Thursday, November 10

Rather Morbid, but humorus in my sick twisted sense of my mind.

500 feet of 3/4" rope;
-Car, with at least a 286-HP 6-banger, with good tires. Known for excellent reliability, pick-up.
-Case of beer, various tranquilizers.
1.Do up! Load up and party!
2.Tie one end of the rope securely to a huge tree.
3.Make a nice hangman's noose in the other end of the rope.
4.Get in the car, run the rope in, and buckle-up, because it's the law! Tighten down real tight on your straps now, boys and girls, for maximum effectiveness.
5.All buckled in nice and secure? Well, now just put that ol' hangman's noose around your little neck, and pull the damn thing up tight.
Tip: If you have a truck with a rear sliding window USE IT.

6. Ladies and gents start your motors! All set? GO LIKE HELL!!!!

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