Thursday, May 25

Hahah I found away around the schools stupid internet cookies thing. GO ME! *takes time to dance* yea so okay I'm not in 3D art right now, there's nothing to do now that I'm done with all of my projects. But yea, I've practically lived in this library for the week working on projects. My bio desert project, my choir sight reading project, my german Auschwitz project, and then my STC women of music project. Ugh it sucks. I've never had this many projects, it's sad. No really, it is. You should cry for me. Oh well. Hmmm. I've checked out of all of my classes, I mean we're not doing anything right? Right! I mean today in math, I've heard that we're gonna color, and I have to take that final, but I'm just gonna B.S. the thing and take a C in the class. Oh well, I'll just take an A.P. class. Hrrrmmm. Choir is retarded now that all the auditions are over with and the only choir left to be posted is Show Choir, I didn't even try out so yea I'm done. Drama is done with basically and German is to. Yeeeaaack. So where was I, sorry I spaced off. Working is pretty fun. I hate the cash register, it's sooo confusing and hectic. Soo many buttons and screens. But I like making drinks, you should come in and I'll make you a Carmel Latte or an I.C. mocha. Yummy! Okay so this is the end of my rant, blah blah blah back to boredom.

~Until Then

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