Monday, May 26

So I'm officially an alumni!

So we graduated. Yup. How weird is that? I can't believe that I actually made all the way through the West Des Moines School District. 13 years of education under my belt, which will supposedly help me out at Iowa next year. Looking back on it all, it's hard to say that it wasn't a good time. I've met so many people who will remain close to me, even if they aren't physically next to me any more. Teacher's who have impacted my life in ways that they don't even realize. Memories that I can look back and laugh about, and some that bring tears to my eyes (in a good way.) I felt that in these last few years, I've become more open to myself and true to who I am as a human being. Sure others may not like it or me all the time for that matter, but why lie to yourself. I figure, those who truly accept me as a friend will show it, why trying to form relationships with people who I can't stand. I'm done being 'real' to others. I'm never going to see 90% of the people I graduated with ever again. Now that remaining 10% translates into 60 people if you actually put it in perspective. Even that's pushing it. Maybe 5% of the entire 2008 graduates will I actually see over this summer (hopefully) if time allows. I've moved out of the biggest step in my life this far. I've got a diploma, and it feels weird. I just know, that I've got 89 days until I start my first day of class at Iowa. That really doesn't feel all that long.
College. The main reason I'm looking forward to college, is not parties and no parents and little rules, no I'm looking forward to the fact that everyone there has already experienced high school. They know what works, and what doesn't work. (Well most of the them, the people that I'm going to hang out with any ways.) They know how to act, and what to do when called upon. I'm excited. I'm living in the performing arts community. That way I know that my roommate and I will have something in common at least. Sure, I may not be going any where impressive, but I'm still excited to move on with my education towards my education career. I don't know what lies ahead in 89 days, but I can't wait.
My roommate has moved out and the house feels at peace. It's nice to be able to say lets go back to my house and know for a fact that know one is there moping around.
Almost all the high school festivities have come to an end. I've had my grad party and it was a blast. I don't care about the gifts or the money that I received, but what I truly cared about was what people wrote. I have all my cards in a box and they're coming with me next year, so in a time of down-ness, I can read them and look back on the memories that I may have pushed to the back of my mind. I plan to come back home about once a month. Not only for Nick, but to see my friends who are still in high school. I want to keep building those relationships, and come and support them in their drama activities, just as all the alumni did for us. I hope that I will see you at some of those performances.
I also plan to keep updating this. I know that we'll all be hundred of miles apart (except Thane who will be just across campus.) but I think that we've formed a little bonding community here, and I want to keep it up. See how long we all keep writing, see how we all grow over the next 4 years. Sure we won't be able to fully understand all the stuff in the posts that we write, but still. We'll have this to look on and feel just that much more closer to the person who's writing it. So I promise to keep writing. I hope the rest of you do as well.
Well that's my post graduation post, I'm ready to move on.

~Until Then

Friday, May 9

A week later and...

I guess I still don't feel like an adult yet. It's probably due to the fact that I'm still stuck in High School (40 hours and counting.) I've done adult things such as smoking a cigar and I got something permanently drawn on my body, but I still have to get up every morning wait for my room mate, drive to school and be there from 7:15 til 1:42 pm. Haven't gotten any new privileges, but I think in time those will come. I have played the I'm an adult card, and I've also played the I'm still an adult but too poor to afford things card as well. It sorta works, for now anyways. My parents finally decided to stop giving me hand me down lap tops and are getting my an Mac Book for my super late birthday present. I won't get it until to July, but it doesn't matter. Being a senior is really expensive, and I don't like it.
On the other hand there is a light at the end of the tunnel, not only do we graduate in about 2 weeks, but even more exciting is the fact the my room mate will no longer be living here as of May 21st! She's going back to her mom's where she can be moody and stay locked up in her room and be gone for what seems like days on end without anyone ever seeing her. She will be out of my hair and there will be a party in her honor of absence!
I can't wait to be done with high school, it's so boring now but I've miraculously managed to maintain rather good grades this year. Well that's it. My first post as an adult.
~Until Then