Saturday, December 31

Last Post of the Old Year

So this is saying goodbye to all the shit that has happened in 2005 and just really hoping that 2006 is a better year. No I don't regret 2005, I just would have changed a lot of things IF I could go back. So yea. Hope everyone has a kick-ass New Years (don't drink too much wine) and hope you keep your New Years resolution (God knows I've never been able to keep mine) so later.
~Until Then

Wednesday, December 28

Tuesday, December 27

I will not let mysapce control me, I will not let myspace control me, I will not let...

I hate Arkansas. It's full of old people and inbred families. It's so boring, there is nothing to do and my mom is a bitch. (well thats not new news) But I really hate it down here, the only good I thing I get is the uber nice comfortable weather. But everything else bites ass. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I really miss the home sweet home of Iowa. I mean atleast I'm in my element there. And my friends are there and my sweet phone ISN'T ON ROAM!! I can't even send a damn text, NOOOOOO!!! I have no connections. My grandpa had a fit when I asked iif I could use his comp to get on the internet for like 20 min. I had to clean the already clean kitchen. Will someone please come down here and get me. I am so lonely and bored and the old people are everywhere!!! DOT DOT DOT- DASH DASH DASH- DOT DOT DOT!!!!! HELP HELP HELP!!!
~Until Then

Saturday, December 24

Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you have a truly wonderful holiday and that maybe you will find the meaning of Christmas. Hahah no not really. Remeber that there is no such thing as wrapping paper.

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Let It Snow, Let It Snow
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(Actually no I hope not, cause if it does, guess who has to shovel it? That's right the townhome personel)
~Until Then

Friday, December 23

Snow Miser

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I'm Mister White Christmas, I'm Mister Snow

I'm Mister Icecicle, I'm Mister Ten Below.

They Call Me Snow Miser, Whatever I Touch,

Turns To Snow In My Clutch, I'm Too Much.

Tuesday, December 20

My Final Paper- Please Read

This is my persuasive paper for fundies. It was a way for me to communicate to my teachers without alarming them. It also helped me in healing myself in ways that only I can explain. Pardon my gramatical errors, but I am still very proud of this paper. Please read this with respect and do not laugh, it's not a humor paper. Please read this, for me.

Teachers and Suicide Awareness
Suicide has been a problem in society for many years. The group in society that has been affected by it the most would be adolescents or teenagers. Many teenagers view suicide as a way out of their problems. But suicide is a permanent answer to a temporary problem. With all the stress in society today, it’s no wonder that it takes a beating on teens and drives them to suicidal states. Even with that in mind, most teachers are not aware of just how many students fall into this category. Although there is some awareness instilled in teachers, rising rates of suicide, teacher’s personal awareness, and effects of limited awareness still play a problem in overall awareness.
With the raising suicide rate in the past 10 years, the community within the school has become much more stressful. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among youth from ages 15-19. A self reported survey has shown that over 20% of students have seriously considered suicide within the past year and another 23% have attempted or made plans to attempt suicide. (Page, Adolescent Suicide) School plays a large part in the stress that builds up. The teenage years are generally a period of high risk for morbidity and mortality. (Page, Adolescent Suicide) Students tend to get entertained by thoughts of dark subjects or their own soul. They concoct these ideas in their heads and review them constantly. Dark as these subjects may be to others; the student is highly fascinated by them and continues to develop more ideas of the same nature. Along with school, home life is another large player in the game of suicide. Parents drive their students to be strong achievers. Students also receive self and peer pressure to perform well academically and socially. Most parents today hold a full- time job, which leaves less time for them to be around their children. Children slowly become isolated from their parents and must rely on themselves. (Gale, Interview)
Community concern about youth suicide has created community pressure for schools to develops and implement a variety of suicide prevention initiatives. (Page, Adolescent Suicide) Many secondary schools are hoping to increase the sensitivity of school personnel to recognize the signs of suicide-prone youth. (Page, Adolescent Suicide) Many teachers do not have a good sense of the warning signs and may disregard them as “normal” teenage problems. Schools seek to create programs where teachers may learn and recognize the signs of suicide before it’s too late. It is imperative for schools to have high-quality suicide prevention programs. The programs themselves are often implemented in the schools (rather than outside but school sponsored) and are usually directed towards students as well as teachers. (Davidson, Suicide Prevention)
As stated previously, many teachers do not have much of an idea of how many suicidal- prone students they deal with on a day to day basis. The teachers who are more in-tune and well connected with their students are more likely to notice the suicidal behaviors. They usually are able to do this because they (as a teenager) had deeply contemplated and/or attempted suicide themselves. They would know what the student is going through/dealing with and would be able to place themselves in their students’ shoes. (Mikels, Interview)
In areas of being connected with their students, teachers are on many different levels. Out of the four teachers interviewed for this paper, all four were at different levels or connections with their students. Mr. Cameron Gale has a fairly good sense of the emotional state of his students. He connects very well with most of his students that he teaches in his classes. But when confronted with a suspicion that a student is having a rough time outside of class, he isn’t willing to press the issues or pester his student, for fear of alienating that student farther than he or she already is. (Interview)
Mr. Robert Schebel feels extremely well-connected with his students. He says that it is extraordinarily important for teachers to reach out to their students and connect with them personally, not just strictly a student teacher relation. He realizes that teachers can’t make a strong connection with all of their students, but then can at least try. Although Mr. Schebel is relatively new to teaching, he still feels that he is very well connected with his students; some of those students are not even ones he has in classes. He commented on the chemistry of the teenage brain. They are naturally manic depressive, dealing with social environment, family issues, and school pressures. (Interview)
Another interviewee, Mr. David Cochran, is less certain of his personal connection with his students. He doesn’t feel well connected with students, and due to that he is not able to speak for the student body. Most of his students in his classes generally stay quite due to the nature of the class. He has some personal sense that he knows his students in class fairly well, but he might be completely in the dark on their real personality. It might just be that the student is having trouble in that particular class and tends to keep quite; while outside of that class the student is vibrant and outgoing. (Interview)
Like the first two teachers, Mrs. Janelle Mikels feels well-connected with her students. She can tell a lot about her students by their body language. They might be slumped over or are not attentive in class and generally stay to themselves or might confide only in one person. If a student does show suicidal tendencies, the teachers of that student will get together and discuss that student. If a student she has is suicidal, usually by the time knowledge reaches her, the attempt has already passed and she can simply do nothing but support the student. She strongly believes that teachers do play an important role in how students deal with their lives. Most students don’t actually realize this fact until much later. Mrs. Mikels is a teacher who believes in hidden curriculum. Of course a student attends a class to learn about literature, math, broadcasting, science, etc. But he or she might leave that class, having learned a lesson about responsibility. (Interview)
As wonderful as these four teachers are, there are still those out there who are very reluctant to notice suicide hints and may just disregard threats all together. A great number of teachers will disregard suicide “threats” as jokes or over-frustration. Also some teachers, somewhat like Mr. Gale, are reluctant to help out a student when faced with a threat. They might be scared for any number of reasons, but all teachers are mandatory reporters if suicide is brought to their attention. (Davidson, Suicide Prevention)
Even if teachers were to go through some kind of program and would be then able to recognize the warning signs, the initial contact between the student and teacher is very important. Teachers are the front line in the regards of dealing with students’ problems. They might hear things from the student’s friends or from the student directly. Teachers need to be prepared (no matter what area of school they teach) to deal with suicidal students. It would be very beneficial to the students; if teachers became less uncomfortable and more willing to deal with students. (Davidson, Suicide Prevention)
Hopefully, in the near future, it will become a requirement for teachers to be instilled with knowledge of warning signs and how to deal with them. If this were to happen, trained personnel would have to available within the school setting to respond to students who are experiencing troubled feelings. The timing of the interaction between students and teachers is also a major key in prevention. (Page, Adolescent Suicide)
Ultimately in the end, it is entirely up to the students to reach out to their teachers. They must take the first step in asking for help. Many students are unwilling to come to a teacher directly, for fear of getting in trouble with higher administration. Normally they will confide in a close friend(s), and the friend(s) would come to the teacher with concern for their friend. Students must realize that teachers are not mental health professionals and can’t be expected to function as such. Often teachers have no training in suicide intervention and cannot be held responsible for emergency care and/or long term therapy. (Davidson, Suicide Prevention)
There is cause for hope, however. Many teachers have (in their career) helped a suicidal student. They have been there for them in their time(s) of need. Often a student will feel a great sense of trust in the teacher and confront them after class or after school. It is their cry for help; they can no longer keep all of the emotions built up inside them. The teacher listens to them and tries to help them cope and sort out their problems that they are dealing with. (Gale, Schebel, Cochran, Mikels, Interview) The world would be a better place if all teachers opened their eyes, minds, and hearts to their students and in return hope that the students will do the same.

I recieved a score of 97 out of 100. I was highly impressed as were my teachers.
~Amanda Pichler

Saturday, December 17


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Little Shop, Little Shop of Horrors. Call the cop, Little Shop of Terrors. Bop Doo Wap!


