Pitch: Kids are being forced to grow up faster and faster these days. They're pushed to the brink to exceed in academics, sports, you name it--some are looking at colleges at the age of five. We can take geometry in ninth grade, but we can't be expected to know better than to drink, smoke, have sex, etc. It's pressure from the day you're born, and much moreso than it used to be. And what do all these pressures cause? A severe drop in self-esteem. I can remember letting myself be put down and walked all over for the entire time I was in Missouri. My brother's four, and he's being pushed to be the next sports star--basketball, baseball, you name it. What I'm saying is, as kids, we need to seriously boost some self-esteem. Serious issues pop up all over the place anymore before you're even 12.
Idea: Weekly half-hour to hour sessions for highschool students to speak to third to sixth grade girls or boys (depending on your gender--I believe there's still such a thing as cooties at this age, and I know I'm still nervous around older guys) about self-esteem and anything that might be bothering them at the mo'. Assemblies twice a year where teens can speak to the kids about their own memories about times when they've felt particularly out of it.
Question: Would anyone like to volunteer to help me out on this, speak at assemblies (If possible) or peer talks? I have to run it by Mrs. Monson tomorrow and see if it'd be an ok project, but I really need help. I can't run an organization all on my own, and I'd like to get other people's perspectives on the issue.
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Dude Count Me In!
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