Thursday, July 1


JohnnyDepp669: thats either funny or disturbing
tomamama29: what's that?
JohnnyDepp669: ok on my yoplait nouriche smoothie peach bottle it says contains live and active cultures
tomamama29: woah
JohnnyDepp669: yea
tomamama29: so there is a living culture in your smoothie
tomamama29: you're eating culture.
JohnnyDepp669: yep and there active
JohnnyDepp669: they gave me a stomach ache
JohnnyDepp669: yea but i think its funny how they say it on the bottle
tomamama29: "your drink is alive!"
JohnnyDepp669: lol
tomamama29: "do not expose drink to high levels of radiation! this wil result in super yogurt!"
JohnnyDepp669: hahaha
JohnnyDepp669: thats great

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