Saturday, December 10

"14.95? That's cheaper than buying an inguna!!!" My sister at 4 a.m.
~Until Then

Wednesday, December 7

Count the Days Folks

Okay, I know that I was wrong over the summer, but I believe that I an correct now. At the end of the school year, the auditorium will be closed for construction purposes. The last thing the auditorium will be used for will be the choir, band, and orchestra concerts. Which means that the improv people will need tofind a new home. GAH GAH GAH!!! Also starting next year (school year)thanks to our wonderful Govenor, he has now passed a law saying that all the fine arts departments must now compete for grants from the state of Iowa. There goes Drama as we know it, there goes the jazz choir, there goes the choirs, there goes marching band, there goes the neighborhood. But you know, at least football will have funding. I mean that's all that matters right??
~Until Then

Monday, December 5

Thursday, December 1

Okay Folks

Wow. Why does everyone hate my fucking guts all of the sudden? I mean yea I am not suicidal anymore. I'm just depressed and its not gonna happen at all. I mean it this time, I swear on my life for which I am lucky to have. I'm sorry to a certain someone to whom of which I have made their life a living hell. I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. It's just that when I get depressed or really overly stressed, I say things that I don't mean. People never get the whole side of what I have to say. I've stoped caring about that, I mean if they don't want to listen to me, than that's fine. This past week has really shown me who my true friends are, and I'm sorry to say, not a whole lot of my "other friends" make the list, I realize that sounds harsh, but you all have been pretty damn harsh to me. I realize you talk behind my back and curse my very existance. I'm not blind, just color blind. One of my teachers pointed out to me something I never would have realized on my own, this paper that I am currently writing for fundies, is a healing process for what I went through in the bloody month of November. I am slowly healing myself, it's just going to take a really long time to complete. I will become the old Pichler again, maybe just a little bit better than that, cause I know most of you hated the old Pichler anyways, but hey who the hell reads this anyways. November was a really shitty month for me and it always will be, no matter what. I can't change that month. I'm am sorry, I know you don't believe me anyways. I really want things to go back to the way they were before all hell broke loose in everyones lives, not just mind. I hope you guys can atleast see that in me.
~Until Then

Wednesday, November 30

Hello from the library. I don't feel like doing my research for my fundies paper. Thane says hello, well he will when I get him (he's sitting right next to me not doing his research paper either) he said hello finally. Okay these computers are frusterating me, they run way to slow for my ADD. So I am going to continue to surf the web at speeds ofthe great turtle. TATA
~Until Then

Monday, November 28

I am such a horrible person. I hate myself.
~Until Then

Sunday, November 27

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Any body willing to do the honors by pulling the trigger?

Wednesday, November 23

If I died right now, I would be happy. I have a WHOLE apple pie to MYSELF!!! I'm sitting in front of the fire downstairs and getting wasted off of Egg Nog right from the carton! Yay calories!!!
~Until Then

Sunday, November 20

I shall now attempt to get drunk off of Grape juice and then bury my sorrows in a bag of cinnimon bread.
~Until Then

Saturday, November 19

I don't even want to say anything anymore. I'm thinking of just cutting all my realtions off with everyone around me. I piss people off, I make them afraid, I make them anxious. I can't seem to hold a realtion with anyone at all now a-days. The only one who really gives a shit about me is my best friend Elena. I don't talk to Lauren anymore because she hangs with a different crowd. I don't see Alexa at all, she has no idea of what the hell goes on anymore. Hell I don't even know what goes on anymore. Maybe I should switch to Johnston and work full time. Maybe I should drop out at 16. Maybe I should just stop talking. Why can't we all just go back to 8th grade and keep relations likes those. I loved that year. What happened to the old Amanda. What happened to me?
~Until Then

Tuesday, November 15

What the hell is going to become of IHSSA this year? I mean the groups are way out of wack and people are just bitchin about it (me included). I just hope we all make it districts in one piece.

On another note, I heard this all day...
Random Person: Hey, did you know that your hair matches your sweater??
Me: Yea, I did actually.
Random Person: Did you plan it or was it coincident?
Me: Nah, I planned it. I'm not that lucky.

Thats what I said out loud, below is what I was thinking...

No you moronic freak. I got dressed in the dark this morning, because my father is too poor to pay our bills and I just happened to pull out this sweater and wear it. And I never actually died my hair with a product, my brain is bleeding because people like you cause it TREMENDOUS trauma by asking the stupid questions that you do.
~Until Then

Monday, November 14

Friday, November 11

Thursday, November 10

Rather Morbid, but humorus in my sick twisted sense of my mind.

500 feet of 3/4" rope;
-Car, with at least a 286-HP 6-banger, with good tires. Known for excellent reliability, pick-up.
-Case of beer, various tranquilizers.
1.Do up! Load up and party!
2.Tie one end of the rope securely to a huge tree.
3.Make a nice hangman's noose in the other end of the rope.
4.Get in the car, run the rope in, and buckle-up, because it's the law! Tighten down real tight on your straps now, boys and girls, for maximum effectiveness.
5.All buckled in nice and secure? Well, now just put that ol' hangman's noose around your little neck, and pull the damn thing up tight.
Tip: If you have a truck with a rear sliding window USE IT.

6. Ladies and gents start your motors! All set? GO LIKE HELL!!!!

Tuesday, November 8

Update from the insane surroundings

Okay so the play has FINALLY ended! Eight long and hectic weeks. But yea I'm sitting in math class (I HATE GEOMETRY) and am bored out of my mind. I have D lunch so I can't eat till 12:20...LINDSEY A. SAYS HELLO FROM THE LAND OF MYSPACE....yea I'm basically starving here. Send me some food please!!!! So yea, doo doo doo killin time, Thane's asleep listening to his music or whatever the heck it is. Thespian Festival this weekend, looking forward to that. Am I ready? Not even close, but oh well. It's the experience that counts, not the grade. Too bad that doesn't work with Highschool (my grades are actually really good, only 2 B's) HEY THANE WOKE UP NOW!! He's sitting next to me and still listening to his music. Well I'm off to kill the rest of my math class.
~Until Then

Sunday, October 30

~Until Then

Saturday, October 29

Make up! MORGUEY!!!

Hey yea the nasty stage make-up has reared it's ugly head. I hate the stuff, and it's always funny to see newbies (sorry Thane and Jordan) to over do their make up. You get better and then you just don't care and just go like "screw it" Yea, but hey only a weekish of the play left. Hang in there folks.
~Until Then

Sunday, October 16

I know you guys have probably heard it a MILLION times, but again CONGRATS to Mary, Thomas, Jordan, Luke, Jill, and Mindy. You guys were insanely awesome at your auditions. Yes I wish I could join you on the stage, but atleast I'll be watching you from up in heaven.
~Until Then...Sound Director.

Sunday, October 9

Favorite Quote

"You're a boy, you lie!"
Marti Paysuer

Thursday, October 6

Oh, *ahem* Lord...

So I put a new layout up on my blog, and I typed the links in wrong. Nothing big, just something not easily noticable. But as I was typing in yours, I accidently spelled 'blogspot' as 'blogpsot,' and it took me here: (look and see).

I tell ya, they get stranger with those domain names every time.


Sunday, October 2

Homecoming is Over Rated

Yea okay so I've never actually stayed for an entire homecoming dance cause last year I went bowling after a half and hour and this year I left at 9:30 to go get something from a coffee shop. Hyvee Hall doesn't have that "classic" dance feel. Granted yes we didn't boil to death but still it seemed like gym class with horridly fancy clothes and a D.J. I mean people barely danced with their dates and they just talked in groups the entire time. It was too bright in there also. It also didn't help the fact that I had Theresa Simmions following me around all night when I was there with MY date. It was akward...really akward. Another fact I can tell you is that Student Government people didn't have as nearly as much fun as we could, reason being is that we already spent 4 hours there setting up and yea it sucked. Well atleast I didn't lose $16 cause I worked for my tickets, so that's not bad. I mean yea, I'll go to H.C. next year, but who knows how long I'll stay for that one. But Valentines isn't for a nother 5 months and that is a whole nother story.
On another note, my dad is back from Europe tonight! YAY!
~Until Then

Sunday, September 25

My Hell on Earth

Okay there is no point in doing a review on the Mime show cause Toma and Lemonator have nicely done that for you for the fact that I've seen the show like 12 times. Anyways yea living with my mom is total HELL!! If I don't call her at a certain time she gets pissed. Well okay first of all I have a phone and I think she knows how to dial like 7 numbers...and secondly after living with my father for 2 years...I kinda find it hard to make a switch over to my moms house. Another thing is that she bitches on how I don't spend time at the house...I'VE OBLY BEEN THERE FOR 2 DAYS!!! Holy cow! I can't wait untill my dad gets back.
~Until Then

Saturday, September 10

Dance Marathon

So I did that dance marathon last night/ this are my feet dead. 10 hours of dancing will kill you. I danced barefoot and my feet were so black from it too. But it was a lot of fun. You just dance and do moves and know one cares what you do really and the songs are great cause everyone still loves them even tho no one will admit it. I mean they played the Macarina, YMCA, Doo Wap, La Vita Loca, and what not it was great. The first 3 hours or so are pretty fun cause you have tons of energy, but then as the night progresses, things get tiresome. At 3 am, the marathon was only half over and it seems like time is standing still. People really start dragging around 2ish or so, but I didn't lose energy till baout 6:30 before I finally called it quits. Was it painful...yea...but will I do it again next year? Oh yea!
~Until Then

Thursday, September 8

And so the wait begins

Yes we all know the wait I'm talking about. The CAST list! Yes! We shall glare at eachother in the hall ways and then stampede to the drama board to see what part we didn't get. I HATE YOU ALL!
~Until Then


Haven't seen you much lately--or rather, I've seen, but not spoken. How's life? School? Pointless Stuff?

