Tuesday, January 18

Results of Finals

Yea so I'm pretty pleased with my results of finals so far...so far being the key word, err words

Chorus- B+
Math-77% final grade is an 83%
Science- 90% final grade is an 86%
GCS- 80% final grade is an 89%
Speech- 100% final grade 100%
Latin- 75% final grade is an 81% YEA!!!
Lang. & Lit- 79% final grade is an 86%

Okay so yea I could of done better but hey I'm pretty damn pround of myself for keeping all my grades in the B range. It was tough for me. So yea I'm not the brightest crayon in the box, but these grades work for me.

Okay yea enough about me, here's something for you guys. *WARNING LANGUAGE*

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