hallway. This hallway was occupied by 2 jocks. These jocks were the biggest, meanest, stupidest, football-playing jocks anyone had ever seen. Their I.Q. was equal to that of a potato salad.
So first of all came the smallest of the Nerds to come down the hallway to get to Calculus Class.
"Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, shuffle!" went the echos of the footsteps in the hallway.
"Who’s that shuffling down our hall?" the jocks inquired stupidly.
"Oh, it is only I, the smallest and weakest of the Nerds." said the smallest Nerd. "I’m on my way to Calculus Class to learn things that will help me get into Harvard or Yale or something."
"A Nerd huh?" replied one of the jocks. "Well perhaps you can help us with our Calculus homework, ‘cause we errm..uhh... kinda forgot to do it last night. And if you don’t help us with it, we’re gonna shove you into one of these lockers, and the janitor will have to get you out."
"Oh no no no no no....you don’t want my help. I’m only a C student. I wouldn’t be any help to you big bad jocks. Wait for the next Nerd. She’s much smarter than I am. And please, please don’t put me into one of those lockers." cried the smallest Nerd.
The 2 jocks exchanged looks and decided that they wanted to look smart for once and decided to let the littlest Nerd off without any harm done.
The littlest Nerd squealed with glee and she quickly hurried to Calculus.
A few seconds later the medium Nerd came down the hallway.
"Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, shuffle!" went the echos of the footsteps in the hallway.
"Who’s that shuffling down our hall?" The jocks yelled out.
"Oh, it is only I, the medium and most average of the Nerds." replied the medium Nerd. "I’m on my way to Calculus Class to learn things that will help me become the next Bill Gates."
"Another Nerd huh?" said one of the jocks. "Well perhaps you can help us with our Calculus homework, ‘cause we errm...uhh.. kinda forgot to do it last night. And if you don’t help us with it, we’re gonna shove you into one of these lockers, and the janitor will have to get you out."
"Oh no no no no no....you don’t want my help. I’m only a B student. I wouldn’t be any help to you big bad jocks. Wait for the next Nerd. She’s much smarter than I am. And please, please don’t put me into one of those lockers." pleaded the medium Nerd.
Again the jocks exchanged looks of stupidity and again decided that they wanted to look smart.
So they decided to wait for the smartest Nerd of them all.
The medium Nerd chirped with glee and she quickly hurried to Calculus to join the littlest Nerd.
And almost immediately after the medium Nerd left, the biggest and smartest Nerd turned to walk down the hall.
"Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, shuffle!" went the echos of the footsteps in the hallway.
"Who’s that shuffling down our hall?" The jocks bellowed out.
"It is I! The smartest Nerd," said the big Nerd, who was clearly the nerdiest at Sonishmusfernaggin High
She was the Nerd the big bad jocks have been waiting for.
"So you’re the smartest Nerd, eh?" asked the jocks. "Well perhaps you can help us with our Calculus homework, ‘cause your little Nerd friends said that your were the smartest. And if you don’t help us with it, we’re gonna shove you into one of these lockers, and the janitor will have to get you out. You are the smartest Nerd, aren’t you?"
"Oh, I believe I am. I get A’s in all of my classes, and I will help you with your homework. I’ve got this very easy problem that even the most macho of jocks, such as yourselves, could easily figure out." The big Nerd said cooly.
The jocks couldn’t believe it. They were actually gonna get the Nerd to help them with their homework.
"So what’s this ‘magic’ problem you told us about?" Asked one of the jocks.
"Oh it’s right here. All you have to figure out is this easy problem.
1035x2 + -897.04y2 - 2 (t2 - 3t + 109.091) 345x - 2 (t2 + 2t) -.09163xyz + t = 3.14" blurted out the Nerd.
The excitement quickly drained from the jocks dumbfounded faces. They just stood there like the mindless fools that they really are.
The smartest Nerd, let out a whooping cheer, passed between the 2 jocks still in shock and quickly joined the other 2 nerds in Calculus Class.
The 3 Nerds aced Calculus and quickly become well known for getting past the jocks. All though everyone still despised them for being Nerds. All 3 went on to be even bigger Nerds than they were in highschool. Becoming a computer engineer, a professor of chemical math, and the next Bill Gates.
The End
Monday, January 31
Saturday, January 29
Friday, January 28
Something I have been waiting to see all my life...
Yes today we had another pointless boring assembly. The girls lost to the guys, the Valley dance team with guys this time, students bored out of their minds, and the pitiful cheerleaders. More like the reject football cheerleaders. They couldn't command attention, we've heard all the cheers before, but at long long last....one of them fell off the tower!!! It was sooo damn funny!!!! That made my day!
Thursday, January 27
ELP Project
Pitch: Kids are being forced to grow up faster and faster these days. They're pushed to the brink to exceed in academics, sports, you name it--some are looking at colleges at the age of five. We can take geometry in ninth grade, but we can't be expected to know better than to drink, smoke, have sex, etc. It's pressure from the day you're born, and much moreso than it used to be. And what do all these pressures cause? A severe drop in self-esteem. I can remember letting myself be put down and walked all over for the entire time I was in Missouri. My brother's four, and he's being pushed to be the next sports star--basketball, baseball, you name it. What I'm saying is, as kids, we need to seriously boost some self-esteem. Serious issues pop up all over the place anymore before you're even 12.