I've decided that highschool is stressful. Testament: I'm dropping art. Lemme repeat that--I am dropping art. Yes, 3-4 hours of homework on average a night will do that to a person.


Wednesday, September 7

Pichler is a H.O.R....House of Rep.

Okay so yesterday in advisory, Mrs. Loge asked if anyone was intersted in runninh for HOR. No one raised their hands, so after a few minutes I raised mine only to say I would THINK about it. I just wanted to make her feel better (I wasn't actually gonna do it). So yea then today during advisory we went to go elect people for the HOR, no one got up to give a speech. The teachers were trying to get us to try it, they didn't care just as long as someone ran. Well I don't know what made me do it, but I got up there and improved about a 2 min. speech or so...we it turns out no one else ran and I am no a HOR. WTF did I get myself into?
~Until Then

Monday, September 5

A Nights Happening

Okay so its like 4 in the morning and I here this ripping sound and I look around (although I can't really see anything) and so I go back to sleep. Like 10 min. later I here a really long rrrriiiiiipppppp and all of the sudden this drunk poster falls on me. Goes to show you that let it be human or poster, a drunk can't stand up straight.
~Until Then

Saturday, September 3


Touching the mouth piece of a band intrument or sharing the same pop bottle with a band person results in aids...there for you have now contracted band-aids.
~Until Then

Monday, August 29

It's that time again!

One thing I love about getting into the swing of the school day is being able to come home and take a nap! Yes that's right, a nap. I love my naps! Woo Hoo! Nappy nappy nap nap nappity nap nap nappers nappit nappek nap!
~Until Then

Wednesday, August 24

Monday, August 22

Saturday, August 20

Heh... I laughed.

There are two statues in a park; one of a nude man and one of a nude woman. They had been facing each other across a pathway for a hundred years, when one day an angel comes down from the sky and, with a single gesture, brings the two to life. The angel tells them, "As a reward for being so patient through a hundred blazing summers and dismal winters, you have been given life for thirty minutes to do what you've wished to do the most." He looks at her, she looks at him, and they go running off together behind the shrubbery. The angel waits patiently as the bushes rustle and giggling ensues. After fifteen minutes, the two return, out of breath and laughing. The angel tells them, "Um, you have fifteen minutes left." The male statue asks the woman statue, "Would you like to do it again?" "Oh, yes let's," she replies! "But let's change positions. This time, I'll hold the pigeon down, and you shit on its head.

Friday, August 19

Madi's Schedule

1 sociology-hope
2 study hall-powell
also 2 gym-thornton
4a,4b,&c ceramics-dinsdale
5d &5e study hall-forum
6 spanish 2- cooley
7 2d foundations-murphy
8 geometry b-hasemann

email or comment if i have a class with you plz!

Wednesday, August 17

Oh my freaking god. This game sent goosebumps up my legs and spine.
Ooh, you'll like Gale. He's nice. :)

Tuesday, August 16

Class Schedule:
1. German I- Marasco
2. Concert Choir- Hickling
Advisory- Loge
3. Study Hall (Cafeteria)/ Gym- Martin
4. Biology- Pond C LUNCH
5. Early American Lit.- Gale
6. Geometry- Cochran
7. Fundies- Mikels
8. Select Treble Clef- Hickling

* Any links that I post don't turn out bright. It's dark grey and you really have to lookf or it. The previous post was a link, hope you can find it.

Monday, August 15

Thursday, August 11

Monday, August 8

~Until Then

Tuesday, August 2

Heh...only for music nerds... which is mainly me. But I picked up this funny song today and its amusing. Called "I just want to sing in a choir"

Main Choir: Each year we hold audtions, which have very strict conditions, to help us on our quest to find the best! We do need one more member in the group by late December, so we're willing to put some-one to the test.

Main Soloist: My greated desire is to sing in a choir, wether alto or tenor or bass.

*main choir responds with spoken ok*

Main Solist: Soprano is out, cause there just is no doubt, my weak squeak would bring on disgrace

*main choir laughs*

MS: Imagine the spectre of me as director, with having to sing every line? With my small range that's crazy, plus a mem'ry thats hazy, and a resonance hard to define. My pitch is not on, and my eye-sight is gone. But deep in my heart there's a fire. I'll practice my singing 'till both ears are ringing. I just want to sing in a choir!

MC: She just wants to sing in a choir!

MS: I read all that choral stuff, difficult oral stuff, other parts are so distracting. I try hard to concentrate, is this a singers fate or am I over reacting?

MC: We think she is over reacting!

MS: Alas and a lack, I am taken aback by the thought of our singing together. I have a deep loathing for the theatrical clothing and my voice seems to change with the weather.

Choir Soloist: I have a strong conviction that a singer must have diction to express the subtle feelings in a song

MC: This girl may have good diction, but we say with great conviction, that in this group she won't last very long!

MS: I drink herbal tea with basil, to avoid my sounding nasal, to make each word I sing clear as a bell. I try to say each "essss" with a delicate finessssse.

Choir Soloist: She sounds just like the arrow in the op'ra Willian Tell

*swishing sounding and choir giggles*

MS:I've tried breathing with corection, just to aid in my projection. My voice can now be heard in any hall. I can sing both loud and quiet.

MC: Say this girl's a real riot!

CS: May I suggest you try it in a rather empty mall?

*Choir bursts with laughter. Directore taps the baton and waves for instanr quiet*

MS: I find myself mumbling to cover my stumbling. A singing coach I plan to hire. It may sound absurd, but I mean ev'ry word, I do want to sing in a choir!

MC: The poor girl has passion, and in some sort of fashion, we sing this with out any ire. If she doesn't make noise and on stage some poise..Or if she doesn't yell, she can stay for a spell..and sing with us here in the choir!

*Choir cheers and yells as everyone congrats. the "new member" and leaves*

~Until Then

Sunday, July 31

Pichler's back!! Woo Hoo! Yea the Ozarks was fun and everything. My mom got over her fear of hights and my sister actually learned how to put up a good looking pony tail and I...well...umm..yea nothing much happen to me. I didn't get any tanner but atleast I didn't get paler. So yea I'm back and I seriously can not wait for school to start back up again!
~Until Then

Friday, July 29

I shall kick him royally and throw a tantrum...

dad has blocked me from livejournal AND xanga...
and probably from this by tomorrow-
i am going to scream very loudly....
he shall pay for this!
willy wonka is on crack and dead sexy!

Monday, July 25

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Hey everyone, I'm off to the land of the Ozarks in the south. Woo Hoo! Pichler is finally getting out of the house and now she can finally say that her sumemr vaca. has started! I'll be back Sunday sometime. Not that any of you really care but hey I'm just saying that so you can ask "Where's Pichler?" and already mhave an answer. Maybe while I'm down there I can tan this pasty white body of mine. Hahaha I make myself laugh! But if I'm lucky I won't come back with tomato skin. So I'm off! ~Until Then

Friday, July 22

The biggest oxymoron I've ever seen
expressive, open, self revealing, loves large parties, loud, social, outgoing, does not like social isolation, assertive, social chameleon, positive, always busy, likes to fit in, likes to stand out, enjoys leadership, brutally honest, trusting, optimistic, desires attention, dominant, aggressive, attachment prone, wants to be understood, realistic

Stability results were medium which suggests you are moderately relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.

Orderliness results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly organized, reliable, neat, and hard working at the expense of flexibility, efficiency, spontaneity, and fun.

Extraversion results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity

Extraversion |||||||||||||||| 63%
Stability |||||||||||||| 53%
Orderliness |||||||||||||| 56%
Altruism |||||||||| 36%
Interdependence |||||||||||||||| 63%
Intellectual |||||||||||| 50%
Mystical |||||| 30%
Artistic |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Religious |||||| 23%
Hedonism || 10%
Materialism |||||||||||||||| 70%
Narcissism |||||||||||||| 56%
Adventurousness |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Work ethic |||||||||||||| 56%
Self absorbed |||||||||| 36%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Need to dominate |||||||||||||| 56%
Romantic |||||| 30%
Avoidant |||||||||| 36%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||||| 63%
Wealth |||||||||||| 50%
Dependency |||||||||| 36%
Change averse |||||| 30%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||| 56%
Individuality |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Sexuality |||||||||||| 50%
Peter pan complex |||||||||| 36%
Physical security |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Physical fitness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Histrionic |||||||||||||| 56%
Paranoia |||||||||||| 43%
Vanity |||||||||||| 50%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||| 43%
Female cliche |||||||||||||||| 63

What are your results?

