Friday, May 9

A week later and...

I guess I still don't feel like an adult yet. It's probably due to the fact that I'm still stuck in High School (40 hours and counting.) I've done adult things such as smoking a cigar and I got something permanently drawn on my body, but I still have to get up every morning wait for my room mate, drive to school and be there from 7:15 til 1:42 pm. Haven't gotten any new privileges, but I think in time those will come. I have played the I'm an adult card, and I've also played the I'm still an adult but too poor to afford things card as well. It sorta works, for now anyways. My parents finally decided to stop giving me hand me down lap tops and are getting my an Mac Book for my super late birthday present. I won't get it until to July, but it doesn't matter. Being a senior is really expensive, and I don't like it.
On the other hand there is a light at the end of the tunnel, not only do we graduate in about 2 weeks, but even more exciting is the fact the my room mate will no longer be living here as of May 21st! She's going back to her mom's where she can be moody and stay locked up in her room and be gone for what seems like days on end without anyone ever seeing her. She will be out of my hair and there will be a party in her honor of absence!
I can't wait to be done with high school, it's so boring now but I've miraculously managed to maintain rather good grades this year. Well that's it. My first post as an adult.
~Until Then


Thomas Matysik said...

Happy belated birthday!

I turned 18 about eight months ago and I still don't feel like an adult. I think that when I turn 19 I still won't feel like an adult. Should this concern me? It doesn't. Not in the least.

Amanda said...

Dear me, I love you. Haha. Did that make any sense at all? I'm glad you're 18... And I'm even happier for you that your roomie is leaving... Let's hope your college one isn't NEARLY as bad. Besides, you won't have to DRIVE her. :D You amuse me. I'm going to miss you so desperately much. I should not even get into that yet. We have three months. THREE MONTHS! But God, things are changing. C'est la vie. Hey, Pickle-darling, we should make Hardin a card: "Don't Do Drugs! ...again..."