Saturday, April 30

My First Day Out On The Road!

Yea, so I actually drove today, can you believe that?? I got 2 hours of drive time one with each parent. My poor sister got to endure both hours of them. Started out in cemetaries, no cars or people around (well there are people around but they can't say much to me) pretty nice, hills, turns and crap yea! Then my mom made me drive to my dad's house from the cemetary on 19th street and Ashworth. LEFT HAND TURNS ARE PURE EVIL!!! Made it home in one piece, need to work on stopping and curbing. Then my dad took me out and we drove from 35th street to the city of Van Meter. Drove along the back roads to Glen Oaks and then home again. Driving on the interstate is fun!!! My father also made me turn down this tiny little lane that is like 30 feet long and made me back up and do a 3 point turn!! GAH I CONQURED THE EVIL LANE BUWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Drove home. Went to work mom made me drive home on the interstate, yea okay. I'm not dead yet....yet being the keyword. ~Until Then
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Yea there are more of these on my other blog, check it out!

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