Thursday, September 23

Mr. Bigelow must be related to Mr. Newendorp some how because he likes t o poke fun at me just like Newey did, because today he came oevr while we were doing some test problems and said "Hey Pichler you have a blue mark on you left hand." I imideatly look over to my left hand because I am stuff written all over that hand and assumed he meant my left. Then he said it again and I start looking at my rigth hand this time and am confused cause I don't see anything. He then takes the dry erase marker and makes a blue mark on my hand. The classmates around me just snickered. A little while later in class I asked him why he had done this, his reply was simply this "Oh just because it's fun to make fun of you." ...yes this post is rather pointless and isnt really that funny you just had to be there oh well back to my sad non existant life...

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