Thursday, July 21

The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz

You seriously can get so many results...but I personally liked this one the best.

Saturday, July 16

I might just have to try this for my self.
Ok so yesterday I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and let me tell you it was extremly good. Yes I know that I like Johnny Depp and it's also a Tim Burton movie, but that's what makes it so good. Tim bring this movie to life in so many ways. The set is unbelievable and the costumes and the characters are insane. No for those of you who don't want to ruin the image you have se in your mind from the '71 version with Gene Wilder, I still recomend you go see it. Maybe you can compare the two and find similar things and differences from both movies. I myself loved the '71 version and was a bit skeptical about the '05 version but I was amazed. I strongly recommend that you go see this movie.
~Until Then

Friday, July 15

Ladies and Gents I gice you PETER GRIFFIN (does it really need any more explanation than that?)
this is an audio post - click to play

Friday, July 8

What's your flea and tick control??
I've seriously been asleep for about 12 hours. I was so tired I went to sleep shortly before 6pm yesterday. I woke up beriefly to ask Thomas what time it was cause I had no idea. Then went back to sit in my bed and downed 2 waterbottles cause I was beyond thirsty. I think something is worng with me or either that I'm still not better from when I was sick about 3 weeks ago.
~Until Then

Thursday, June 30

New Word!!! Smuch- tomamama29: who'd you go home with?
CaribbeanPPirate: Travers and Andrew. It wa smuch more fun

Wednesday, June 29

Ok so I'm having a little bit of trouble subscribing to Rhapsody, so I call customer service to see if they can help me. As I was listening to the pre-recored messages and pressing through it said " We are currently randomly recording calls, please hold." Yea I thought it was a bit weird myself.
~Until Then

Friday, June 24

Crappy Past Week.5

Ok so with in the past week.5 I've managed to or have happen to me
1. Get majorly sunburned
2. Get so sick, I stopped breathing and ALMOST had to go to the hospital
3. Manage to hit a deer with my moms van the first time I went night driving
4. Find out that I owe auto pilots $35 for missing class
5. Then find out I caused $1600 worth of damage to my moms van
6. Haven't gone to bed since 3am for the 5th night in a row
7. Headache won't go away
8. Got peed on by a cat at work
9. Well something will go here
yea that's my week.5, yea I'm whining about it. What are you gonna do about it?
~Until Then

Tuesday, June 21

What's Up With Me

  • My arms and legs feel like dead weight
  • I have a temp of 101.5
  • My head feels like it got knocked with a battering ram
  • My torso feels like is caught in a Travers bear hug
  • Can't sleep at night
  • Go from being hot to being cold in like 2 second

~Until Then

Friday, June 17

Okay, so I'm back. Does anyone really take notice?

Yea, so I've been neglecting my blog. It's summer, not much to do. Basically I have drivers ed at 7am at VSW and then I wait at the library for hours until I can be picked up. I'm just to lazt to spend 40 min walking home. But atleast I get to catch up on my reading, I neglected it this past school year (yes I realize that we had those stupid reading group times, but come on) so yea. Currently I'm reading Angels and Demons a very good book so far. Only 50 chapters in out of like 137 or so. Can't wait to start on the Da Vinci Code. Yea so that's my summer so far, not to interesting at all if I must say.
~Until Then (When ever that may be)

Thursday, June 16


Yes I am horrible at blogging- I apologize.........
There's absolutely nothing going on except that I go to Kentucky in 2 days until the 26th for youth group- they think we can actually build a house?!
anyways- i'm mad cause i can't do anything here then which i was suppose to but oh well-
have a nice summer everyone and i shall try to remember to update when i get back!

Must post...must make this blog! Ok, so, my work here is done.

Monday, June 6

It's Over With!

Yea so we're all now officially sophomores!! And I still can't spell. So it's out of the prison and into the grime pit. I would have to say that's a move BACKWARDS if anything at all. Well atleast most of us have drama to look forward to next year, if you do everything, Mimes(auditions), Fall play, Thespian Festival, IHSSA, Festival of Ze One Acts, Spring Play, and Improv(auditions) that will take up your entire year. All the events overlap eachother. To everyone out there, go and do VHS drama. It's worth it. Don't sell your soul to debate or show choir, sell it to drama. Become a Techie and "do it in the dark" at the very least. To everyone out there, have an awesome summer and I so hope to see you guys at least a few times this summer, hopefully. I hope you have a shit load of stuff planned cause I know for me this will be a very long summer.
~Until Then

I'm back!

Ok- so I know I do a perfectly awful time of ever keeping ANYTHING- but I do promise to actually update this summer, etc...
my new blogger account is:
or- if you have also got xanga-
since I seem to be better at that one:


I've probably said this before...

...And most likely, I'll say it again.


A list:
1. Last year, during the Brainstormers band thingamajig--I come to school early for our meeting, and the lady who watches to make sure no one's going into the school early w/o a pass looks at me and says, "Oh! And who are you subbing for today?"

2. Also last year, during Xmas break--I'm at Olive Garden with my mom, and the waitress comes up to me and asks me if I'd like to try one of their specialty wines. Um, HELLO?

3. About 2 months ago, at Perkin's with Dean--"Your wife is beautiful, sir."

4. Today, at Celebrations Coffee Shop--"So is your son out of school yet?"

There've been more--but that list could go on forever. But God, if I look like I'm 30 or something *now*, how am I gonna look in 10 years?!?!


Sunday, June 5

In the past 3 hours alone I've had...

3 espresso, 2 lattes, and a partridge in a pear tree!! I'm so flippin wired right now!
~Until Then

Saturday, June 4

Friday, June 3

Greatest Quote

"You're my parents for God's sake, STOP trusting me!" -Get Over It
~Until Then

Tuesday, May 31

Rediscovery Of An Awesome Site
My Favs-
ULTIMATE SURVIVOR (Not thet crap show on cable)
LITTLE SUZIE (Damn evil piggies..MUST WORSHIP)
~Until Then

Saturday, May 28

You are a SEDF--Sober Emotional Destructive Follower. This makes you a Evil Genius.

Select Treble Clef

Yea I amde the 2005-2006 Select Treble Clef. It's made up of all Sophmore girls this year, no upper class men. Yea we may be the Valley Singers Rejects and yea I do haev to drop 2 classes and find time to put them in else where, but it will be fun. Can't wait for Concert choir to start because then we will actually sound good again cause we have the guys voices backing us up and the women will had the melody that the audience can actually hear. But overall next year will be a blast for more than just these reasons.
~Until Then

Thursday, May 26

I Never Ever Want To Draw The Stupid World AGAIN!

And I really don't want to study for finals.
~Until Then

Tuesday, May 24

Why can't everyone learn the english language? Cause it's hard.

1. We must polish the Polish furniture
2. He could lead if he would get the lead out.
3. The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.
4. Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.
5. A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.
6. When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.
7. I did not object to the object.
8. The bandage was wound around the wound.
9. The farm was used to produce produce.
10. The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.
11. The insurance was invalid for the invalid.
12. There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.
13. They were too close to the door to close it.
14. The buck does funny things when the does are present.
15. A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.
16. To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.
17. The wind was too strong to wind the sail.
18. After a number of injections my jaw got number.
19. Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear.
20. I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.
21. How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?
~Until Then

Monday, May 23

Sunday, May 22

Act Well Your Part, There All The Honor Lies.

Yes, I am a Thespian for troupe 2048!! WOO HOO!! The year's been very long and difficult but hey I had one HELL of a time! The banquet was pretty fun, sat at the Freshemen table. Beware to all incoming drama folk, Katelyn Buckton is our president. Kyle M. got the Alex induction tonight preceeding the banquet. It's now Kalex! Congrats to him! It's sad to see all the seniors go, but they left so much behind them for us to enjoy and to improve on. Also got my first Highschool letter. Now I just need to get a jacket. Oh well!
~Until Then

Random song lyrics

Get crazy with the cheese whiz!

Wow! I'm glad that's over with.

I'm not funny. I know that I'm not. Noy nearly as talented as Toma or Also Jordan. Can't do Famous Last Lines to save my life and how on earth are you suppost to work with French Cow?? But I still can't believe that you went to prom with Travers.
~Until Then

Friday, May 20

Whitest Kids Ever! these will amuse for a really long time. Even Thomas will get a kick out of this. Just stupid, random, but very well structuraly plotted time wasting violence and activities! Enjoy!
Oh and here is the new thing. Everyone is doing it!!
~Until Then

Thursday, May 19


Come See The Improvibles
Friday May 20 and Saturday May 21
7:00 pm
Valley Auditorium
Yes Maybe, Rambling Toma, Lemonator, Kyle's Mom, and Pichler

Wednesday, May 18


The little metals are pretty nifty and shiny. OOooOOooOOooOOoo shiny!! Ouch they hurt too.
~Until Then

Monday, May 16

9th graders are baaaaad.

