Saturday, September 2

I quit my job at Panera last night. I was so fed up with doing dishes, all the time. Everytime I would walk into work, I wouldn't even have to check the assignment sheet to see where I was scheduled. If there was a gigantic pile of dishes and trays in the back, then I new that I was on dishes, as normal. I was starting to get fed up with Panera. The entire summer I probably averaged 3 days a week at Panera. Out of the summer, I was on cash reg. 4 times. You do the math, that's an ass load of dishes.The last 3 times I went into Panera were unbearable. I teared up the 1st time when I saw I was on dishes, I was just mildly frusterated, the 2nd time I came in I actually shed a few tears because I was angry, the final time I walked into Panera as an associate, I broke down and became red in the face. After doing a trash run, I sat down outside and cryed for 10 minutes. Not becuase I was sad, because I was overly frusterated and mad at my Boss. I then called my dad and asked if I could resign from my job. He said that I had his approval. I then preceeded to tell my manager. I coudl barely expalin to him why I wanted to quit without crying. He told me why I was never on cash reg. It's because somehow my drawer was always off by a few cents the 4 times I worked cash reg. That furiated me! Why can't you tell me that?!?!?! Then just have me focus a little bit more on what I'm doing. He gave me a paper and then I wrote down why I wanted to quit. "While working for Panera, I have always seemed to find self in Back of House doing the multitude of dishes. People who have worked here longer than me have said themselves that they have never done dishes. When I began working for Panera, they said that they were an Equal Oppourtunity employeer. What I've experienced while working for Panera definantly was not equal oppourunity. If I was doing something wrong while working up front, I would have like to have known about it, not just be shut into the back, sent there only to clean up the mess that you've created. That's not how a company should function."
~Until Then

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