Monday, August 29

It's that time again!

One thing I love about getting into the swing of the school day is being able to come home and take a nap! Yes that's right, a nap. I love my naps! Woo Hoo! Nappy nappy nap nap nappity nap nap nappers nappit nappek nap!
~Until Then

Wednesday, August 24

Monday, August 22

Saturday, August 20

Heh... I laughed.

There are two statues in a park; one of a nude man and one of a nude woman. They had been facing each other across a pathway for a hundred years, when one day an angel comes down from the sky and, with a single gesture, brings the two to life. The angel tells them, "As a reward for being so patient through a hundred blazing summers and dismal winters, you have been given life for thirty minutes to do what you've wished to do the most." He looks at her, she looks at him, and they go running off together behind the shrubbery. The angel waits patiently as the bushes rustle and giggling ensues. After fifteen minutes, the two return, out of breath and laughing. The angel tells them, "Um, you have fifteen minutes left." The male statue asks the woman statue, "Would you like to do it again?" "Oh, yes let's," she replies! "But let's change positions. This time, I'll hold the pigeon down, and you shit on its head.

Friday, August 19

Madi's Schedule

1 sociology-hope
2 study hall-powell
also 2 gym-thornton
4a,4b,&c ceramics-dinsdale
5d &5e study hall-forum
6 spanish 2- cooley
7 2d foundations-murphy
8 geometry b-hasemann

email or comment if i have a class with you plz!

Wednesday, August 17

Oh my freaking god. This game sent goosebumps up my legs and spine.
Ooh, you'll like Gale. He's nice. :)

Tuesday, August 16

Class Schedule:
1. German I- Marasco
2. Concert Choir- Hickling
Advisory- Loge
3. Study Hall (Cafeteria)/ Gym- Martin
4. Biology- Pond C LUNCH
5. Early American Lit.- Gale
6. Geometry- Cochran
7. Fundies- Mikels
8. Select Treble Clef- Hickling

* Any links that I post don't turn out bright. It's dark grey and you really have to lookf or it. The previous post was a link, hope you can find it.

Monday, August 15

Thursday, August 11

Monday, August 8

~Until Then

Tuesday, August 2

Heh...only for music nerds... which is mainly me. But I picked up this funny song today and its amusing. Called "I just want to sing in a choir"

Main Choir: Each year we hold audtions, which have very strict conditions, to help us on our quest to find the best! We do need one more member in the group by late December, so we're willing to put some-one to the test.

Main Soloist: My greated desire is to sing in a choir, wether alto or tenor or bass.

*main choir responds with spoken ok*

Main Solist: Soprano is out, cause there just is no doubt, my weak squeak would bring on disgrace

*main choir laughs*

MS: Imagine the spectre of me as director, with having to sing every line? With my small range that's crazy, plus a mem'ry thats hazy, and a resonance hard to define. My pitch is not on, and my eye-sight is gone. But deep in my heart there's a fire. I'll practice my singing 'till both ears are ringing. I just want to sing in a choir!

MC: She just wants to sing in a choir!

MS: I read all that choral stuff, difficult oral stuff, other parts are so distracting. I try hard to concentrate, is this a singers fate or am I over reacting?

MC: We think she is over reacting!

MS: Alas and a lack, I am taken aback by the thought of our singing together. I have a deep loathing for the theatrical clothing and my voice seems to change with the weather.

Choir Soloist: I have a strong conviction that a singer must have diction to express the subtle feelings in a song

MC: This girl may have good diction, but we say with great conviction, that in this group she won't last very long!

MS: I drink herbal tea with basil, to avoid my sounding nasal, to make each word I sing clear as a bell. I try to say each "essss" with a delicate finessssse.

Choir Soloist: She sounds just like the arrow in the op'ra Willian Tell

*swishing sounding and choir giggles*

MS:I've tried breathing with corection, just to aid in my projection. My voice can now be heard in any hall. I can sing both loud and quiet.

MC: Say this girl's a real riot!

CS: May I suggest you try it in a rather empty mall?

*Choir bursts with laughter. Directore taps the baton and waves for instanr quiet*

MS: I find myself mumbling to cover my stumbling. A singing coach I plan to hire. It may sound absurd, but I mean ev'ry word, I do want to sing in a choir!

MC: The poor girl has passion, and in some sort of fashion, we sing this with out any ire. If she doesn't make noise and on stage some poise..Or if she doesn't yell, she can stay for a spell..and sing with us here in the choir!

*Choir cheers and yells as everyone congrats. the "new member" and leaves*

~Until Then