For one thing, there's me, who has a problem with school (namely, I can't make myself go--I had a panic attack last night over my painting for art b/c my sun doesn't look right--I spent about an hour sobbing)

Another: Cell phones are bad influences. I've gotten a call from Sheffy each time I've been out lately--at any time from 8:35 to 12:02. And then Lauren calls today from the office at lunch, and she keeps calling me 'mom'. "Hey, mom, we're going over to Jillian's today to finish the project. Wanna come? Ok, see ya, mom."

Saturday, May 14

Damn. And you think YOU have bad days.

Yea we all say it, "Damn. That was the worst day ever. I just want to die right about now." Well some of these people actually have died from the worst day ever.

Wednesday, May 11

Were so close, keep hanging on!

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Yes with only 18 days left of the school year, were all starting to sag a little bit in our studies. We long for that well deserved summer vacation, so close you can almost hear that ocean breeze! But with finals drawing near, teachers are piling up on the homework and end of year projects and tests. For some of us it's just annoying, for others it's almost to much to handle. Keep on going up till the end!!! Were so close to the end!
~Until Then

Saturday, May 7


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Everything around me in all areas of my life is total mayhem. I swear I'm gonna lose it one these days and just totally snap on someone or something. So just beware.
~Until Then

Thursday, May 5

My Morning

Wake up, put off finishing homework, take shower, try on 5 different pairs of pants that don't fit right, try on mom's pants--4 sizes smaller, but fit better than mine--condemn jeans as insufferable and decide today would not be a good day to go to school.

"Mommy, who I love oh so verily much... Idon'twannagotoschooltoday."
"What?! No!"
"Yes. Please?"
"Pretty please with sugar and a cherry on top?"
"I dunno. Oh! Oh! I'm sick. *hack, cough* I have measles, mumps, chicken pox, etc. See? I'm buring up. Oh! No! Don't touch my head, it's too hot! You'll get burned! You'll just have to trust me."
...5 minutes later...
...cut to me helping mom pick out clothes for interview...
"Here, Amanda, you try these on."
"They're a bit big--they feel like they're going to drop off."
...cut to me getting Collin breakfast while mom walks out the door, ready to call southwoods to tell them I'm sick today.
The end.

Hello Again From Red Down

Yes, it's a red down study hall day today, and I have absolutley nothing to do. No homework to do and I am desperatley trying to avoid reading Romeo and Juliet. That book is so pointless and very boring and Green Down is only about 1/2 way done with the blasted text. Gah!! For all of you who have no lives at all, come to the chorus concert tonight at Valley at 7 p.m. LONGEST CONCERT OF YOUR YOUNG LIVES!!! Yea it's the 14 hour long concert so bring your pillow or sleeping bag!
~Until Then

Tuesday, May 3

Yeah....just yeah

My stomach is making funny gurgling sounds in five-second intervals. Is that normal?

You just better hope I don't do this to your car!

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In other words: I'M PISSED!

Monday, May 2


YES! I am 15 years old!!! Had a pretty good day, but I swear like only 5 people even knew it was my birthday. Oh well. Got some pretty neat shizit and stuff. Joanna's sign is so cool and Elena's card is totally KICK ASS!!! Sheffy got me some cool bath stuff, you rock so much thanks!!! And yea now I am on a EXTREME SUGAR HIGH!!!
~Until Then

Saturday, April 30

My First Day Out On The Road!

Yea, so I actually drove today, can you believe that?? I got 2 hours of drive time one with each parent. My poor sister got to endure both hours of them. Started out in cemetaries, no cars or people around (well there are people around but they can't say much to me) pretty nice, hills, turns and crap yea! Then my mom made me drive to my dad's house from the cemetary on 19th street and Ashworth. LEFT HAND TURNS ARE PURE EVIL!!! Made it home in one piece, need to work on stopping and curbing. Then my dad took me out and we drove from 35th street to the city of Van Meter. Drove along the back roads to Glen Oaks and then home again. Driving on the interstate is fun!!! My father also made me turn down this tiny little lane that is like 30 feet long and made me back up and do a 3 point turn!! GAH I CONQURED THE EVIL LANE BUWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Drove home. Went to work mom made me drive home on the interstate, yea okay. I'm not dead yet....yet being the keyword. ~Until Then
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Yea there are more of these on my other blog, check it out!

Friday, April 29

Now Pichler Is Really Depressed

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Pichler is no longer bouncing of the walls
this is an audio post - click to play

Thursday, April 28

Pichler= Very Very Bored

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I seriously have nothing to do. I've been bored for like a week.
Hidee ho, people-o! Guess what! It's the weekend! Did ya know? MUAHAHAHAHA!!!!

(amanda had sugar)

Sunday, April 24


Gah, so my dad is out of town this weekend, giving me run of the house. Well it's not like I'm gonna through a huge ass party or burn it down or whatever. So my dad decides that I should paint the ENTIRE downstairs. For those of you who have been to my house know that's a lot of area to cover. The stairs, the den, and the bathroom hallway, plus the panalled(sp?) wall that leads outside with all the damn grooves in it, which I must go back and individualy paint in. Half of my hair is blue, my jeans are all yellow, my black shirt is white, and it smells like paint 24/7 and I'm starting to get high off of them. Then when I am all done with the color for the walls, I have to go back and paint all the trim and the wood along the stairs and doorways white! AND THERE'S A DAMN BORDER ALONG ALL PARTS OF MY WALL, NOT TO MENTION A LEDGE THAT I HAVE TO DO!!! By the time this weekend is over, I will have painted for a half a day and I probably still wont be done!!!
~Until Then

Friday, April 22

Breaking News! Amanda M. made it through a grand total of an hour and a half of school today! YAY!!!

Wednesday, April 20

Happy National Marjuana Day!!!

Lets all go smoke some weed!!! Oh YEA!!! Jk. Have a good one Mary Jane!
~Until Then

Sunday, April 17

Improv does indeed kick some ass!!!

Yes after a long long time, I have finally updated my other blog. Link is at the top! And improv truly does kick ass!!
~Until Then

Thursday, April 14

Because Thane has such pretty hair.

Back from the died... sorta

Okay yea, everyone has been in Thane's words "died" so yeI'm gonna type something. Doo Hallo go hetry may herg the bathyup one rether time against the will on the ground. Wow!! Wasn't that amazing?? Yea, so those of you who actually know about the Valley play and have seen it, I would like our comments on it. Kudos to Thomas for doing an excellent job as the Flunkie, you were fantabulous!!! Play is hectic and very very time consuming, all tho this one is not as long as Dark of the Moon, that was insane. Improv try-outs were today also. I was paired with the ever popular Marcia and we did a couch seen. She was my little sister and she wanted to watch Dan Rathers and I wanted to watch Room Raiders. We ended up breaking the T.V., over all most sktis today were not that great. But the game freeze was really funny. JULIE'S HUSBAND LOVES HER MORE THAN KYLE LOVES ME!!!! School is same o same o, only about 30 days left, mime show next week on Thursday I believe, Ze night of one acts is the following on the 29, my birthday is in only a few short weeks, Yes Maybe's is the 23 of this month and yea, all sorts of fun stuff. Now back to the died.
~Until Then

Tuesday, April 12


to everyone in america- i am at the library having fun-
mommy sucks ass!!!! lol- goodbye!

Saturday, April 9

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Movie Pics

(Or, guys with hair nearly as long as Hermione's)


Tuesday, April 5

ACT= All Children are Trouble

Yes, nothing ever gets accomplished in this afterschool Tuesday act thingy. We can't control the group at all, and the children just space off all the time. I blame my self for a lot of it, I'm not a very good role model. I think I do okay in the small groups, but in the large groups, I'm just like one of the 4th graders sometimes. I am sorry Andi, the ACT team can't work together, skits are pointless, and all I want to be is a turkey sandwich.
~Until Then

Monday, April 4

Hello From Red Down Study Hall

Yes I am truly bored sitting in Study Hall right now. Didn't start my homework until 10:30 last night because I was just to lazy to do it this weekend. Still haven't finished my english presentation for next hour so I am just gonna wing it. Oh well, isn't that how everyone gets by in life?? Well that's how I view it. Weekend was pretty good, except for having to lose an hour. GAH NEED MORE SLEEP!!!! But all will be well soon enough, just as long as I pass on before 8th hour Theatrics. I really don't want to watch Bull In A China Shop. Our skit was so bad, made up the whole darn thing and missed like 3 pages. But no one in the audience could tell that we made anything up, so I guess that's good/ Can you tell that I am just trying to put off doing my english project and I only have about 12 minutes until next hour? If you can't, wow you must be really blind or tired or both. Hmmm. BTW Andi. the VSW thing looks really awesome I give you Kudos! GAHHH!!!! Just over 1 week until the Prodigious Snob opens...were so not ready, it's hilarious. Well maybe I should stop procrastinating and let you folk get on with your pointless lives.
~Until Then

PS. Yearbook is all done with, I am sad and now have nothing to do in Tech Ed. Class *sobs*

Friday, April 1

Alright, basic layout for the VSW News site can be found here.

