Friday, December 31

2004 Review

Highlights and Downfalls of 2004:
  • Was introduced to Rock N' Roll Unit (yea you brainstormers) DF
  • Try outs for Makin' It and made the part HL
  • Golf Club incident HL & DF
  • Groups for Vocal Contest HL
  • Performances for Makin' It (I think were gonna crash and burn) DF
  • Performances for Vocal Contest HL
  • Mythbusters HL
  • End of Rock N' Roll Unit HL
  • Brite pink signs (Yes Maybe) HL
  • Orchestra Trip to Worlds Of Fun HL & DF
  • Turned 14 HL
  • Variety Show DF
  • Last Orchestra Concert HL
  • Last Vocal Concert DF
  • End of the best school year...ever HL &DF
  • Trip to Indiana (lol) DF
  • Baked Potatoe (sp?) HL
  • End of the summer party HL
  • Starting Highschool DF
  • Latin Class HL & DF (mainly downfall)
  • Dropping Orchestra HL
  • Speech Class HL
  • Met Christian HL
  • Dark Of The Moon tryouts DF
  • Home Coming HL
  • Dark Of The Moon performances HL
  • Met Matt HL & DF
  • Discovered stand-up comedy HL

Tommorow starts another New Year, and I probably screw that one up as well.

this is an audio post - click to play

Thursday, December 30



Sunday, December 26

Christmas Review!!
Okay first off I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and got everything (or mostly) what you wanted. So now with all our new gizmos and whatnot we can keep our selves busy and stay away from the Christmas specials....don't drink too much egg nog now! Thank goodness the weather wasn't bitterly cold and OMG can you actually say it ...WE HAD SNOW ON THE GROUND FOR CHIRSTMAS!!!!..yea so it may not be much but it's still snow!!
Best Gift: Mini Ipod..hey it's still an I pod
Usefull Gift: Punching Bag
Humerous Gift: Redneck page-a-day calendar
Sadly my computer is stupid and won't recognize a damn C.D. so I can't use my Ipod so there for I take my anger out on the punching's really gonna get use during finals!! YEA FINALS!!! Aren't you all looking forward to 5 freakin days of tests?? You know I am!!!! Have a great New Year and see you all on the 3rd!

Thursday, December 23

Merry Christmas to y'all and a Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 21

Ah it's finally that time of year, the kids are out of school, snow is on the ground all fluffy and white. People are gathering up for the holidays, stores are stocked with eggnog, the fire is balzing with that yule log. People of all ages relive that magic time of year when the Christmas spirit comes alive again, loved ones snuggle close and watch the fire flicker into the ashes. And then New Years rolls around, people make their resolutions, and happily dance the night away.

Then we're all yanked back out of that dream and back into start complaining about their broken gifts and finals and having to deal with their teachers...the snow is a grey mess which you have to shovel every day and night, your car won't start cause a squirell took up resident in the engine. The relatives leave to go back home and your stuck with this huge mess and trash in every corner, that just magically seemed to appear. The leftover food is stinking up the fridge. The fire wood is rotted and infested. You wife is pissed off at you about how you don't love her anymore and that Mary from down the street got better gifts than she did. And how you started hitting on some other woman at the party caus eyou were drunk. You've already broken your resolution no matter what it is.

Yea I just love the holidays don't you?

Saturday, December 18

Friday, December 17

Original: God Bless Us, Every One!
Improved: God Break The Dishes, Every One!
And off to the 2nd Dickens Dinner.

Thursday, December 16

I think I might become a vegetarian....then again I might not.

Wednesday, December 15

Have I fallen into and alternate reality?!?! I swear to God I have, this has been the most messed up day ever!!! I am sooo lost!

Tuesday, December 14

Coming soon to a theatre near you!

Dressed in blue armed only with their rolling carts of wonders, come the JANITORS LIVE ON HALLWAY! Tall, short, fat, skinny, you name it, they are there! You don't hear them with the exception of their brooms and squeaky wheels. They come in single or in a whole pack, never more never less! So come see Lary, Robert, Ann, Mary, George and many others...hurry tickets are going fast!

Sunday, December 12

And the last few hours of our precious weekend comes to a close

Yes the weekend is just about finished, people are scrambling to get homework done, projects are quickly thrown together, and of course we're all grumbling about how tomorrow is another nasty Monday. Yes don't we all just love the weekend.

People have all died pretty much, there has been no contact between anyone at all for like 4 days, it's reall sad. Geesh Winter Break is gonna be torture.

My sisters 10th birthday party was this weekend, yes 3 screaming little girls ranging from 8-10,(well technically 9 but hey) Yes, thank God red Mt. Dew blends in with my carpet (2 freaking bottles of it was spilled) sugar + little kids + demented sister = one he!! of a night. Oh yes and a Midnight visitor.

And alas I must go do my GCS homework, grrr the weekend is gone grr.

Thursday, December 9

Okay my chatterbox isnt working is Shefali's website and Madangelgirl18 is Madi's aim.
And yet another episode of Kyle vrs. Jason's hairy @$$! Man this was great! Tune in tomorrow to see more exciting action on BUS ADVENTURES!

Wednesday, December 8

My Christmas Letter

Dear Obese Trespassing Altruist,

This year, I have been a very manipulative little girl. I have compulsively lied, and I have never helped my sister with their homework. And I always say thank you, which makes me seem like I care, and so I deserve lots of blank checks this year!

Please bring all this stuff for me and the people in my life: For my mommy, please bring the onset of menopause. For my daddy, please bring a new Rogaine prescription. For my little sister, please bring a subscription to Guns & Ammo. For my doggy, please bring breath mints. Oh – and for my mail man, please bring some fruit cake.

Now about me! Please bring me all of the Spider Man breakfast cereal, and front row tickets to Eminem – plus backstage passes so I can get airborne Chlamydia! Oh, and please don’t forget to bring my Lamborghini Diablo VT 6.0. But if you can’t, just remember that more than anything Santa, what I really really want is just $10,000,000!

Anyway, I hope you like the meatloaf I left out for you.


PS: Please say hello to Ralph, the heartless Elfin slavemaster.

PPS: Oh yeah, and remember Ted Bratton? He has been a really homicidal dork all year long and doesn’t deserve any Christmas presents. So please don’t forget to put ebola in their stocking. Thanks!

Tuesday, December 7

Man that beer's empty

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
A beer

On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
Two turtlenecks
And a beer

On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
Three french toast
Two turtlenecks
And a beer

Doug: There should be more there

On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me
Four pounds of back bacon
Three french toast
Two turtlenecks
And a beer

Doug & Bob: In a tree

Damn Dickens Dinners

There're soooo confusing!

Monday, December 6

New Link

Hey check out Jessica's blog, YEA BLOGS HAVE SO NOT DIED!

Sunday, December 5

Something to do...or not.

Never engage in a battle of wits with an unarmed person.

Saturday, December 4

Word of the day!

Hoboish: adjective that is also a noun (because I don't know my english), meaning train-dwelling- mystical creature, which dissapates into a powdery substance (what substance this may be I am not sure) the hand is the last thing visible before total dissaperance.
And yet another random day goes by in this thing goes life! PARTAHY!!!

Friday, December 3

A lesson learned

Staples in your arm hurt, bad.

Wednesday, December 1

It's not a dump, it's a landfill....riiiight.

From the desk of:

*Note to CarribeanPPirate- who HASN'T touched his rod?!*
anyways- I am back again....
my computer is still being evil...
no AIM online-
might have on my phone?!
That's all to say-