1. Ever been so drunk you blacked out? I wish
> 2. Ever been missing? only from my self
> 3.Been hurt emotionally: yes
> 4. Kept a secret from everyone: every one knows my secrets but don’t know details
> 5. Had an imaginary friend when you were young: yes I did but my parents sent him to jail for sexual harassment . That would explain a few things
> 6. Wanted to hook up with a friend: yes but sadly it will never happen
> 7. Had a crush on a teacher: I WAS YOUNG
> 8. Ever thought an animated character was hot: yes he was in the desert
> 9. Had a New Kids On the Block tape: no
> 10. What was the last new movie you saw: THE DAY AFTER 2MARROW
> 11. Wearing: wouldn’t you love to know
> 12. Hair Is: on my head
> 13. Eating: nothing
> 14. Drinking: im 14
> 15. Thinking about: that spot on the wall
> 16. Talking to: my computer
> 17. Cried: yes
> 2. Worn a skirt: sadly i have
> 3. Met Someone New: No but tell me if you meet this Mr. Someone New
> 4. Cleaned a Room: hahahah I laugh I have 5 feet of clothes on my floor
> 5. Done laundry: but used way too much detergent. I flooded the floor
> 6. Drove a Car: a toy car
> DO YOU BELIEVE IN-----------
>> 1.Yourself: yes
> 2. Your friends: yeah
> 3. Santa Claus: no
> 4. Tooth Fairy: no
> 5. Destiny & Fate: yes
> 6. Angels: no
> 7. Ghosts: yes
> 8. UFO's: no
> RIGHT NOW-----
> 1. Who have you known the longest of your friends? Lauren Sarg.
> 2. Who's the loudest of your friends? ME
> 3. Who do you go to for advice: Brittany Johnson
> 4. Who do you cry to: my cat
> 5. Worst feeling: being sad
> 6. Who will respond to this the fastest? no one cause I am not sending this no anyone
> 7. Who did you send this to that will not reply? see above
> 8. Who sent this to you: Brianna H.
> 9. Whats your nickname? Pichler
> 1. What time did you go to bed last night? 11:28
> 2. Paper or plastic I prefer latex
> 3. What was the last book/magazine you read?: ummmmm
> 4. A TV show you can't stand to watch? anything on the dinsney channel
> 5. What did you eat for lunch today? cereal
> 6. Do you like to be surprised? Yes!
> 7. What color is your toothbrush? which one
> 8. What brand of deodorant do you wear? B and O
> 9. What is your favorite store? Hot Topic or Best Buy
> 10. Winter, spring, summer, or fall? I prefer Wispsumall
> 11. Favorite dessert? 3.14
> Which one would you prefer:
> 13. Favorite candy? Crunch or Hershey
> 14. Regular or decaf? regular
> 15. What characteristics do you admire? humor
16. Favorite holiday? my unbirthday
17. Favorite Time of day? night
18. Fruit or fruit smoothie? fruit smoothie
> 19. How many rings are you wearing? I AM LORD OF NO RINGS
> 20. What was the last card you gave someone? a BIRTHDAY
> 21. What radio station is on where you are right now? not on I don’t listen to the radio
22. Onion rings or french fries: french fries
> 23. Do you play cards or board games? both
24. Nails: nah I prefer fire or explisves
> 25. Do you like nuts on your sundaes? no I like nuts on my milk filled hot dogs