Idea: Weekly half-hour to hour sessions for highschool students to speak to third to sixth grade girls or boys (depending on your gender--I believe there's still such a thing as cooties at this age, and I know I'm still nervous around older guys) about self-esteem and anything that might be bothering them at the mo'. Assemblies twice a year where teens can speak to the kids about their own memories about times when they've felt particularly out of it.
Question: Would anyone like to volunteer to help me out on this, speak at assemblies (If possible) or peer talks? I have to run it by Mrs. Monson tomorrow and see if it'd be an ok project, but I really need help. I can't run an organization all on my own, and I'd like to get other people's perspectives on the issue.
Idea: Weekly half-hour to hour sessions for highschool students to speak to third to sixth grade girls or boys (depending on your gender--I believe there's still such a thing as cooties at this age, and I know I'm still nervous around older guys) about self-esteem and anything that might be bothering them at the mo'. Assemblies twice a year where teens can speak to the kids about their own memories about times when they've felt particularly out of it.
Question: Would anyone like to volunteer to help me out on this, speak at assemblies (If possible) or peer talks? I have to run it by Mrs. Monson tomorrow and see if it'd be an ok project, but I really need help. I can't run an organization all on my own, and I'd like to get other people's perspectives on the issue.
Wednesday, January 26
Tuesday, January 25
Monday, January 24
Amanda McIntyre Is As Good As Dead
She wrote me a note in binary code. Grr and I've spent 10 min. using a translator and she put the binary numbers so close together that I can't tell where the damn spaces are ...I got like 4 words and that's it. AMANDA YOU ARE SO DEAD TOMORROW!!! Tata for now!!!
I'm Baaaaaack!!
Yea okay so I'm back from Chicago (not like any of you knew I was gone or really cared) but had a crap time there. I was so sick I almost got sent to the hospital. But on a better note got to see my older sister for the first time in a while. It was weird, all 3 sisters were at the same place at the same time for the first time ever. Gave me chills. Any ways,IHSSA competition was great, got to see a lot of great acts and about 80% of our groups are moving to State in 2 weeks. Sadly Britt didn't make it or Joanna or Kyle. Britt replacements will be the SSSS team (Short Sexy Stupid Sluts) and Kyle and Joanna's improv skit got a little bit too orgasmic. Lots of good skits from all of the schools. Specialy the improv skit. Hopefully our mime skit will go better, and I won't fall at State. Anyways Dad picked up a digital camera so I made a link just for them now cause I'm sick of them on this site. www.evilpichlerpics.blogspot.com
War Strategy:
1) Send in a bunch of burly tough guys who've never met before to kick a$$
2) Every 28 days send in a bunch of women to finsh what the men started
3) Send in a bunch of queers (please no offense) to clean up the mess
Sunday, January 23
Thursday, January 20
Chop Suey
Tuesday, January 18
Results of Finals
Yea so I'm pretty pleased with my results of finals so far...so far being the key word, err words
Chorus- B+
Math-77% final grade is an 83%
Science- 90% final grade is an 86%
GCS- 80% final grade is an 89%
Speech- 100% final grade 100%
Latin- 75% final grade is an 81% YEA!!!
Lang. & Lit- 79% final grade is an 86%
Okay so yea I could of done better but hey I'm pretty damn pround of myself for keeping all my grades in the B range. It was tough for me. So yea I'm not the brightest crayon in the box, but these grades work for me.
Okay yea enough about me, here's something for you guys. *WARNING LANGUAGE*
Chorus- B+
Math-77% final grade is an 83%
Science- 90% final grade is an 86%
GCS- 80% final grade is an 89%
Speech- 100% final grade 100%
Latin- 75% final grade is an 81% YEA!!!
Lang. & Lit- 79% final grade is an 86%
Okay so yea I could of done better but hey I'm pretty damn pround of myself for keeping all my grades in the B range. It was tough for me. So yea I'm not the brightest crayon in the box, but these grades work for me.
Okay yea enough about me, here's something for you guys. *WARNING LANGUAGE*
Monday, January 17
Mashed Potatoes

Students and teachers alike, all are beginning to realize that today was the first day of normal, regular classes that we've had in about a month. Reality is hitting us that were stucklike this till June. Hooray for homework, quizzes, tests, and projects. And now back to you Bob. Tune in for your local on the 8's.
Sunday, January 16
Saturday, January 15
My Cycle
- Go To Mall
- Ask Mom For Ride To Work
- Mom Requests Chocolate As Payment
- I Buy Chocolate
- Mom Picks Me Up
- Give Chocolate To Mom
- Mom Drives Me To Work
- I Work= I Make Money
- Money I Make = Money I Spend On Chocolate
- I Go To Mall
- (cycle begins again)
- Maybe I should just get a differnt job
Noteable Quotes
- I'm off to look for the back of my head.
