Wednesday- 6:30 am. Nick, my mother, Sam, and I are down at the public works getting sandbags. For the next two hours, we lay down almost 500 sandbags. 2 wide, 2 high. A sheet of plastic then more sand bags. Her entire office surrounded, in hopes of keeping out the water. Things are looking good. The rain from the night before hadn't done much. The roads were still open and the baseball field was still playable.
7pm. We drive back to see how things are. The baseball fields are now a lake with 4 feet of water. You can barely see the fences separating the parks. My sister and I are standing on 16ft square patch of grass taking pictures and throwing stones into the water. We leave. 15 minutes pass and that patch of grass is now 4 inches under water. The parking lot next door at Casey's is filled with stupid on lookers. The police have put up barricades to keep them out. The adjoining business now has water reaching the entire width of the parking lot. 15 feet wide by 1 foot deep. We had to leave.
9:47 pm. The waters have hit the office. The adjoining roads are closed. All we can do is wait.
Thursday- ?
My mom doesn't deserve to go through this again.
~Until Then
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