Monday, November 10

It takes me back

So this past Saturday I went and watched a dress rehearsal of my sister's mime show at Indian Hills. As I was sitting there for about 20 min before it all started, I was thinking (something that I try to do on occasion) and realized that this is where it all started for me 5 years ago. Sure I did some theatre stuff in 7th grade, but it wasn't until 8th grade when it really took off. I met Joanna, Thomas, Jordan, Mary, and Brittany during mimes. These people I still consider to be some of my close friends. I felt awesome hanging out with all of you and just creating a show. You guys were the basis to my theatre foundation for the rest of my secondary education. I felt like I fit in with you all, and that's something that I never really found any where else before. I was excited to see my sister up on the same stage where I was only a few years prior wearing mime white, a leotard and pants, with the same boxes from way back when. I was exited, this is where the rest of her life starts. That moment for me, defined everything. I really hope she gets everything that she can out of what she does.

The skits were cute, not thought provoking at all. There were some skits that were similar to the show that I did for Silent Majority. Chaotic Classroom, Tug oh' War, and a few others that I can't really recall off the top of my head. It was weird being back at Indian Hills at 9 am on a Saturday morning. I miss those days, what a blast. I was so proud of her when she was done, I really hope that she sticks with theatre and finds her own place.

~Until Then


Thomas Matysik said...

Again: God, Saturday mornings were great. Despite everything I've done since then - Baker's Dozen, plays, improv with Joe, the sketch show - there's never been anything quite like those all-day rehearsals.

I also liked how you mentioned that the skits were "not thought provoking at all" - I think that's the thing that really separates junior high mime from high school mime. I don't think "thought provoking" ever crossed my mind in the Silent Majority days. (Not that there's anything wrong with that - I still have fond memories of skits like "Virtual Reality" and "Plumber Trouble" that were less than thought provoking.)

Brit said...

I LOVED our ALL DAY dress rehearsals. where we blasted music, paintd and did some occasional rehearsing and then ate lunch together. and I so agree, its awesomw that we all found eachother soo early and our awkwardness and love(aww) has only expanded since!!!!!