Sunday, April 1

Laramie Re-opened

I was at the mall last night with a friend and we were just walking around waiting for our movie to start, as we walked towards the food court we saw three guys walking toward us with shirts saying "Erase Hate...". Well immediately this caught my attention thinking they had made their own Laramie Shirts because they were from a different school or they didn't have a chance to get the shirts Valley was selling. As we passed I turned my head back to see what the rest of their shirts said, and their to my complete shock was the rest of the quote with a picture, "Be straight." And a sign with a man and a woman holding hands. Like a bolt of lightning, I felt myself being flushed with anger and became red in the face, as well as my friend. I was shocked that people could be that cruel and rude in our community. I know that people are still angry with Valley for producing Laramie Project and that they still think that homosexuality is wrong, and I accept that; but to be parading it around in plain view of hundreds of other people. Why should they get away with that kind of thing? I was so tempted to go yell at them, but as I started to turn back towards them, my friend grabbed my wrist and said that it wasn't worth the fight. I stopped and I let my adrenaline settle back down and I came to my senses. People like that, who go through life with a closed mind, will never accomplish or amount to anything. They think that they can just say what they want and never be punished for it. I hope that those guys will come to their senses one day, hopefully before they are fathers or husbands. Because if they pass those same values down to their children, right there is another generation already tainted by a closed minded individual. And then it's only time will tell before the incident in Larmaie happens all over again.
~Until Then

PS- In other news, as I was driving I saw a handicapped van, license plate, sticker and all with a bumper sticker that said, "Give Blood, Play Hockey." That made me laugh a bit.

1 comment:

N. Cornelison said...

It would be really quite funny if those guys start their own families.

They have kids and the kids turn out to be gay...

and years later the two gay kids start dating each other.

And the guys go...

"BOB SAGET!" (tourrets guy reference)