This has been a test...thank you

Hey all you pet's April know what that means?? Yes it's time for Frontline!!!! But yes, it is glorious Friday at long long last. Theatrics nights are over and both went down in agonizing flames. 2 weeks till the Prodigious Snob and 1 week until the Coffee concert. Okay yea I'm a bit to happy right now, gah I must go to work place tomorrow. And there was much rejoycing...yay.
~Until Then

Critique, please.

So I stayed home from school today, and I made this. If anyone has any other pointless questions, please feel free to type them up. This is for Nick/Emily's newspaper thing--I'm coding/designing the site. *squeee!!!*

Wednesday, March 30

Gah So Glad that Theatrics night is over!!!!

Our skit when down hill from line wasn't even the right line. So we improvd the whole skit and lines were stolen lighting was bizzare, ques were screwed over, 4 pages were skipped, we couldn't find the body or the table, there was no more hair spray, and the dead lady's wig was left behind. But the good part was that no one was able to tell at all. "So O'Finn do tell me, how does it feel to the subject of such criminal devotion??"
~Until Then

Tuesday, March 29

So apparantly I'm an idiot who can't remember anything, especially not a bag of hats that my ELP teacher leant to me... God, I'm stupid.

Monday, March 28

I had a very bad day today.....I aparently have a case of the Mundays

So okay here's my day:
  • Before school: Got my retainer
  • 1st hour: Ran smack dab into Jimmy's shoulder and almost broke my nose
  • 2nd hour: I am now an 18 year old prostitute
  • 3rd hour: Didn't have my worksheet with me because I left my homework binder at my mom's house
  • 4th hour: Didn't have my music with me because it was also in my binder
  • 5th hour: Got an 84% on the test and didn't understand the new material
  • 6th hour: Didn't get any work done because I didn't have my notebook with me, because it was in my homework binder
  • 7th hour: Got a 71% on my math quiz and then didn't understand the material
  • 8th hour: My theatrics group performs tomorrow and I didn't have my props with me and my group does not know there lines
  • After school: Got nothing done at Frostbite practice as usual

Hopefully tomorrow will bring better things than today can only hope.

~Until Then

Sunday, March 27

Amuse your self

Who were you in your past life??

A time of closing on the break of spring

Ah yes the end of out beloved spring break is draqing nearer by the minute and even the second. We all must go back to the dreaded minimum security prison tomorrow and prepare for the 4th and final quater of our freshmen year of highschool. I'm sure that each and everyone of you is looking forward to that. And I'm also sure that you all got much accomplished over this break in spring.
Some things you could have done of the break of spring:
  • Called your long lost aunt Martha
  • Change your religion
  • Become a weather personal
  • Memorize your lines for the theatrics night
  • Actually start your Tech Ed. systems report
  • Repaint the sidewalk
  • Medatate
  • Learn to play the harpsicord
  • Bind your sibling to the tree outside with duct tape
  • Eat your shoe
  • Count the number of carpet fibers you have in your house


But just remember...only 50 (school) days till summer vacation!

~Until then

Monday, March 21

Even God likes a good laugh...

There were 3 good arguments that Jesus is Black:
1 He called everyone "brother"
2. He liked Gospel
3. He couldn't get a fair trial.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus is Jewish:
1. He went into His Fathers business.
2. He lived at home until he was 33.
3. He was sure his Mother was a virgin and his mother was sure he was God.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus is Italian:
1. He talked with his hands.
2. He had wine with every meal.
3. He used olive oil.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus is a Californian:
1. He never cut his hair.
2. He walked around barefoot all the time.
3. He started a new religion.

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus is Irish:
1. He never got married.
2. He was always telling stories.
3. He loved green pastures.

But the most compelling evidence of all - 3 proofs that Jesus is a woman:
1. He fed a crowd at a moment's notice when there was no food.
2. He kept trying to get a message across to a bunch of men who just didn't get it.
3. And even when he was dead, He had to get up because there was more work to do.


Saturday, March 19

Thursday, March 17

There's no combination of words I could write on the back of a postcard... Dude, I is sleepy. But, But, Hey! Spring Break starts tomorrow! Which means today's the last day of school before spring break! (Oooh, look at the wonderful logic) Don't mind me, I'm half-asleep!
There's no combination of words I could write on the back of a postcard... Dude, I is sleepy. But, But, Hey! Spring Break starts tomorrow! Which means today's the last day of school before spring break! (Oooh, look at the wonderful logic) Don't mind me, I'm half-asleep!

Tuesday, March 15

More Of The Metal Fence Came Off!!!

So I got all my top braces off and they had to take 4 molds of my mouth cuase they kept screwing up on it. But then I asked why the didn't remove the bottom 6. Their response was that me teeth were quote UNSTABLE unquote. Yea I just looked at them funny. Also Andi's ACT thing was today again. Went better than last week. I did a skit with Lemon and yea it was the bomb. No not really but meh whatever.
~Until Then

Sunday, March 13

So what are you going to do today Pichler?? Whatever I feel like GOSH!!!

  • Put off my book report
  • Sleep
  • Do rest of my homework
  • Sleep
  • Go to Petsmart
  • Sleep
  • Eat Dad's new reciepe
  • Sleep
  • Go to a vocal concert
  • Sleep
  • Watch Silence of the Lambs again
  • Sleep

Gah, having a chest cold is no fum. I feel like crap and haven't eaten anything this weekend. And I'm all out of kleenex too so gah again!!

Thursday, March 10

My father is rapidly loosing his hearing

It probably doesn't help that my sister and I quarrel and get at each others throats every time we see each other, and the insane bird that never shuts up and continuosly squaks at all times of the day. I was standing 2 feet away from my father and I was askinf him where the free weights were so I could use them. And he though I was asking where the free ways were. So he said, "There are outside where they have always been. It's not like I could take them inside with us." I looked very confused and just kinda stood there. He looked at me funny. "Why the question about free ways?" I busted up laughing and explained that I was asking for the weights. So we cleared that misunderstanding up and he left to go out. And as he was leaving he gave me this advice "Now don't go and play with the weights in the middle of the free way."

Tuesday, March 8

"It's true, I do imbue my blue unto myself,
I make it bitter."

I don't think they'll let me back in Jordan Creek any time soon

Yes so the first meeting of Andi's act thingy was today. Pretty candy and just told things about each other. I swear some of these kids will be part of the FPSOT (Future Pot Smokers Of Tomorrow) They watch Family Guy...there're only in 4th grade and they watch Family Guy?!? I mean it even says that you must be 14 or older to watch and plus it's on at like 10 p.m. When I was in fourth grade, I was still watching Tom and Jerry.

Sunday, March 6

"Harry Potter's hot."
"Wood's better."
"Shut up. You're not allowed to say anything about this."


Oh BTW congrats to Thomas for just creeping me out at 1:00 in the morning. I read your post and was just yea...I can't even explain it. But again congrats!!! "Hi Drew, this is mom. I was just wondering if you watched the Pistons game last night?"

Stupid Charity Calls

There I was.. 12:45 a.m. in the morning. Just minding my own business...SLEEPING!!! I'm not bothering anyone at all. Then I hear the Pink Panther theme...WTF is someone calling me at 12:45 in the morning??? "Hello" I say...and Alli Baird answers the other side of the line. She called me to donate money to the variety club. So I asked her what time it was and she replied it was the a.m. Now I am used to these night calls so I am not particularly mad in anyway. Just a little bit thrown off that Alli Baird is calling me. So I decline the offer to pledge, and fall back asleep. 10 minuted later, I was minding my own buisness, not bothering anyone and all of the sudden I hear the Pink Panther theme again. Now I thought it wqas somewhere arounf 4 a.m. But I answer the phone and it's Brittany Johnson asking the same thing Baird had asked me 10 minuted ago. Well she had a twist on the proposal. Donate money to her...and she'd let me talk to Aimee Sears. So I'm like "Ok, why not." So I talk to Sears and donate $12. So the lesson is, if you want money from Pichler... call her twice at some time in the morning... ask for money and then let her talk to someone she hasn't talked to in a long time. Oh BTW the $12 is in honor of Baird and Johnson, just so they would leave me alone. (Yay my internet is working again so why not tell everyone that I am up and donating money??)

Friday, March 4

Thursday, March 3

My fingers are stuck together w/super glue.

::sobs:: I DON'T LIKE IT!!!!!!

Tuesday, March 1

I hate technical terms.

How come everything in this this god damn world has to have two sides and a crap load of techincal terms to it. I mean people just take a simple thing and twist and turn it until they get some huge ordeal out of it. WTF is going through their minds?? They just need to get on with it. GAH!!! Tis all I have to say for now!

Monday, February 28

Screw This

Elton John and his lack of photoshop-worthy pictures can all just go to Hell.

Happy Birthday!!!

Hosted by
HOORAY!!! It's my blog's first birthday!!! It's just amazing how she grew up so fast. It seem's like it was just yesterday that she was saying her first words... pretty soon she'll be all grown up and won't need me anymore. *sobs*

Sunday, February 27

The Umbilical Brothers

These guys are absolutley amazing...all the way from the land down under. They truly make you wonder..."How they heck do they do that?" You seriously need to watch this...oh yea and watch the Oscar's too!!!! IT'S THE 77TH ANNUAL OSCAR'S!!!

