Friday, June 17

Okay, so I'm back. Does anyone really take notice?

Yea, so I've been neglecting my blog. It's summer, not much to do. Basically I have drivers ed at 7am at VSW and then I wait at the library for hours until I can be picked up. I'm just to lazt to spend 40 min walking home. But atleast I get to catch up on my reading, I neglected it this past school year (yes I realize that we had those stupid reading group times, but come on) so yea. Currently I'm reading Angels and Demons a very good book so far. Only 50 chapters in out of like 137 or so. Can't wait to start on the Da Vinci Code. Yea so that's my summer so far, not to interesting at all if I must say.
~Until Then (When ever that may be)

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