- Corn on the cob, corn in a can, corn in a pan, corn soup.
- Montana is a utopia, you can do anything!!
- Can the midget be my safari guide?
- Would you like fries with that?
- This is the 'Montana Door'
Friday, January 14
Thursday, January 13
Umm, I have this little box--or rather, two little boxes--that have two different colors: light or dark reddish-brown. I'm looking for input on which one I should use on my hair? They're both *fairly* close to my natural color, it's just that the highlights I got over winter vacay are starting to come back, and I always wanted red....
Wednesday, January 12
Tuesday, January 11
Spring Play Information
Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme...
but in "american" that would be
The Prodigious Snob
Feb. 8 & 9
3:15 - 5:00
That's All Folks!
Meh I may have bombed the Final...
but atleast I am done with the pointless Latin Class!!!
Monday, January 10
I WAS blocked from speaking to proper people by the adult in my household- ie- Father. He holds administrative power- i hate thee Father.
Sunday, January 9
Saturday, January 8
Friday, January 7
A Very Eventful Day..err More Like Evening
Yea okay so school was pretty much pointless..just a nother random point of time wasted at school. Last day of Latin class tho, so I'm pretty happy about that. I got yelled at a lot today by teachers, I wasn't doing anything. Grr oh well! Anyways, decided to go to the library after school with Lauren, Amanda, Jennifer, and Eric. Eric was pissing me off, not thats a really hard thing to do, and so I stole his hat. The other 3 girls and I were running fown the sidewalk, well more like slipping, and we kept falling. So finally I said if Eric wanted his hat back, he would have to walk across the edge of the lake. He'd done it before when it was even warmer than this. So he walked across to the middle of the edge of the lake, and I tossed his snow filled hat onto the lake. He walked over to it and said he heard something crack, he picked it up and then took a step and his foot slightly dissapered. He took a few more steps and went knee deep into the freezing water. As he tried to get up he slipped again and went waist deep into the water. The other 3 girls and I were paralyzed with laughter, we didn't even try to help him we were laughing so hard. He finally got back out of the water. By that time Nick Mana had showed up and started yelling at us on how we were so stupid and telling us all these scientific mumbo jumbo while he pummeled me with his hat (I was still laughing). Poor Eric was frozen from head to toe, just dripping wet when we walked into the library. We calmed down and a round of coco all around. The rest of the evening wasn't so lively but things still spriraled out of control!
Thursday, January 6
For all you out there who can't get into you parent's email account here's some news
(good or bad you decide)
The Math final has been moved from tomorrow (Friday) to next Thursday the 13th
at 7:45-9:30 am
That also means that elective Per. 2 has been moved to the same time slot as elective Per. 8
(Jan. 11 12:39- 2:09)
So if you have electives both 2nd and 8th hour you'll have to choose one and reschedule the other with the teacher for a later time.
So if you're a lazy slacker like me, you get a few more days to study the material...but that also mean for those of us who lucked out on not having any finals that Thursday, we now have to drag our butts to school to take the Math final...life sucks doesn't it?
For all you out there who can't get into you parent's email account here's some news
(good or bad you decide)
The Math final has been moved from tomorrow (Friday) to next Thursday the 13th
at 7:45-9:30 am
That also means that elective Per. 2 has been moved to the same time slot as elective Per. 8
(Jan. 11 12:39- 2:09)
So if you have electives both 2nd and 8th hour you'll have to choose one and reschedule the other with the teacher for a later time.
So if you're a lazy slacker like me, you get a few more days to study the material...but that also mean for those of us who lucked out on not having any finals that Thursday, we now have to drag our butts to school to take the Math final...life sucks doesn't it?
Wednesday, January 5
Tuesday, January 4
Monday, January 3
Here's something
Okay if you are a total looser and really can't find something to do, then play this game. I thought the theme would match the weather.
Sunday, January 2
The End Is Drawing Near
'Tis the last day of glorious Winter Break for everyone...tomorrow is the nasty old Monday wich we all dread to wake up too. May you enjoy the last few hours of freedom you have, for we all must jump back to reality sometime.
Saturday, January 1
New Year Res':
Stop biting nails (again).
Never dye hair blond again (And thank god for at-home cover-up dye-jobs).
Get snow (Yes, this IS under my control. MUAHAHAHAHA).
Figure it out.
Yay 2005!!!
...And hey, is it just me, or is there ice-rain outside right now? Acuz, like, the glass door out to my porch is completely iced over. Unfortunately, I'm too lazy (and cold) to actually go outside and look at it.
Stop biting nails (again).
Never dye hair blond again (And thank god for at-home cover-up dye-jobs).
Get snow (Yes, this IS under my control. MUAHAHAHAHA).
Figure it out.
Yay 2005!!!
...And hey, is it just me, or is there ice-rain outside right now? Acuz, like, the glass door out to my porch is completely iced over. Unfortunately, I'm too lazy (and cold) to actually go outside and look at it.
So Far So Good!
One Hour and 8 minutes into the New Year, I haven't died yet! Things are looking up!
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