Thursday, February 24

Alice's Restaurant

And I went up there, I said, "Shrink, I want to kill. I mean, I wanna, Iwanna kill. Kill. I wanna, I wanna see, I wanna see blood and gore andguts and veins in my teeth. Eat dead burnt bodies. I mean kill, Kill,KILL, KILL." And I started jumpin up and down yelling, "KILL, KILL," andhe started jumpin up and down with me and we was both jumping up and downyelling, "KILL, KILL." And the sargent came over, pinned a medal on me,sent me down the hall, said, "You're our boy."

The Name Game

-Amanda McIntyre
-Lauren Sarg
-Amanda Pichler
-Hemali Batra
-Thane Himes
-John Minton
-Chris Dezorzi

G.C.S.= Generally this Class Sucks

GCS has to be the most boring class anyone has ever invented. I mean this class isn't even required to graduate from Valley. So wtf is the point??We sit there every day for 45 minuets getting our asses bored off by some teacher. And green down would have to be the worst. We have Mr. Kelly. The equivalent to having Mr. Pond. We watch all these stupid videos on stuff that I am never gonna remember and then have disscusions which no one ever even pays attention. If you look around the class room, everyone else is either sleeping or doing other non-gcs related things. Mr. Kelly doesn't do anything about it, so I guess that is the one plus is the class. I mean this must be the first class that I truly don't care about. I've just stopped listening, and I catch up on my well needed zZzZzZzZzZz's when we watch some dumb movie. I swear, watching paint dry would be more fun.

Wednesday, February 23

Has anyone else ever noticed that it's more fun to post on someone else's blog than on your own? Or maybe that's just me.

A list, if you will:
-Find out if Brendan-what's-his-face will join Act team
-Find out what's up with Jen
-Get Pickle to come to movies with us on Friday (Please?)
-Get Blu to go to coffee shop w/me
-Find Hemali a nickname, cuz that's what we're gonna do--Lauren's had the idea for us all to make sweatshirts w/our nicknames for Act (Ex: Mine=Spiderman, Lauren's=Blu, Pichler's=Pickle, etc. Though I think it might be a good think Nick backed out, cuz I don't think '"Gay-Guy"' [no, he's not gay] would go over well)

Tuesday, February 22


this is an audio post - click to play

Monday, February 21

Sunday, February 20

Note on the dance

I'm a soul man!

It Smells Like Beef Jerky!!!

Yes it truly does smell like beef jerky. YUM!!! Anyways...V-day dance was last night lots of people there...tho not as many as at homecoming. I swear I am deaf from the music and the balloon popping every 5 seconds. And I am also blind from the camera flashes everywhere. Strange to see a lot of the people all dressed up...all tho not all. I swear some poeple must of thought it was casual Friday, not a dance. But had fun all the same!

Let's Have Fun With Words!

BS is BS. (Now how did I miss that?) ;)

Friday, February 18

Strange as it seems your eyes start to dim and the lights all swim before you and you should stop--yes, indeed, you truly should stop thinking so much and just go to sleep... But I am nothing if not stubborn, and for that matter, waxing poetic. On a sugar low, I believe.

Thursday, February 17

Monday, February 14

Ah, Love is in the air....And I am going to bring it down!!!! >:)

Yes well perhaps youa ll remember those stupid little compatibility tests we took in our 5th hours class...well yes the results are avaliable to purcahse for a wopping 2 dollars. Well I bought mine...uggh not the greatest looking results I've seen. There're worse then my science test score which is hard to beat considering I got a 66% on the damn thing. I don't practically know anyone on the list...the first person, Karl Decker, isn't even a realy person. It's just a teacher under a fake name. My second person is the person I hate the most and I ended up number 1 on his list, Paul Beebe. The only other people I know are Andy Newman and Rob Todd. Stupid pointless holiday.

Sunday, February 13


The sequel to my favorite on-line game they have Avalanche 2!!!!

Friday, February 11

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Amanda's Parents,

You are probably wondering about the smell in the living room, well long story short, It's all Lauren's fault. Amanda, Jen, and the other Amanda had nothing to do with it.
Lauren S. ::finger print in nail polish because we're all too chicken to prick our fingers ("AIDS, MANDA, AIDS!")::

Wednesday, February 9

Happy Chinese New Year!!!

Yes I am having a very happy Chinese New Year!!!! Anyways yes Reeses Peices cereal is really good. La dee la dee da dee da!!!! Oh So Happy!!

Tuesday, February 8


Hi all,
One of my I CARE volunteers at Valley Southwoods, Amanda McIntyre, has designed a wonderful project through her ELP to promote self esteem and counter bullying for 4th graders. I have attached her proposal and told her I would share her ideas with you and see if this is something on which we could collaborate.
The program would involve meeting with 4th grade students once a week for about 30 minutes, for 7 weeks. She and her Southwoods/Valley "Team" would be available Tuesdays between 2:25-3:30. This could either be tailored to address ALL your students, or perhaps small groups divided by gender that teachers would recommend, based on "at risk" potential, leadership potential or whatever you decide. (Maybe some of those who complete the program could be encouraged/trained to share with Valley students in presenting it next year to 4th graders?... lots of possibilities for building on this!)
I would be so appreciative if you could read over Amanda's proposal, discuss it with each other and let us know how to proceed.(Amanda's e mail address is the "mandolin" one above) It would be great if we could kick it off by early March.
Thank you SO much for taking the time to consider this. It is a topic about which I am personally very motivated. I know I don't need to convince you about the real need we all have to promote respect and positive relationships among our kids -- of all ages! The earlier we can start changing these damaging patterns, the better....
~ Jane

Jane Deming Scanlon
Community Service Learning Coordinator
Valley High School/Valley Southwoods School

Might I just say, YAY!!!! Alright, peeps, now I need volunteers for this 'team' she must think I already have put together... I know I had Pickle on (Do I still?), but I *do* need some people of the male persuasion to help out, too--people still have cooties in the fourth grade, right?

Monday, February 7


Congrats to Thane for making it too All-State in 2 weeks. Your Ensemble Acting was hilarious. You will defiantly win Critic's Choice. As for the rest of us who didn't make it to All-State...I say we did one damn hell of a job trying. Kudos too all.

Funny Conversation With Brekken:
BKCarFreak: my nose hurst
BKCarFreak: hurts*
CaribbeanPPirate: hehehe Kyle
CaribbeanPPirate: hehehe
BKCarFreak: i wiffed rubing alcohol
CaribbeanPPirate: smaaaaaaaart
BKCarFreak: yaBKCarFreak: it was
BKCarFreak: i was cleaning my ball
BKCarFreak: my bowling ball that is
BKCarFreak: haha
BKCarFreak: wait darn
BKCarFreak: that didnt work
BKCarFreak: i have 2 bowling balls
CaribbeanPPirate: haha....HAHAHAHA
BKCarFreak: so i should have said
BKCarFreak: i was cleaning my balls
BKCarFreak: my *bowling* balls

Sunday, February 6

New Pictures Up!!!

New pictures up at this random website.

Friday, February 4

Round 2: State Competion For IHSSA At Hoover


::glomps the god of fridays::

Monday, January 31

The 3 Nerds and the Big Bad Jocks

We have to do this story for theatrics class and we can either do a well known fairy tale or create our own based on a fairy tale. Enjoy!

So one day at Sonishmusfernaggin High, there were these 3 Nerds. And they were on their way to Calculus Class. They were so nerdy, they didn’t have names to call their own. Everyone just called them "Nerd."

On the way to Calculus Class, they had to go through a hallway. This hallway was occupied by 2 jocks. These jocks were the biggest, meanest, stupidest, football-playing jocks anyone had ever seen. Their I.Q. was equal to that of a potato salad.

So first of all came the smallest of the Nerds to come down the hallway to get to Calculus Class.

"Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, shuffle!" went the echos of the footsteps in the hallway.
"Who’s that shuffling down our hall?" the jocks inquired stupidly.

"Oh, it is only I, the smallest and weakest of the Nerds." said the smallest Nerd. "I’m on my way to Calculus Class to learn things that will help me get into Harvard or Yale or something."

"A Nerd huh?" replied one of the jocks. "Well perhaps you can help us with our Calculus homework, ‘cause we errm..uhh... kinda forgot to do it last night. And if you don’t help us with it, we’re gonna shove you into one of these lockers, and the janitor will have to get you out."

"Oh no no no no don’t want my help. I’m only a C student. I wouldn’t be any help to you big bad jocks. Wait for the next Nerd. She’s much smarter than I am. And please, please don’t put me into one of those lockers." cried the smallest Nerd.

The 2 jocks exchanged looks and decided that they wanted to look smart for once and decided to let the littlest Nerd off without any harm done.

The littlest Nerd squealed with glee and she quickly hurried to Calculus.

A few seconds later the medium Nerd came down the hallway.

"Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, shuffle!" went the echos of the footsteps in the hallway.

"Who’s that shuffling down our hall?" The jocks yelled out.

"Oh, it is only I, the medium and most average of the Nerds." replied the medium Nerd. "I’m on my way to Calculus Class to learn things that will help me become the next Bill Gates."

