Tuesday, January 11

Spring Play Information

Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme...
but in "american" that would be
The Prodigious Snob
Feb. 8 & 9
3:15 - 5:00


Thomas Matysik said...

2 Things:

1. Where/when do we sign up?
2. I know it's a comedy that takes place in France, but do you know what this is about?
3. It's not a musical...right?

Pichler said...

No no no no no. The musical isn't until our Junior year, and you know that. This is just the basic information that Ms. Hansen has let out. You'll see signs go up for auditions. They'll be at Valley, and you'll just show up at Valley and audition. When you do start to see the signs, and you still have questions, then go see Mr. Buhr (vocal music teacher for you non-singin folk)He'll answer your questions, if your nice to him. He's also the one you talk to for tech sign up. He's head of tech at Valley, even though no one will admit it. After he gives the tech assingnments, then that's pretty much it, all the seniors will tell you what to do then. Buhr's only job then is to just be a pain in the ass. GOD! So yea that's all there is now. You'll hear more as the auditions get closer I promise.