Friday, July 23

The Big Move

Between work and being tired, blogging has still been on my mind. I usually just send some mental vibes to here, but they never seem to post...

After finishing up work this past week, I'm back home in WDM for one last weekend before I move on Monday. It's just nice to be somewhere that isn't filled with boxes and goodbyes. I've been coming back about every 2 weeks so it feels like I've spent a good part of my last summer in Iowa at home. It's hard to believe that I've called this state home for 2 decades now, and in 72 hours, I'll be leaving this all behind. Part of me is very excited for the move and to start a new life, and part of me is apprehensive. It's going to be a huge culture change and I don't have any friends down there like I did when I went to Iowa. At least I have Darin and my dad, so that will help.

I've been saying goodbyes for months now and the hardest was to say goodbye to Paperback Rhino. They became my friends and probably the main reason why I would have stayed at Iowa. They are the best group of people I could ever surround myself with. I love each and every one of them, and was honored to be a part of the group as long as I could. It's hard when saying goodbye because I don't when or even if I'll see any of my friends again. That's a lot to swallow.

As a few of you know, I had to locate a new home for my cat, Espresso. She doesn't get along with Daisy and she just gets stressed out. In August she will be moving in with Joe and Vanessa of PbR in Iowa City. Choosing to give her up was the hardest decision I've ever had to make. But she was my cat, as where Daisy belongs to both Darin and I.

Darin and I leave on Monday evening to drive to Georgia and start our new life. I just hope that it works out and I'm not moving into a huge mistake. But the longer warmer weather and geographical features of the south are a huge plus. It's weird to think that I could be living there for 10 years- a whole decade yet to come.

I hope every one's summers are going well and know that I will miss you all very much, even if we are spread out all over the Midwest. Iowa will always be my home but it's time to start a new chapter in my life.

~Until Then

PS- I'll try not to come back over break with an accent.


Thomas Matysik said...

I'm sad I won't get a chance to see you before you head out. Anyway: best of luck to you. I'm excited to see what happens.

Also: I had a dream that you and I were doing improv in a department store. Amongst the clothes racks and everything. It was a scene about campers in the woods. The customers were not amused.

Joanna said...

Good luck, bestest improv buddy!

Unknown said...

Haha that's great! Hope to see you both over break.