"Another Nerd huh?" said one of the jocks. "Well perhaps you can help us with our Calculus homework, ‘cause we errm...uhh.. kinda forgot to do it last night. And if you don’t help us with it, we’re gonna shove you into one of these lockers, and the janitor will have to get you out."

"Oh no no no no don’t want my help. I’m only a B student. I wouldn’t be any help to you big bad jocks. Wait for the next Nerd. She’s much smarter than I am. And please, please don’t put me into one of those lockers." pleaded the medium Nerd.

Again the jocks exchanged looks of stupidity and again decided that they wanted to look smart.
So they decided to wait for the smartest Nerd of them all.

The medium Nerd chirped with glee and she quickly hurried to Calculus to join the littlest Nerd.
And almost immediately after the medium Nerd left, the biggest and smartest Nerd turned to walk down the hall.

"Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, shuffle!" went the echos of the footsteps in the hallway.

"Who’s that shuffling down our hall?" The jocks bellowed out.

"It is I! The smartest Nerd," said the big Nerd, who was clearly the nerdiest at Sonishmusfernaggin High

She was the Nerd the big bad jocks have been waiting for.

"So you’re the smartest Nerd, eh?" asked the jocks. "Well perhaps you can help us with our Calculus homework, ‘cause your little Nerd friends said that your were the smartest. And if you don’t help us with it, we’re gonna shove you into one of these lockers, and the janitor will have to get you out. You are the smartest Nerd, aren’t you?"

"Oh, I believe I am. I get A’s in all of my classes, and I will help you with your homework. I’ve got this very easy problem that even the most macho of jocks, such as yourselves, could easily figure out." The big Nerd said cooly.

The jocks couldn’t believe it. They were actually gonna get the Nerd to help them with their homework.

"So what’s this ‘magic’ problem you told us about?" Asked one of the jocks.

"Oh it’s right here. All you have to figure out is this easy problem.
1035x2 + -897.04y2 - 2 (t2 - 3t + 109.091) 345x - 2 (t2 + 2t) -.09163xyz + t = 3.14" blurted out the Nerd.

The excitement quickly drained from the jocks dumbfounded faces. They just stood there like the mindless fools that they really are.

The smartest Nerd, let out a whooping cheer, passed between the 2 jocks still in shock and quickly joined the other 2 nerds in Calculus Class.

The 3 Nerds aced Calculus and quickly become well known for getting past the jocks. All though everyone still despised them for being Nerds. All 3 went on to be even bigger Nerds than they were in highschool. Becoming a computer engineer, a professor of chemical math, and the next Bill Gates.

The End

Saturday, January 29

New Blog~

Friday, January 28

Something I have been waiting to see all my life...

Yes today we had another pointless boring assembly. The girls lost to the guys, the Valley dance team with guys this time, students bored out of their minds, and the pitiful cheerleaders. More like the reject football cheerleaders. They couldn't command attention, we've heard all the cheers before, but at long long of them fell off the tower!!! It was sooo damn funny!!!! That made my day!

Thursday, January 27

ELP Project

Pitch: Kids are being forced to grow up faster and faster these days. They're pushed to the brink to exceed in academics, sports, you name it--some are looking at colleges at the age of five. We can take geometry in ninth grade, but we can't be expected to know better than to drink, smoke, have sex, etc. It's pressure from the day you're born, and much moreso than it used to be. And what do all these pressures cause? A severe drop in self-esteem. I can remember letting myself be put down and walked all over for the entire time I was in Missouri. My brother's four, and he's being pushed to be the next sports star--basketball, baseball, you name it. What I'm saying is, as kids, we need to seriously boost some self-esteem. Serious issues pop up all over the place anymore before you're even 12.

Idea: Weekly half-hour to hour sessions for highschool students to speak to third to sixth grade girls or boys (depending on your gender--I believe there's still such a thing as cooties at this age, and I know I'm still nervous around older guys) about self-esteem and anything that might be bothering them at the mo'. Assemblies twice a year where teens can speak to the kids about their own memories about times when they've felt particularly out of it.

Question: Would anyone like to volunteer to help me out on this, speak at assemblies (If possible) or peer talks? I have to run it by Mrs. Monson tomorrow and see if it'd be an ok project, but I really need help. I can't run an organization all on my own, and I'd like to get other people's perspectives on the issue.

Tuesday, January 25

Amanda McIntyre Still Lives For Another Day...Until I Find Another Reason To Kill Her!!!! >:)

Haha! I just remembered that I can actually post on this blog! *lol* Mhmm, well, I believe I'll repeat what I said on my own blog: This would be me, driving Amanda crazy, because I can.

Monday, January 24

Amanda McIntyre Is As Good As Dead

She wrote me a note in binary code. Grr and I've spent 10 min. using a translator and she put the binary numbers so close together that I can't tell where the damn spaces are ...I got like 4 words and that's it. AMANDA YOU ARE SO DEAD TOMORROW!!! Tata for now!!!
this is an audio post - click to play

I'm Baaaaaack!!

Yea okay so I'm back from Chicago (not like any of you knew I was gone or really cared) but had a crap time there. I was so sick I almost got sent to the hospital. But on a better note got to see my older sister for the first time in a while. It was weird, all 3 sisters were at the same place at the same time for the first time ever. Gave me chills. Any ways,IHSSA competition was great, got to see a lot of great acts and about 80% of our groups are moving to State in 2 weeks. Sadly Britt didn't make it or Joanna or Kyle. Britt replacements will be the SSSS team (Short Sexy Stupid Sluts) and Kyle and Joanna's improv skit got a little bit too orgasmic. Lots of good skits from all of the schools. Specialy the improv skit. Hopefully our mime skit will go better, and I won't fall at State. Anyways Dad picked up a digital camera so I made a link just for them now cause I'm sick of them on this site.

War Strategy:
1) Send in a bunch of burly tough guys who've never met before to kick a$$
2) Every 28 days send in a bunch of women to finsh what the men started
3) Send in a bunch of queers (please no offense) to clean up the mess

Sunday, January 23

Right Now I Am About As Frusterated As Ray Charles With A "Where's Waldo" Book. I Seriously Think I Might Kill Something Or Someone.

Thursday, January 20

this is an audio post - click to play

Chop Suey

Saw this one's orchestra concert...yea brought me back to my horrid orchestra memories...AAAHHHHHHH!! Anyways yea I thought these two love birds (haha I made a funny..okay not really but that's besides the point) make a really good couple, don't you?

Tuesday, January 18

Results of Finals

Yea so I'm pretty pleased with my results of finals so far being the key word, err words

Chorus- B+
Math-77% final grade is an 83%
Science- 90% final grade is an 86%
GCS- 80% final grade is an 89%
Speech- 100% final grade 100%
Latin- 75% final grade is an 81% YEA!!!
Lang. & Lit- 79% final grade is an 86%

Okay so yea I could of done better but hey I'm pretty damn pround of myself for keeping all my grades in the B range. It was tough for me. So yea I'm not the brightest crayon in the box, but these grades work for me.

Okay yea enough about me, here's something for you guys. *WARNING LANGUAGE*

Monday, January 17

Mashed Potatoes

Students and teachers alike, all are beginning to realize that today was the first day of normal, regular classes that we've had in about a month. Reality is hitting us that were stucklike this till June. Hooray for homework, quizzes, tests, and projects. And now back to you Bob. Tune in for your local on the 8's.

Saturday, January 15

My Cycle

  • Go To Mall
  • Ask Mom For Ride To Work
  • Mom Requests Chocolate As Payment
  • I Buy Chocolate
  • Mom Picks Me Up
  • Give Chocolate To Mom
  • Mom Drives Me To Work
  • I Work= I Make Money
  • Money I Make = Money I Spend On Chocolate
  • I Go To Mall
  • (cycle begins again)
  • Maybe I should just get a differnt job

Noteable Quotes

  • I'm off to look for the back of my head.
  • Corn on the cob, corn in a can, corn in a pan, corn soup.
  • Montana is a utopia, you can do anything!!
  • Can the midget be my safari guide?
  • Would you like fries with that?
  • This is the 'Montana Door'

Friday, January 14



I found this creepy picture of me from 2 years ago!! We had no clue what we were doing...hahahaha I laugh at myself! (The title and the post are in no relation to each other)

Thursday, January 13


Umm, I have this little box--or rather, two little boxes--that have two different colors: light or dark reddish-brown. I'm looking for input on which one I should use on my hair? They're both *fairly* close to my natural color, it's just that the highlights I got over winter vacay are starting to come back, and I always wanted red....

Wednesday, January 12

Tuesday, January 11

Spring Play Information

Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme...
but in "american" that would be
The Prodigious Snob
Feb. 8 & 9
3:15 - 5:00

That's All Folks!

Meh I may have bombed the Final...
but atleast I am done with the pointless Latin Class!!!
this is an audio post - click to play

Monday, January 10


Is it just me...or am I begining to see red everywhere. Red correction marks, red pencils, red blood stains on my finals, and now red midgets.


I WAS blocked from speaking to proper people by the adult in my household- ie- Father. He holds administrative power- i hate thee Father.