Wednesday, February 23

Has anyone else ever noticed that it's more fun to post on someone else's blog than on your own? Or maybe that's just me.

A list, if you will:
-Find out if Brendan-what's-his-face will join Act team
-Find out what's up with Jen
-Get Pickle to come to movies with us on Friday (Please?)
-Get Blu to go to coffee shop w/me
-Find Hemali a nickname, cuz that's what we're gonna do--Lauren's had the idea for us all to make sweatshirts w/our nicknames for Act (Ex: Mine=Spiderman, Lauren's=Blu, Pichler's=Pickle, etc. Though I think it might be a good think Nick backed out, cuz I don't think '"Gay-Guy"' [no, he's not gay] would go over well)

1 comment:

Pichler said...

Sorry I'm already going to the movies this weekend with Alyssa.